Petrifications and Pushovers

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The next morning when Fred and George arrived they found the two girls cuddled up together in the bean bag, in the same way Fred had found Edelweiss and George a few months prior. The twins carefully shook Edelweiss awake and she in turn woke Ginny. The siblings returned to the Gryffindor tower to prepare for the Quidditch game. The upcoming match was Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor and most of the students were excited for a distraction from what had been going on inside the castle. However, it was only just before match time that the school went into lockdown and Edelweiss learned that Hermione and Penelope were petrified. Edelweiss visited the infirmary and learned that both girls had been found with a mirror next to them. Along the way she overheard Harry and Ron, making plans to visit Hagrid despite the new curfew.

That night she transformed into her Animagus form and slipped into Hagrid's hut cuddling with Fang, who decided to give her a slobber bath, much to her resigned disgust. Edelweiss could tell Hagrid was nervous, mainly due to the crossbow he was clutching so desperately. The knock on the door sounded and Fang thumped his tail when Harry and Ron entered, Hagrid was surprised but he let the two boys in. However before they can ask much of Hagrid there was a knock at the door.

Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic himself, Cornelius Fudge, entered the small hut.
    "Hagrid, I'm sorry about this, bad business happening, four attacks, after last time, the Ministry's got to do something." The minister looked both sad and nervous at the same time.
    "But... it wasn'... I 'aven't... di'n't do it the firs' time." Hagrid stammered, Dumbledore glared at the Minister.
    "Minister, Hagrid has my full trust." He said, his all-seeing blue eyes practically peering into the uncomfortable minister's soul.
    "I'm sorry Albus, but the ministry doesn't have a choice. I've got to take him." Cornelius said, still looking nervous. Another knock on the door let Lucius Malfoy into the small hut.
    "Ah Minister I see you are already here." He said with an edge of disgust in his voice only noticeable to Edelweiss.
    "What 're you doin' 'ere? Get outta my house!" Hagrid snapped and Lucius sneered.
    "You call this a house? I'm here because I was told this was where the Headmaster was." He said and Dumbledore gave him a cold look.
"And you needed me for something?" Dumbledore asked.
"A terrible thing. The governors have decided that your presence at Hogwarts is no longer needed. An Order of Suspension, signed by all 12 governors." Lucius didn't bother to hide his excitement. Cornelius looked horrified.
"Lucius this is by far the last thing we want right now!" He nearly shouted and Lucius gave him a small frown.
"But all of the 12 governors have signed already." He said, and Hagrid shouted.
"Probably cause ya threatened 'em all." Lucius grinned evilly. 
"But yer can't take Dumbledore, next thing you know there'll be killins'." Hagrid said, and Dumbledore hushed him.
"I wouldn't advise threatening Azkaban's guards like that." Hagrid paled behind his bushy beard.
Hagrid, calm down. Lucius if it is what the board requests then I will step down willingly, however I will tell you that I will only have truly left this school when there are none left who are loyal to me. Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Dumbledore said cryptically, his bespectacled eyes staring at the invisible Harry and Ron.
"If anyone wanted ter find out some stuff, all they'd have ter do is follow the spiders. That'd lead 'em right! Tha's all I'm sayin'." Edelweiss stood up in her fox form and Fang followed pawing at the door. Ron and Harry emerged from underneath the cloak,
"Hagrid's right with Dumbledore gone, there'll be an attack a day." Ron said, looking at Harry. They exchanged a glance, but put the cloak back on and returned to the castle.

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