08 | Throwing Up Blood

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight | Throwing Up Blood

"Have you heard the talk of the yellow fever? It seems to be traveling. I fear it may hit Quilt-Jui." Jimin says as he placed the meat the alpha chopped up in water to broil them. Taehyung clears his throat and looks at the omega who stared attentively at the pot.

"Yes," Taehyung says, fishing his hands in and out of a bucket of water he got from the lake they bathe in. Jimin smiles, stirring the pot with a wooden spoon Soojin carved.

"I am afraid. But, the gods will protect Quilt-Jui, yes?" Jimin asks, continuing to stir as Taehyung turns to his side to fetch a cloth to dry his hands off.

"I'm unsure." Taehyung says softly, rubbing his hands around the cloth, drying off as Jimin hums, It beginned to get quiet in the hut. The omega disliked the quiet. Now that he lived in the home of the Kims he was panicked when it was quiet, the cold rustling of the trees reminded him of the alphas attempting to riddle him into entering the forest to touch on the unmated body.

Lack of spoken words and more heart races did something to you. One of them is being unable to sense discomfort or know what should or should not be said out loud.

"How did Min Yoongi take it when you finished on him?"

"Why must you know? Why do you speak so formally?" Taehyung immediately snaps after a long pause, a bit harsh on the omega and nearly mocking him on asking one to many questions.

Taehyung had to understand Jimin never really learned how to communicate other then begging and pleads.

Jimin cleared his throat with a small frown. "I apologize." He says after a while.

Taehyung sighs, putting his head down. "No, I am sorry. You're only trying to befriend me, omega. Look, don't ask to many questions when you feel like it's surpassed a boundary, yeah?"

Jimin nods, submitting as he stirred the pot. It became quiet, and Taehyung felt bad.

Jimin genuinely lived by doing what he's told to do.

"Omega," Taehyung calls. "You do not have to silence yourself. My ranking does not have to mean you must immediately listen."

"I apologize." He repeats again. "I feel bad."

Taehyung chuckles sadly, getting up as he towers over Jimin and grabbed the vegetables he was yet to get to. "I will chop these up, do whatever you please. I will not tell my mother."

Jimin nods, handing Taehyung the sharpened knife as he walks off and went out the door, the alpha knew he was going to bathe himself so he stuck to the wall and awaited until he could turn around and not accidently face an unmated omegas glory.

The talk of the yellow fever increased, everyday a new story coming out about a family suffering or dying due to it.

It was late summer and many of the villagers beginned shrugging it off because the winter was near.

Though it was worrisome that infected refugees that have fled the yellow fever epidemic where coming to philadelphia which is near Quilt-Jui, the towns people prayed.

Yoongi walked along with Hoseok who decided he'd leave early from the workshop once again due to the increase of mosquito bites. He groans as he felt his stomach grumble and turned to the omega beside him who had been blankly staring all day long, and Hoseok did not blame him.

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