05 | Honorifics

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Five
Chapter Five | Honorifics

The yellow fever is coming soon, the second one. Seek shelter soon, my mother does not believe in it but the priest has told me. Always trust the old man.

Bring your beloved, especially your mother and seek shelter into the kingdom when it breaks out. The hut you live in is near the river, it is much to dangerous. The mosquitos transport the virus.

With love, your possible groom.

Taehyung read the hand-written note Jungkook gave him, it was prettily written. Elegant. Royal, as the omega is.

He decided not to show his mother in a weak attempt to not startle her as she was much to busy helping Beetle sort out the medicine for the next omega that's in labor in town.

He sat on the stool of the kitchen table and hummed to himself as he watched Hoseok eye Jimin like a hawk. The alpha must've taken interest, but in all honesty, who wouldn't? Jimin is a pretty omega.

"Are you going to continue to gawk at that napkin, Kim Taehyung?" Jihyo asks her son when she finally turned around to face him, Jimin looked back and hummed at him with a risen eyebrow, sass.

"Do not, Beetle. I understand your sass but continue your work." Jihyo orders as Jimin sheepishly looks back at the medication he was stirring. Taehyung coughs and sighs, "Mother, about the-"

"Taehyung. I know Jungkooks mother, she is the queen and behaves like an animal." She says before crossing her arms. "Most definitely she'll forget and allow the marriage,"

"No, mother, that's not-"

"He's worried about Yoongi, ma'am." Jimin says softly as he continued to stare at the pan.

"Oh, are you now?" Jihyo says with an eyebrow risen. "Forget that omega. How are you sure he isn't being unfaithful with another alpha, Taehyung?"

"He..he wouldn't." Taehyung says softly before Jihyo hums, "Okay then, go along."

"...what?" Taehyung cocks his head.

"You are going to tell Yoongi you are going to marry Jungkook, are you not?" Jihyo asks before Hoseok chuckles as he chopped lamb meat, "Mother, with the lack of honorifics to the royal you are bound to get your head chopped off. You'll end up like father."

"That idiot." Jihyo tsked sadly, "What kind of idiot speaks unkindly of the royal infront of guards?"

"Father." Both Taehyung and Hoseok answer with a sad laugh.

Once Jimin was done stirring, he places the hot brew in a bowl. "It's finished, ma'am." He says softly as Jihyo nods. "Thank you Beetle, if you're hungry please do begin to skin the lamb Hoseok is chopping up."

"Yes, of course." Jimin says softly, looking off to the side as he approaches Hoseok. "Are there any carrots?"

"The soil is dry, Beetle. We are surviving off the meat Hoseok salvages." Jihyo says softly before Jimin nods, grabbing the lamb meat with his hands and begins to skin it, looking up at Hoseok who stared down with a goofy gaze, the omega giggled before Hoseok winks.

"Do not be a flirt, Hoseok." Jihyo scolds before Hoseok chuckles, Taehyung clears his throat. "This is my cue, mother. I have to tell Yoongi,"

"Are you ending it?"


Taehyung frowns, becoming dreadful. He loved Yoongi, he didn't want to end his relationship. But would it work when he's the spouse of the prince of Quilt-Jui?

He's unsure. No, his heart is unsure.

"Uhm, yes. I'll see." Taehyung says softly. "Be safe, Taehyung. Pester ol' Katzinsky for me so he can give you vegetables."

"I see you fancy him." Taehyung teases, "He's unmarried." Jihyo says, nonchalant.

The walk to the church is long from the hut, it always made Taehyungs feet hurt but he always walked to it.

Though his heart hurt at the thought of leaving Yoongi, he was almost certain it had to happen. He knew the omega would begin to cry and beg, but he's the alpha, he has to be composed.

So, it was a surpise when he saw Yoongi infront of the church, playing of his shorts prettily. Everything he has is pretty, his gaze, his puckered lips, his full cheeks, and oh god, is Taehyung going to cry?

"Hello." Taehyung salutes when he stood infront of the omega, who immediately gained a cheeky smile. He missed his boyfriend so much, and he was over the small argument they had.

"Hi, Taehyung." Yoongi smiles, standing up to kiss him before Taehyung turned his head, looking off with glossy eyes.

"Wh...what's wrong, my love?" Yoongi asks softly, his pearl bracelet clashing with the stone he made. Taehyung is definitely going to cry, he's going to break this doll because of his mothers greed.

"Yoongi," The alpha beginned, "I am going to marry Prince Jungkook." He says softly, remembering the honorifics because Yoongi respected the family greatly.

"W-what?" Yoongi whimpers, he felt like it was a punch. "No you're not," He giggles desperately, hoping Taehyung breaks into a smile but he didn't. That's when Yoongi tears up. "No you are not!" He cries.

Taehyung frowns as he felt Yoongi claw and shake him desperately. He begins to plead. "N-no, Taehyung please, what happened to your promises?? W-we were going to marry, have pups, I want to give your pups, p-please, Taehyung! I'll let you have sex with me, ple-please." Yoongi cries in pleads before Taehyung grabs his shaky wrist in shock.

"You mean more to me than sex, Min Yoongi." Taehyung says with a soft gaze at Yoongi, who sobs. "This isn't my decision."

"L-lets runaway, please." Yoongi cries, kitten-like eyes, wet with tears.

"No, love." Taehyung chuckles softly. teary eyed as he stared down at Yoongi who only worsens his sobs.

Taehyung lets Yoongi cry on his chest as he rubbed his back, knowing it'll be one of the last moments in a relationship with Yoongi. He hopes he'll become friends with the omega.

It was long, about 10 minutes of Yoongis long sobs, but he finally quiet down. Realizing no matter how much he cried, things won't change. He pulls away from Taehyung and wipes his tears, looking up with a frown as the alpha gives him a small smile.

"S-so it's over?" Yoongi asks softly as Taehyung nods, "Yeah, baby." He says quietly.

Yoongi nods, standing there awkardly, still sniffling. He looks up and nods, giving Taehyung a small smile, he was about to go back into the building until a huge outbreak occured, all the members of the church running out.

"Emergency, please! The priest has fallen! The fever! He was correct, aids! Maidens!"

happy 2020.

reminder, VMIN & YOONSEOK is endgame
The ships that happen right now are not the ending ship.

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