Chapter 6

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-Cato POV-
This story is in editing. I will be updating the new chapter with in the next few days.
I finally meet my prep team. A man name Lenom,a women name Frindery, and another man named Elelm. I hop in the shower and look at all the buttons. I finally find the 'on' button and sigh in relief. When the water hits me I shiver. The water is freezing. I look at the wall of buttons again and find the warm button. These Capitol people have it easy. There is even a shampoo button. When I finish my shower I put on a robe and walk out to the room where I will be getting dressed for the tribute parade.
"Your stylist will be coming in shortly" Lenom says.
"Thanks." I respond.
I sit on the couch and I all I can think of is Clove yelling at her prep team. She hates when people tell her what to do. I look at my costume for the tribute parade. I guess we are supposed to be gladiators. My costume is a golden color. I have a chest plate that looks like feathers. I will be wearing a a headpiece that goes around my head and has big golden wings. I have to say it looks pretty cool.
My stylist walks in. Her name is Ally and she talks to me for a little bit about what I think of the costume. I tell her it's amazing and she helps me put it on. When I look on the mirror I look cool. I feel cool too. I can't wait to see what Clove looks like.
When I finally meet Clove I smile. She looks like me except her headpiece is more like a helmet and her chest plate goes up and covers her neck.
"Hello beautiful." I say and take Clove into my embrace.
"Hey handsome." She smiles.
We walk hand in hand to our chariot. I look around to see any good costumes. None. Twelve is the worst. Dressed in black as usual. "Make sure you show the crowd your love. This is the Capitol they will probably cry at the thought that one of you won't come back." Enobaria says.
Brutus adds," Smile and give an evil smirk. Look at each other like your gonna win but at the same time you know your going to loose the other."
"Easy enough because that's what is gonna happen." Clove sighs.
"Hey. Let's just enjoy our time together." I remind her. She nods her head and I kiss her cheek. "Let's go then. Glimmer and Marvel took off already."
We climb into the chariot and do what we were told to do. We smile evilly and look at each other with sympathy and hold hands. They love it then I realize what they turned their attention to. Katniss and Peeta. Those stupid kids. That should be Clove and I having roses thrown to us. When the parade is over Clove and I go talk to each other.
"Cato that was horrible. They were holding hands and on fire!" Clove sneers
"They stole the show from us! That should have been us." I stare at twelve.
I decide to go "congratulate" them. "Come on Clove lets go say congrats."
She gives me that evil smirk that I am so in love with and we walk up to twelve. They seem a little taken back when they see us. I put on my "career face". I straighten up like Cettle would want me to. I can feel that I look intimidating.
"Congrats." Clove smiles. Not a real smile obviously.
"For what?" Katniss asks.
"Oh for putting on a show. They love you." I answer.
"I don't know. I think they should congratulate Cinna and Portia." Peeta says.
"Whatever." I snap,"enjoy it while you can."
"You won't be alive much longer." Clove evilly smiles. We walk away from twelve with a smile.
"What was that all about?" Marvel laughed.
"Marvel, they were intimidating the competition." Glimmer answers his question.
"Precisely." I say.
Clove and I leave to go to our floor. We start training tomorrow so Clove and I say goodnight and head to our separate ways. I look out at the Capitol. Tall buildings. Festive people. The people that watch children kill each other for their own entertainment. The sickening people. I will give them a show. When I make sure Clove will win and I kill myself. Clove will go home. Clove will go home. Then sleep takes over me.
-Clove POV-
Cato and I are running from the mutts. The big birds that killed the district 12 girl in the Hunger Games that my father told me about when I was little. Cato slips and hits his head on a rock. "Cato!" I scream. I check his pulse, still breathing. Blood is goosing out of his head. "Come on Cato! Wake up." I yell, "We have to go.". Then a hear a canon. "Cato! No! Cato!" I cry.
I sit up, finally awake. I start sobbing. That can't happen. My door bursts open. "Clove?" Cato asks he has a worried look in his eyes.
"Cato please." I whimper."Promise me you'll promise me?"
"Clove, I promise you'll I'll promise you."
"Please stay. I don't what you to leave me."
"I love you Clove. I will always stay."
"I love you too."

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