27 | Weddings Disgrace

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Flower In The Impure River | Weddings Disgrace
Chapter Twenty-Seven

The marriage was arranged to the week after Taehyung attended the castle to speak with Yu-ol.

Jimin had one week.

That one week passed like a blink of an eye, and today, he woke up without Taehyung besides him. Who was currently getting dressed for his wedding day.

Turns out, the wedding had been planned ever since they traveled out of Quilt-Jui. It was all ready and all that they needed was the groom to return, and since the groom wasn't there yet, they postponed it.

He received a wedding invitation from Yu-ol, almost like a mock. He knew the woman still held the grudge against him, for running off, causing her to lose a member of her harem. He refused to ever tell Taehyung though, for he caused his father to get killed.

Jimin had to live with that.

Hoseok and Yoongi were going to the wedding, as for Jimin...he was unsure. He felt like he would be attending a funeral instead, maybe a funeral for his heart?

The only thing that urged Jimin to get up in the gloomy morning was Jihoo whos tiny leg suddenly kicked his nose. The omega cups his nose with a scowl than looks up at the pup, "You are one feisty omega, baby." he pouts, picking the baby up by his armpits. "You are going to cause so much trouble." he sighs softly.

The chubby baby gurgled with a small squeal as his mother lifts himself up, cradling the pup. "Are you awake because you miss daddy?" Jimin croons sadly. "I am." he answers to himself. "I miss him alot, baby."

Jihoo pouts, kicking his small feet before Jimin is startled by a knock on the bedroom he once shared with Taehyung. He looks over when Yoongi opened the door with a small smile. "..are you coming?"

"So early?" Jimin asks, and the omega shrugs. "It is not until 12. Though, right now we go to pray for their marriage and hear the word of the gods." he says.

"I'll take Ceria before the clock rings for the afternoon." Jimin says softly.

Ceria, his beloved horse. Who is not particularly his love, but is a comfort to have around.

"Alright." Yoongi smiles, a small button up covering his small frame, though it seemed to struggle on his belly because he is heavily pregnant. Carrying a baby girl, a maester confirmed. Jimin didn't have good clothing to attend a royal wedding, unsure of what he would wear, he found a shirt that Taehyung left in his now empty closet. Knowing that Jimins size small clothing would be too tight.

Jimin wasn't ready.

He started off as a mutt. A mutt who lived in the dung heaps and was stepped over my the rich. The mutt who was deemed to never live a good life, to die young, to die without leaving offspring.

Now, he had his son, Jihoo, and the pup growing inside of him who constantly scratched and kicked.

Alpha, he presumed.

He never really had hope. The only reason he continued was because he had a great fear of the unknown, but life truly is the unknown, isn't it?

You could fall inlove with someone in merely seconds.


They could leave you in merely seconds.

So, Jimins first stop to prepare for his sorrow was to go to Euns, who he had not visited in so long but was delighted to see his old friend, discovering Jungkook killed her father but she was more happy than sorrowful.

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