04 | Arranged Love

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Four
Chapter Four | Arranged Love

Jimin slept like a child that night, like a child who stole their parents big blanket and huddled their small body in it.

He was sleeping soundly until he felt a hand tug on his blanket, and he jumps quickly. "No!" He yelps in self defense only to face Hoseok who rose an eyebrow with a small heart smile.

"Pretty omega," He chuckles dearly. "You've stolen my covers."

Jimin looks up with a small blush and giggles awkwardly, "O-oh, heh..yeah. Sorry," He squeaks, peeling his body from the blanket as Hoseok shakes his head, "You're clearly comfortable omega, it's alright. I have a quilt in the corner. It was Taehyungs fault for not lending you a cover."

Jimin blushes gently with a small nod, he Hoseok gets up with a squeak on the old oak on the bedroom floor, he gently padded his bare feet onto it as Jimin stared back, "What time do you reckon it being?"

"About 6," Hoseok hums. "It is dark out there, isn't it?" He hums, shrugging. "Maybe it'll confuse mother to let us sleep longer. I am sure as soon as I lay down she'll run in with her pots n' pans squawking like a birdie."

Jimin smiles as Hoseok walks torwards the spot he layed on, and as the alpha said, Jihyo was already by the door, only, she wasn't yelping like she usually did. She poked her head in, "Wake Taehyung and tell him to come to me," she says softly, with a burning iron bar she's heated over the flames of the fireplace. "You two can sleep until 7:30, stat."

Jihyo hums, "I've left you quilt written instructions on what to do today when Taehyung and I are not around, Beetle. As for you, Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon will take over the shop so guide the omega." She intructs as the elder alpha nods, shaking Taehyung who slept shirtless. Jihyo scoffs, "Does an alpha lack no respect for an omega in the room?" Jihyo rolled her eyes, before yanking Taehyung awake by his ears, causing the alpha to shout. "What!"

"Wake up, young man. What makes you think you are to sleep shirtless in a room with an..." and it echoed across the home. Jimin chuckles cutely as Hoseok looks out at the churches clock. "It's six. We have an hour and a half."

Jimin nods, immediately shoving his head into the silk pillows as Hoseok chuckles at the pretty omega.

Stupidly pretty.

"Mom!" Taehyung whined with a yawn as Jihyo brushed and waved his hair with the overheated iron she was carrying in attempt to cool it off. "Hush, Taehyung."

Taehyung frowns, "You have not even told me where we are heading!" He cries.

Jihyo sticks her tongue out as she focuses on a small strand of the alphas hair. "We are going to The Castle of the Jeons, Taehyung. I've ironed your best suit I washed yesterday."

"Now why on earth are we heading there, mama?" Taehyung genuinely wondered as Jihyo ignored her son, "Finished," She finally says, "Go to the living room and change, i've left it on the couch."

Taehyung nods as Jihyo walks off too, probably going to change aswell, the alpha frowns as he touched his hair, it was burning. His mother was great at everything but perming? The fumes of his own hair could sedate him.

Taehyung frowns as he pulls down his shorts and his pants up, then his button up and coat, he looks handsome. He knows he does.

He hums as he strolls into the kitchen and did not see his mother yet, he hums softly as he tugged his collar to make it much more comfortable, he sat down and waited patiently. Until his mother walked down with a pretty little dress that went below her knees, Taehyung smiled. "Pretty as always, mama."

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