Sharing Secrets

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Edelweiss laughed.
    "I have many secrets Ginny." The redhead looked at her,
    "Do Fred and George know them?" She asked the older girl who shook her head.
    "Not all of them, they know me well enough to know not to question it though. However, my uncle knows almost all of my secrets, the type of things that affect the people around me. Fred and George know how they affect me and when I'm hiding something that relates to how I'm feeling that's why I consider them to know me best. My uncle barely knows me, not that I can blame him, I'm the living embodiment of his little sister and the man he hated." Edelweiss said with a sigh causing Ginny's eyebrows to go up.
    "You don't talk to Fred and George about everything?" Ginny seemed shocked.
    "No, as much as I would like to, there are a lot on uncertain elements in my secrets, things that could get them hurt, mainly because they go looking for trouble." Edelweiss sighed, "I don't want them to get dragged into my affairs when I can keep them out of it." She explained to the stunned redhead.
    "You said that I shouldn't bottle up my emotions, but isn't that what you are doing?" The first year asked, and Edelweiss smiled at her.
    "My point exactly, for me when my repressed emotions eventually explode I plan to use it to achieve my goal. But you don't. You have a choice, you don't need to bottle everything up." She said, sipping her cider.
    "That doesn't make sense, what is your goal? Why do you have to bottle it all up to achieve your goal?" Ginny questioned, beginning to perk up from her sulking mood.
    "How about this? I'll tell you my secrets but in exchange you'll talk to me." Edelweiss proposed, and Ginny shut down again.
    "Why? Why do you want to know my secrets?" Edelweiss laughed, confusing Ginny.
    "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Ginny if there's anything I know it's that when you have secrets you don't truly trust anyone not to say anything." She said and the younger girl understood.
    "I still don't really understand why you wanted to come talk to me?" Ginny asked and Edelweiss sipped her cider.
    "What do you say we make an Unbreakable Vow. I will swear to share my secrets with you in exchange you, whenever you wish, will share your secrets with me, and neither of us will reveal the other's secrets." Edelweiss suggested, "And I'm not trying to trick you or anything, I do remember your brothers doing that to Ronald once. You know the consequences of breaking a Vow." She mentioned and Ginny looked shocked, then thoughtful.
    "We'd need a third party." She said and Edelweiss smiled.
"I have one. Dobby, would you mind helping me for a moment?" She called and the elf appeared behind the counter with a crack.
    "Miss Prince, what can Dobby help you with?" He asked excitedly.
    "Can you witness our Unbreakable Vow?" She asked and Dobby's eyes widened but he agreed.
    "Of course, Dobby would do anything for Miss Prince." He said with a little bow. Ginny and Edelweiss took a step back from the counter, just enough so that Dobby would be able to place the wand. Edelweiss handed her wand to Dobby and extended her hand to Ginny who took it after a moment's hesitation.
    "Do you swear to talk to me when you please and to keep my secrets unless I ask otherwise?" Edelweiss asked and a rope of fire extended from Edelweiss's wand encircling their hands.
    "I do. Do you swear to keep anything I tell you confidential, unless I give you permission?" Ginny asked her voice quiet.
    "I will." Edelweiss swore and it was done. Edelweiss let out a deep breath. "Well that was interesting. Thank you Dobby." She said to the house-elf who handed her wand back to her.
    "It is always a pleasure to be of service Miss Prince." He said disappearing with a crack. 
    "Now, let's get going shall we?" Edelweiss said and she took Ginny's hand and led her out of the kitchens.
    "Where are we going?" Ginny asked her and Edelweiss smiled.
    "Somewhere secret. The Room Of Requirement. This does count as a secret, but you can tell others or use it if you want to." She said to the redhead. "Oh I almost forgot abscondam, abscondam." She cast the invisibility spell over them both. Eventually they made it to the Room Of Requirement, it opened to the same room Edelweiss had visited with the twins a while before. "So where do you want me to start?" Edelweiss asked the redheaded girl.
    "Uh... just the beginning." She said and Edelweiss sighed.

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