14 | Blue Stitched Jammy Top

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen | Blue Stitched Jammy Top

Weeks go by and the awkward tension between the group does not fade. Though, the supplies did.

Nine weeks into the journey to getting to good ol' MD and Jungkook has eaten half of the supplies, and his tummy was getting bigger as he fluttered with pregnancy.

Now, that's good for him but not ideal for the others. As they struggle to make it to Kwan-Ju Village carrying a large starved horse they couldn't even ride, they were incredibly hungry and sleeping on bare soil didn't help, it was confirmed bad when they caught Yoongi digging through the dirt fisting to find worms to eat.

Though, as the cold, hungry and short tempered teens made their way into the first stop, they noticed to black swans silence, Taehyung.

The alpha walked through the forest silently as Jimin roamed around besides him picking up small flowers and stuffing them into his mouth, he'd offer Taehyung but the alpha grumpily declined, he wanted to eat the damn horse, not some lilies the omega found. The issue was that Jimin had grown attached to the old thing. It'll die anyways, so why not allow it to suffer any longer?

It begins to become dark in the forest until Yoongi squeaks. "There it is, ey! The town." He smiles, pointing his finger at the sign, Kwan-Ju Village.

Jimin smiles, tightening the bag he held over his shoulder as he approached the town. The omega was like a young child, innocence still existed within him so it came to a shock to him when the villagers gave him a look of distaste. He'd known he was not much older then the last time he visited but was he so relevant? Doubtful.

Due to Jimins excitement he was ahead of the entire crew, so when he walked to the gates of the village, he was immediately stopped by a female omega. "You, pest! How dare you show your face here once again!"

Jimin frowns, looking at the girl. He was not confrontational, only innocent. "T-that is unkind." he mumbles, she scoffs. "The last time you were here you stole from my sisters fruit stand. How pesky. Omegas like you shower in dungs, I should-"

"What's the hold up?" Taehyungs deep voice suddenly interrupted before the young brat looks up with a gulp, then fixes her composure as she twisted her hair. "W-well hello there." she greeted.

"Hello." Taehyung says, then looks back and counts everyone in the group. "We are all seven. Is there an entrance fee or are you guys old fashion?"

"Old f-fashion? Of course not! We are clean and of course it comes out with a cost, the kindness of our citizens." She blabbers before Taehyung shrugs. "I prefere old fashion."

She frowns, clearing her throat. "I-i...is he with you?" She asks. Taehyung smirks, he'd heard the rude remarks she made torwards Jimin and nodded, "Yes."

"I'm sorry, s..sir, he's banned. He's a mutt, he steals everything in sight." She says, groaning at her stuttering before Taehyung hums, then leans in to whisper in her ear. "That won't do, he is my mate."

Jimin confusedly watched as she crumbled when she heard what Taehyung said in her ear. She then defeatedly opened the gate to Kwan-Ju and the seven walked in, breathing in the new air.

"With the coins we've got we are to buy supplies as in, food, pistols, knives, and cloths." Jungkook says as he writes it down with a feather on his wrist. He then turns to the beta on this stand and mumbles a small thanks as he gave him back the quill. Namjoon hums, "Why cloths?" He asks curiously before Yoongi turns red.

"Well, it isn't a problem for me but it is for these two. We need em' for heat pads so we can reuse them. Jimin suffered for a good two days and soaked all his underwear. Can't have that happening again." Jungkook mumbles the last part before Jimin frowns, Taehyung hums, "I'll go with Jimin." He says as he walks off with the omega. "i'm not doing anything." He chuckles.

Jimin hums, "I-I don't think there's anything I can do.. I mean I stole everywhere here so I think it's better to be unseen.. you know?"

Taehyung nods, humming. "I don't think you should feel bad over it." He says with a small frown. "I mean, you were starving. It must've been tough."

Jimin nods, then lifts his shirt. It was almost back to the same state as when he was still dung beetle. Taehyung frowns, "You need something to eat, you become skinny to quickly.

"I wish I would gain weight more easily." Jimin sighed. looking off as he saw a maester walk out of a building, he hushes Taehyung before shoving him behind a tree.

Jimin watched tentively as he saw a man and a woman speak to one another. The omegas ear closed in as he heard the words he dreaded.

Yellow fever.

He listened closer and then finally piped into the conversation, "I dread the yellow fever will arrive here." The female beta says softly as the male beta sighs. "It already has, Suzzane. Towns just quiet on it to avoid panic, now quick, get the- oh god, where did the child go?"

Jimin gasps, seeing a third maester walk out with a small child in his hands. (Who seemed to be unwell.) and sighs. "He is here. This pup is no good, leave him behind the trees. The mother is already dead. Fever took the minx."

The female beta nodded as she picked the small pup up from the maesters arms and then walked torwards the direction as to where Jimin and Taehyung stood, the omega squeaks as he pushed the alpha back in a deeper attempt to hide himself as he watched the baby be placed on a leaf. His heart breaks, this is how it begins, this was how dung beetle beginned.

As the teenagers silently watched the woman walk away, the pup looked around gurgling to himself. Taehyung frowns, looking off. He knew where this was going when he saw Jimins big doe eyes. The omega looks left and right before scurrying and picking the small baby up. He doubts he would be able to live with himself if he left the pup there to die, so immediately after picking it up, he cooed with a small frown.

He then looks back at Taehyung with big eyes before the alpha chuckled with sigh. This situation was hard enough, but he didn't mind it becoming a bit more difficult if it meant helping someone, or so, a pups potential future.

The small baby wore blue stitched jammy top as he reached on its tiny fist to Taehyung when the pup had a glimpse of the alpha. Taehyung believes he has a bit of Chinese in him, but of course he is asian because Kwan-Ju was populated by asians. Though they are unsure, what they where sure of is that they'll care of this cute little pup. No matter what.


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