Valentine's Day

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    "Uncle Sev, I figured out what's in the Chamber." She slammed Newt Scamander's book down on the table the page on the Basilisk staring up at him.
    "A basilisk?" He questioned, and she sighed.
    "The stare of a Basilisk typically causes death, but none of the victims could have seen it directly. The Creevy boy must have been looking through that camera he always carried around, and the Hufflepuff had to have seen it through Sir Nicholas, since you can't really kill a ghost, he went into that comatose state." Edelweiss explained and Severus's eyes widened.
    "How would it be getting around? Someone would notice a giant serpent roaming the corridors." He said setting the book down.
    "I don't know but however its happening we have to find a way to stop it. It could kill someone again." Severus's head snapped up to stare at her.
    "Absolutely not, you will return to your studies, I will inform Dumbledore and he and the rest of the teachers will take care of this. You are not to risk yourself." He commanded and she winced.
    "Fine, I won't go chasing after it, but if it comes down to it I will fight." She said and he sighed.
    "This is a dangerous creature, far more so than the others you've studied." He warned resignedly. She made her way over to the door,
    "You know I'll be careful Uncle Sev." She closed the door behind her and he sighed again.
    "It's not you being careful that I'm worried about." He muttered, not that she heard.

As Valentine's Day arrived, Edelweiss received many cards, and lots of little gifts. She politely accepted them all, even the embarrassing singing one. As she sat down in Potions with her Undetectable Endless Extension bag, Penelope came over.
    "Lots of admirers Del?" She teased the younger girl and Edelweiss sighed.
    "At this rate my endless extension charm won't hold out. Who'd have thought that a Slytherin would be so popular with the other houses? Half of these are from 3rd year Gryffindor boys." She shivered, "I suppose you got a gift from your secret boyfriend." Edelweiss commented, making Penelope blush.
    "Yes, he gave me a box of chocolates and a rose. He's always so thoughtful, the rose is my favorite flower." The Ravenclaw had a wide smile on her face, but Edelweiss scoffed.
    "Of course it is so unusual to give one's girlfriend a rose on Valentine's Day." Penelope winced,
    "I'm just going to enjoy what I have while I have it. You should too, I heard you got a singing Valentine. Do you know who it was from?" Penelope asked and Edelweiss shook her head,
    "No I don't but if they are interested in me then they are just going to have to wait, I've got things to do before I start looking for a relationship."
    "You really should have a little bit of fun, I mean, not a serious relationship just a few dates or something." Penelope suggested, causing Edelweiss to sigh.
    "That I can't do," She said and Penelope looked at her confused.
    "Why?" She questioned and Edelweiss winced.    
    "I'm a pureblood Slytherin, and although I don't have the same values I do have to be careful with what I do and how I act, I get away with a lot of things because I'm considered a genius and they don't want to offend my uncle." Penelope wilted,
    "I forgot, speaking of your uncle you never talk about him. What's he like?" Edelweiss laughed, seeing as he was sitting at his desk in front of them.
    "He's a little rough around the edges but he's a good person, he didn't know too much about raising a child, much less a girl, but to be fair I wasn't the most normal witch growing up. He did albeit unwilling let me help out when he was brewing potions a lot. He's more than likely the reason I'm so good at it." Out of the corner of her eye Edelweiss could see Severus's lip twitch.
    "Well if you ever have some free time over the summer you two are welcome to come to dinner at my house. My parents love company, they've sucked every last drop of information about our world out of Percy. They've been desperate to meet you, especially after I told them how you skipped two years of classes." Penelope offered making Edelweiss laugh.

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