15 | Mare

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen | Mare

"Are you kidding me? We can barely care for ourselves!" Jungkook shrieks when Taehyung and Jimin walked in with the baby.

Jimin frowns, rubbing the baby's soft hair. "He was abandoned, I couldn't leave him to die on a leaf!"

Jungkook sighs, resting his arm on his belly. "Jimin.." He trails off before he heard Seokjin cooing at the baby. He sighed. "Okay. But, he is YOUR baby. Yours."

Jimin nods, then smiles down at the small wiggling pup. Taehyung chuckles down at the squealing baby who shook his socked feet. It is so sad how senseless someone can be with an individuals life. Everyone deserves a chance to live.

So, they named the pup Jihoo. A small baby omega after Jimin changed his soiled diaper. (A rag. That is what they used.) The baby was clearly a bit ill but Jimin would make sure to keep in in check in the next town they skipped to. Bloodletting was an option considered by Namjoon but Jimin refused, he couldn't risk killing the small baby, especially when he was unsure if a pup could handle such a harsh procedure.

So, off they continued their journey to MD, where everything was okay.

Yet, as the group refused to think negatively, they knew what they all thought of.

They could not go to MD and expect it to be sunshine and rainbows.

Lets face it, the town they just stopped by is being populated by the fever and heading to maryland was nearly a boat ride from where they are, not to mention they are searching for the chesapeak bay. Where all the mosquitoes are, so what would be so different in MD then Quilt-Jui or Kwan-Ju..?

Their maesters.

So, they walked and walked, slept, drank and ate. Their supplies could last up to 2 months, which spared them time until they had to head to philadelphia.

The carriage was long left behind, so they had to sleep on the hard ground with the quilts they took off the chairs. So, at the moment, they sat around a campfire Seokjin made.

"I'm freezing." Yoongi says softly as he shook around the quilt, Jungkook frowns before taking his own off, and offering it to the omega besides him. "Take it, you are so thin. You clearly need more blankets and soup."

"I am? Look at Jimin. He looks like he starved himself." Yoongi frowns, wrapping his fingers around his own wrists as he eyes the anorexic looking omega who sat infront of him.

"I'm okay." Jimin says softly, shivering. "We are all starving. Alphas just tend to preserve fat."

Taehyung hums as he held the small baby in his arms. Jungkook sighs before reaching over and being handed the small baby who cooed quietly. "You're a cute one, aren't you?" The omega coos as the small pup wiggles. Jungkook smiled before sighing.

"Plans for tomorrow?" Namjoon asks before Jungkook hums. "We rest. Recharge, then at night we head west."

"That's good." Yoongi hums. "I like that idea."

They become silent before they hear Yoongi sigh once again, for the fourth time in the silent minutes. "What's on your mind, Yoongi?" Seokjin asks before Yoongi shrugs. "I miss dad."

Taehyung frowns, looking up at Yoongis face. A change within his features, not drastic but you could tell he was unhappy. Unhappy within his body, his mind, himself. Gulping, he looks off recalling what he saw Yoongi doing before their visit to Kwan-Ju. Before abandoning the carriage.

Taehyung walked in the carriage with saplings he grabbed from the trees to begin fires. He hums to himself, planning on placing them in the back where he found Yoongi and Hoseok having sex.

It didn't matter. Yoongi wasn't his anymore and his brother is allowed to do whatever he wants. He refused to let it bother him.

But, he hadn't thought about how the omega felt as he walked into the small space and opened the back door, and saw Yoongi, whom he assumed was out helping the others, crying to himself as he dug his nails into his belly.

"I'm heading to sleep." Jimin said softly, getting up before gesturing Jungkook to give him Jihoo. The pregnant omega pouts, handing him the newborn as Jimin quickly coos and presses kisses against the baby's head, walking off.

"he's going to be amazing with his own pups." Comments Jungkook. Taehyung nods, rubbing the back of his neck. "I think i'll head off to sleep with Jimin-"

"Admit it, bastard." Hoseok jokingly says as Taehyung frowns. "You fancy the omega."

"You're one to make the joke." Taehyung rolls his eyes before walking off, Hoseok frowns, tapping his thumb pads together awkwardly. "..S'was a joke."

"It's a calm night, ain't it?" Taehyung says before he saw Jimin quickly shuffle his shirt down, causing the baby to become startled and let out a cry.

"...what?" Taehyung asks confusedly, walking besides Jimin as the omega looks at him with big eyes. "Where you breast feeding him?"

"Y-yes." Jimin stutters, he's so embarrassed. Why?

Taehyung raises an eyebrow. "Why are you red?"

"B-because I don't have any milk." Jimin says, eyes filled with tears before bursting into them. "I-I can't feed him, the baby, and h-he can't eat anything else because he doesn't have teeth, he'll die!"

Taehyung frowns, "We are not to far from Kwan-Ju, Jimin. I can quickly go and steal milk from a goat atleast."

Jimin sniffles, nodding with puffy eyes. Taehyung stared at him with big eyes himself, acknowledging his pretty eyes, button nose, big lips. Such a pretty omega.

So, he stops himself before he could pop and boner to search for milk for his son.

Okay, so it wasn't so easy.

The same girl that let him into Kwan-Ju still had a grudge so he quickly resorted to sneaking into the farm, he stepped on a chicken, made it squack, but still got milk.

He got buckets of goats and cows milk, but leaving and going back was horrendous, his knees pained and the buckets where heavier then a hard-on, but he managed. So, when he got there he expected to hear ear piercing wails from the hungry baby, but nothing.

Instead, he saw Jimin feeding Jihoo milk as the mare stood besides him. Turns out the mare had been pregnant and still could lactate.

Taehyung swore the horse looked at him with a smug look. The same horse who was seconds away from being chopped and cooked by Taehyung.

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