Ghosts, Hats and Birds

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Despite the information her uncle's passed on nothing happened during the period of time in which Dumbledore was missing from the castle. The information of the true monster of Slytherin was disregarded, and ignored, leaving Edelweiss to wonder how competent the Ministry of Magic was. If they were incapable of researching what a Basilisk was since she had provided the name of the creature.

Then suddenly the teachers announced that exams would be cancelled and everyone must return to their common rooms. She obeyed, knowing there was nothing she could do, that was, until the Baron floated in front of her.
"Little serpent, I have a few things to tell you." He said and led her away into a side corridor.
"What's wrong Baron? What is happening?" She rapid-fire questioned.
"Calm down. I needed to tell you that your little weasel friend, the girl, went into the Chamber. Peeves heard it from the girl who had been killed in the bathroom." Edelweiss's eyes widened,
"When?" She questioned her body language screaming tense with cold fury.
"Around an hour ago. The girl told Peeves, the Weasley girl was covered in red paint, I can only presume from writing the message on the wall regarding her 'kidnapping.'" Baron explained floating next to the Slytherin girl as she glided towards the potion master's chamber.
"Thank you for telling me Baron, I took responsibility for Ginny when the twins asked, I have to find a way to help her." Edelweiss arrived at Severus's chamber and waited for him to arrive. When he did the Baron made his way out leaving the uncle and niece to discuss.
"I presume you've somehow heard what's going on." Severus said, Edelweiss nodded.
"I need to do something. I can't just do nothing and wait for them, did Dumbledore leave anything? He's always made sure there's something to help Harry when he's involved with Tom Riddle." She said, her tone not even offering a chance for a debate.
"I hope I don't have to tell you what this is?" Severus said, holding a small vial out to her. Edelweiss took the vial and looked at the purple contents.
"Sleeping Draught?" Severus gave the girl a small nod.
"Correct. " He asked the stunned girl.
"Yes, this just takes ages to make, why are you giving it to me?" Edelweiss asked, blinking at him.
"Yes, because you may need it for that Weasley girl you are so attached to." He said, scoffing slightly at the mention of the family.
"Thank you, you're going to have to teach me how to make this over the summer you know." She said heading for the door, grinning at her uncle.
"I presumed so." He said, "Oh and the password is Fizzing Whizbee." He said and Edelweiss nobbed.
"See you in a bit." Severus watched as his niece ran off towards the headmaster's office. Edelweiss once she had arrived in Dumbledore's office looked around for something that could help Harry.

A soft croon interrupted her frantic search, and she spun around to see Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, the Sorting Hat clutched in his talons. "Fawkes? What do you want me to do with the Sorting Hat?" The bird flapped its wings and deposited the hat on Edelweiss's head.
    "So Ms. Prince, it's been a while. I didn't quite expect to get to talk to you again. My decision to place you in Slytherin was unquestionable, why are you here?" The hat asked her, it's voice reverberating in her mind.
    "I'm not here for myself, I need to help Harry, Fawkes offered me you. Is there something you can do to help him?" She questioned, speaking aloud despite the hat's ability to read her thoughts.
    "I can't but if Harry is brave enough he can use me. Though I am curious as to why you are going out of your way to help him." It said, and Edelweiss grinned.
    "Perfect, you can help him. Harry is brave, more than brave enough to meet your standards. I'm helping my little brother because someday the world will ride on his shoulders, and until then I'm more than willing to carry that burden for him." She explained to the Sorting Hat ripping it off her head as she ran to the Chamber's entrance. "Sorry." Fawkes landed on her shoulder as she arrived in the ghost girl's bathroom.

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