06 | Cold Death

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Six
Chapter Six | Cold Death

The priest passed away after 10 hours.

His sons, Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon cried. They where unable to stand next to their fathers death bed because they concluded it was the fever. It was contagious.

In the middle of the torrid summer days, on the day of the pastors funeral, it was cool. Many of the disciples called it a signal from god or the last signal from the pastor. Yoongi called it luck.

Many people visited the burial in respect for the Mins. Respect for their pastor. Everyone mourned for any death in the village, no matter what.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel his eyes glint with tears when he finally saw the casket lower six feet underneath the ground, this was the man who lived with him for months, who loved him. Who trusted him with his son.

Taehyung broke Yoongis heart before his fathers death broke his spirit.

Taehyung was happy the old man didn't suffer too much, he died almost immediately. He choked on his vomit during the preaching. The townspeople where clueless and thought he was exaggerating his words once again, he always did, but when he fell to the ground, he suffocated.

Taehyung prayed for a safe transition for the end of the pastors human life. He prayed he'd watch over Yoongi and forgive him for breaking Yoongis heart.

Yoongi had to be escorted out because of how his intense sobbing turned into incoherent screaming, he was yelling at himself, at god, at Taehyung, at his brothers, at everyone.

Nobody faced Taehyung after Yoongis scene. They heard that Taehyung hurt him, broke him.

It wasn't much help that The Jeons where here either, with Jihyo speaking to Queen Yu-ol about the marriage, it became evident to everyone that Taehyung hurt Yoongi in that way.

So, the alpha sat at a table with a hand-written prayer for the pastor. He sat there alone, upset. Hoseok would've noticed if he wasn't busy oogling Jimin.

Until Jungkook came over, and sat down.

Taehyung looked up with a frown and looked at the omega, who smiled sadly at him. "Are you okay, Taehyung?"

Taehyung shrugs. "Our possible engagement ruined my relationship." He murmured, "Are you?"

"Yes," Jungkook says softly, "Taehyung..I want to tell you if you wish to keep our marriage platonic I am perfectly okay with it. My mother and father kept their marriage platonic until my mother got my father pregnant with Byeong."

Taehyung shrugs, not baring an eye at the omega. Jungkook sighs, "Look, I am sorry. I wish I would not intervene in your relationship with Yoongi."

"Thank you, that changes everything." Taehyung rolls his eyes.

Jungkook chuckles at the alpha, he didn't mind the drop in honorifics, he liked being treated like a normal person. Not getting his ass kissed every second of the day.

Taehyung sighs, playing with the cloth of the table. "You know what is so terrible?"

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, Taehyung continues, "That even if Yoongi wants to be away from me, he has no other place to go other than my mother and I since his father is no longer here to support him. He is only 16, afterall."

"His brothers? Are they not going to live with you?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, they are too but they work nearly all day. So, it's likely they'll just come to the hut to sleep."

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