Snowballs and Revenge

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The next morning Edelweiss pulled Fred and George aside for a quick chat.
    "Do you two still have the Marauder's Map?" She asked cutting to the chase and the redheads exchanged a glance.
    "Yeah we do. Why do you need it?" They asked in sync and she nodded,
    "Until this Chamber business is wrapped up, I want to keep an eye on everything. For all I know Voldemort could be hiding under Lockhart's hair." She said with a scoff before realizing what she just admitted to the twins.
    "YOU-KNOW-WHO?" George shouted and Edelweiss clapped her hands over his mouth.
    "Shut-it. Do you two know where the Room of Requirement is?" She asked ignoring the boys' pale faces.
    "No, where is it? I've never seen a room like that on the map." Fred said regaining his senses the quickest.
    "Fine then tonight at midnight use the map to follow where I go." She said before spinning on her heel and leaving the twins in a state of shock.

At midnight the boys arrived at the Room Of Requirement and were stunned to find the little cozy library set up in it.
    "What is this place?" Fred asked, placing himself in a beanbag chair next to the fireplace, across from his best female friend.
    "This is the Room Of Requirement. I spent the night here last night after the Baron mentioned it to me. It's the best place to talk." She said flipping through her copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
    "Are you going to stop flitting through your book and tell us what in the bloody hell you meant talking about You-Know-Who?" George asked sitting in the beanbag chair with her. She lifted her legs over his and placed the book down.
    "Harry didn't kill Vol-" Fred cut her off,
    "Don't say it." She groaned.
    "You-Know-Who, he did disappear though. Somehow he managed to find his way to one Quirinus Quirrell. Our very own DADA professor, and that day last year when Harry fought him, he was actually fighting V- You-Know-Who, who was on the back of Quirrell's head under the turban." She explained and the twins yet again paled, making their freckles stand out more.
     "He's gonna kill us." Fred said seemingly terrified. Edelweiss sat up and waved her hand in front of George's face.
    "Why's that?" She asked concernedly when it took a minute for George to snap out of it.
    "We threw snowballs at Quirrell's turban during the winter last year." Fred gulped.
    "He's going to come back for revenge isn't he?" Edelweiss laughed.
    "You bloody idiots! He's not going to come back to get revenge even if he did there's a whole mountain he's got to dish out first before he gets to you." She said still giggling. The boys relaxed and began to laugh with her. They talked for a while afterwards about the twins' most recent pranks and Edelweiss promised to tell them some Filch stories once she'd had the chance to talk to the Baron again. They fell asleep and the next morning Fred woke up first to find his brother and best friend curled up on the beanbag with Edelweiss in his arms.
    "If only I could take a picture of this with Dad's old muggle device." He muttered to himself. A small camera appeared on the table on top of Edelweiss's book. With a big grin plastered on his face he snapped a few pictures of the sleeping pair before pocketing the device and shouting, "Sorunus." He tapped his throat with his wand. "Wakey! Wakey! We're gonna be late for breakfast if you two keep sleeping!" The once sleeping couple jumped in shock at the impossibly loud voice.
    "Merlin's beard Fred! What the bloody hell was that for?" George shouted rubbing his chest from where Edelweiss had whacked him in her panic.
    "We're going to be late for breakfast and we have a prank planned, it's going to be bigger than those pixies!" Fred said excitedly.
    "So that was you two. The classroom was a mess afterwards. I heard poor Longbottom was hanging from the chandelier." She said in an almost strict voice. "But I have to admit is was a good prank. And anything to mess with Lockhart is welcome. The prat thinks he knows better than me, he can barely cast a jinx." She scoffed standing up and dusting herself off.
    "Well we'll make that our goal this year. Who can prank Lockhart the most." George said with a grin.
    "I'll happily assist if you need it." She said as they made their way down to the Great Hall. "Oh and I never did get to apologize to you for Draco's comments, the boy was raised to behave a certain way and I can't shatter that habit." She said and George swung an arm over her shoulders.
    "So long as he's free game for pranks we couldn't care less." Edelweiss laughed as they arrived at the hall.
    "By all means go ahead, it'll teach him a lesson." She allowed and the twins high fived.
    "See ya." Fred said as the two made their way over to the Gryffindor table while Edelweiss sat at the Slytherin next to Gemma Farley, with whom she struck up a conversation.

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