13 | Quiet Black Swan

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen | Quiet Black Swan

Betrayal was not uncommon in the lifetime of a human. It's what shapes you. Sure, it's unkind and disheartening but when you learn to deal with it, it comes and goes like a breeze.

Taehyung had never learnt how to deal with it, and Jimin never did either. So the two lashing out wasn't to out of the ordinary, with a ruckus bubbling up in the small carriage. "How could you do that, Yoongi??? To me! To Jimin!" Taehyung asks in genuine wonder, it did not make sense. None of this did.

As Hoseok and Yoongi rushed to tug their trousers back on, Jimin stared at them with teary eyes. His eyes slit so he'd avoid dropping the tears, he had never been confrontational so he decided he'd just walk off. He was probably emotional from his heat.

After Yoongi gets his shorts on before walking off. Taehyung looks back, "Had it been like this all the time? You had sex with him, him! You always said you weren't ready for me, but my brother?" Taehyung frowns. "You loved him the whole time, did you not?" He asks, now genuinely frowning before Yoongi grits his teeth. "Yes, Taehyung. I got close to you only to be near your brother." he growls.

Taehyung frowns, teary eyed before shoving Yoongi back, "My father always told me to never hit an omega, but you're no omega, you're a bitch!" He cried before bumping into Hoseok, and then punched him square in the face.

As it was stated, the Kims are never violent people. But when Hoseok was plowed on his chin, he pushes Taehyung back and escalated into a big fight.

"God fucking damnit; these idiots." Jungkook says as he pushed back Seokjin and Namjoon. "Come along, lets stop these pups." He grits his teeth before grabbing Taehyung and shoved him off Hoseok, Namjoon walks over him and holds him back before Seokjin did the favor and held Hoseok back.

"Christ." Jimin says softly, looking out the window. "One of them knocked the wine out of the cellar in the back room and it fell on the wheel!" He cried, walking out as he looks at the now torn wheel. How could a glass bottle cause so much impact? He stupidly pulls out the glass and immediately the wheel deflates.

"Look what you did, dumb shit!" Yoongi hisses before Jungkook slaps his point away. "Do not be cruel to him, after what you've done, you minx."

"Woah there, we don't need a cat fight." Namjoon chuckles before Yoongi growls, "Shut the fuck up!"

"Alright, alright." Seokjin rolls his eyes, "Arguing won't fix a damn thing."

That was enough to begin an entire ruckus again, everyone was arguing until they saw Taehyung walk off, not expecting the alpha to do so. (Especially after the whole ordeal with him and Hoseok.) He suddenly bursted into tears and walked out the carriage to catch some air, breathing in and out. Jimin looks back at him after the omega was quiet during the ruckus to whole time since he was outside. He walked torwards him. "Are you okay?" He asks, as much as he wanted to pity himself, Taehyung was more hurt.

"N-no, I should've never gone here. I wanna be here with my mom. You assholes are s-so fucking mean." Taehyung says the last part before breaking down into sobs. Jimin frowns, watching the alpha throw himself on the ground almost like a child and decided he'd join him. "It is okay." He says softly, before pressing his palm on his chest, his heart beat fast. "H-he never loved me." Taehyung says, beginning to pant. "O-oh my god, he never loved me."

"Taehyung..I asure you that was to spite you." Jimin says softly before the alpha shook his head. "I-I never treated him right. I-I want him back, so badly. He loves my brother, not me." He says, heart clenching in a way that made his whole body burn. The omega besides him heard the ruckus quiet down, but Taehyungs panicked breathing and sobs didn't.

Jimin let him cry before pressing his hand on his thigh, Taehyung shook it off, "P-p-p-p-pl-please d-don't tou-touch m-m-me." the alpha begs in a panic, crying harder, turning his head away. Jimin shook his head. "No, not when you are like this." He says softly, spreading his arms and wrapping them around Taehyung who let out long sobs, loud and long sobs. At this very moment the alpha felt as if the world fell apart on him, but it's almost like you're in your home, under a warm blanket as a storm of hail hits your windows. But you are here, you are not emotionally okay, but you are here, breathing and alive.

"It is okay." Jimin says softly, his arms still wrapped around the alpha, his head on his shoulder. "Are you going to be alright?" the omega asks gently, and Taehyung nods, locking eyes with him in midst of his second. "You are doing this because your mother wants you to. She wants you to live life, and in no time, the epidemic will come near Maryland. We need you, alpha. We need your bravery. We need to find a way to move on." Jimin says quietly, talking about both moving on to another place and about their relationships.

"Do you want to go back inside?" Jimin asks before Taehyung shrugged then shook his head. "I'm going to go take a piss, then i'll be back."

Jimin chuckles, before nodding and pats Taehyungs back before walking inside the carriage. The commotion was over yet it fell deathly silent in the car. Even the horse stopped neighing. Jimin clears his throat, taking a seat. "Was it worth it?" Jungkook suddenly asks before looking at Yoongi and Hoseok.

"What was?" Hoseok asks as Jungkook laughs. "The fact that you knocked something over during your small pup fight, ripped the tire and made Taehyung cry, like shit, he was full on sobbing. You also hurt Jimin."

"I was not the only one who did wrong!" He groans before Yoongi sighs. "I am sorry." He says quietly. "Truly, I should not have done what I did." He looks at Hoseok. "I've fancied you the whole time, Hoseok. That one is true. But, throughout it, I had not realized I would hurt your brother. Please do not side with me, I know you fancy me back but he is blood. Your blood. Your baby brother."

"The world is unkind, isn't it?" Namjoon asks rhetorically. "It started by our father dying and now we are just 7 horny teenagers walking by ourselves into the unknown. This carriage is going to become useless, we are less then 3 miles from Quilt Jui and the epidemic of the Yellow Fever will soon follow us. We must go on foot."

"Do you believe so?" Jungkook asks, and Namjoon nods. "We must go to another town so we can atleast read on updates in the newpapers. Get more supplies because we hogs have eaten alot in only 3 days." the alpha says quietly before snapping his knuckle. "Supplies are necessary in this one because, well... Jungkook is holding one of our children, Seokjin."

"I heard it is going to be 90 degrees on friday before we left. That must be worse for these virus, yes? It causes the ill to become more ill and the dead to rot quicker. I suppose dozens have died already." Seokjn spoke.

"It is awful." Jimin chimes in, then saw the heads turn to him. "Are you okay, doll?" Jungkook asks in his tender voice. Jimin smiles gently, "I will try. I am just not used to being upset."

"Upset? Weren't you upset when you lived on your own?" Jungkook asks as Jimin inhaled sharply. "As in, heartbreak, Jungkook."

The pregnant omega nods before sighing. "Where has Taehyung gone to?"

"He went to the bathroom, I suppose." Jimin says before hearing the carriage door click, and there stood Taehyung as he silently walked in and took a sit next to Jimin.

"Brother," Hoseok calls out before looking at Taehyung who inhaled sharply. "I am so sorry. I am in the wrong, and I should not have fought back because I deserved the hit."

Taehyung shrugs. "It is okay. I no longer care." He says, looking off as his curly hair faced the people in the back. Hoseok sighed, thus this was the beginning of a quiet black swan.

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