24 | Dancing Moon, Dancing Mates

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Flower In The Impure River | Dancing Moon, Dancing Mates
Chapter Twenty-Four

"How are you feeling, Hoseok?" Yoongi asks softly as he lifted himself off the mattress. He had woken up after a few hours of sleeping, turned to nuzzle into the alpha that was missing next to him. He had panicked, believing Hoseok had gone out to do something stupid but instead saw his silhouette at the window, the moons light highlighting his features.

The alphas shoulders visibly lower as he sighs, looking off to the omega. "I...I feel sad." he says in a murmur, he didn't want to cry. He didn't want to seem vunrable infront of the omega he is trying to woo. Yoongi bites his lip as he lifts his bum up and crawls out of bed to join Hoseok at staring at the moon. He makes his way to the alpha and stands besides him, hand on his lower back

"My mom loved watching the moon after my dad died." Hoseok says softly, Yoongi coos as the alpha sighs, looking longingly. "Let's go outside." The omega proposes.

"Are you sure? It's chilly." Hoseok frowns as the omega nuzzles his head on his nape, scenting him. "You keep me warm." He croons. The alpha chuckles and nods, "We have to be quiet though, I believe Taehyung and Jimin are sleeping. One creak and Jihoo will be wailing like a chicken at 5 in the morning."

Yoongi nods with a quiet giggle as he heads torwards the door, and opens it. This quarantine was boring and they've only been back for 5 hours. They both step out and rush down the stairs as if something chases them, but they did it stealthily. No noise at all.

Yoongi smiles as he drags Hoseok out of the door by his wrist. "Alpha." He quietly calls as the man makes his way out with the omega. "Yes?" He quietly answers back. "Dance with me."

Hoseok stumbles on his feet as he slowly closes his door, he then chuckles a little louder than he would of in the house. "What?"

"Dance!" Yoongi smiles, swaying his hips before the alpha held his hips. "I thought we were going to watch the moon, baby?"

"We can." the omega murmurs, reaching up to brush the alphas hair. "We can also dance with the moon."

Hoseok laughs, "Dance...with the moon?"

Yoongi nods, holding onto the alphas hips as he begins to sway his body. Hoseok smiles and mimicked his actions, the two begining to dance at the sound of eachothers heart beats.

They slowly swayed their hips, humming into eachothers necks. Yoongi closes his eyes and for a moment, he felt happy. He was happy. The situation was difficult but he felt happy. He was in love.

"Hoseok-ie." Yoongi croons, and the alpha hums.

"I think I am in love with you." The omega says quietly, softly pressing his palm on the alphas nape after strolling it up from his hips. Hoseok smiles, pulling himself off as he looks down at Yoongi. "I am in love with you, omega."

Hoseok cheekily smiles before recieving a warm one back from the omega. He leans over and presses a kiss against Yoongis plush lips, causing the smaller male to flinch but quickly warm up to the touch. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you, Hoseok."

"Que sera, sera." Hoseok mimicked before the omega chuckles. "Yoongi. I have been thinking... I really want to mate you."

"M-mate?" Yoongi gasps a bit.

The alpha nods with a fond smile.

"Hoseok- Th..that's like a marriage proposal! How are you sure?" The omega asks before Hoseok chuckles. "I simply am. I love you, i've never felt this way before. Only with you."

Yoongi smiles, then looks down. "Hoseok...before we go through with things, I have to tell you something."

The alpha frowns, "whats wrong, doll? Did you do something bad?"

Yoongi frowns, looking off. "...is conceiving a baby bad?" he murmurs. Hoseok gasps, "no!" he cries. "How could that ever be bad??"

Yoongi looks at him with big eyes before the alpha looks at him with big eyes, he chuckles. "You're...pregnant?"

"I..I only found out when we came home. I had to use the toilet so much in the past few hours and I missed my heat. It could only make sense." Yoongi smiles. "It's comfirmed because I gained 4 pounds, which is clearly baby gain because..well, we basically starved on our trip."

"Wow, you're pregnant and so is Jimin? How coincidental is that?" He chuckles.

Yoongi giggles, "Our little pups are going to be troublesome."

"Ours." Hoseok murmurs. "I love sharing.."

The omega smiles and then looks off at the moon. "Look, Hoseok." He points up at the shooting star. "Make a wish."

Hoseok smiles, closing his eyes. I wish to protect my omega and our unborn pup. He wished. He knows no matter what, his omega will be alright. Along with his children.

Jimin woke up with a headache.

He whines as he held onto his head, and looked over to see Taehyung still asleep with Jihoo on his chest. The omega sighs as the baby laid with wide eyes, knowing that the sneaky pup was contemplating on whether or not to scream his lungs out for attention or to go back to sleep. Jimin reached over and grabs the small baby who squeals at his mamas touch, which had caused Taehyung to stir himself awake at the missing pressure from his chest.

The omega sighs, looking off as he held Jihoo to his chest. The alpha groans as he shook the sleep off himself and then turns to Jimin, he gives out a small smile before the omega looks away.

"Oh, come on. You can't be mad anymore.." Taehyung sighs, the omegas scent spikes up.

"Not mad? Not. Mad? Taehyung, you mocked me and told me off when you could've kept it civil." Jimin growls as the alpha leans up with his elbow. "It was not that serious, Jimin. I took it as a pregnancy thing or simply being tired."

Jimin looks off with a frown. "I know you probably said it because you're sad. You're mourning your mothers death and adjusting to the life of being independent.." Jimin suddenly gets up, Jihoo latching onto his neck. "But you get to feel that. I don't. I don't have a mom or dad, Taehyung. Instead I had to cry to sleep, wondering why the fuck I don't get to have someone who cares about me and holds me when I cry. If anyone would know what you feel, I would. I would know. Stop taking me for granted because I was dung beetle, I am Park Jimin, that is what my name is."

"This isn't compare and contrast, Jimin." Taehyung murmurs.

The omega nods. "You're right." he says softly, looking off as Jihoo stairs at the two with big eyes. "Of course it isn't."

Taehyung growls, sitting back. "Geez. I never knew you could be so mad."

"It's because I can't take people taking me for granted anymore, Taehyung!" Jimin shouts, causing Jihoo to begin crying after he flinched. "I'm tired, okay? I know you are to. You need to think about how difficult this is for me." He cries. "The person I am in love with is going to marry another omega, do you understand how much that hurts me?"

Taehyung softened up at Jimins tears, slowly standing up as the omegas bursts into them. "I don't want us to end, Taehyung. I love you so much." He sobs.

The alpha was about to hug him before being pushed away. Jimin looks at him with big teary eyes. "I need time." he says softly, before walking out the bedroom.

notice how jimin cussed (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
anyways hiiiiiiii ppl how r u guys in quarantine and thoughts on da chap?

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