Chapter 12

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With Clove in the lead we keep on walking. It's slowly got darker and darker. As the night falls and we still haven't found Katniss. Glimmer becomes impatient and pushes Peeta down.
"You said you'd help us!"she shouted.
"I know. I am. I don't know where she went,but if you show me the direction I will be more of a help." Peeta says brushing the dirt off his pants.
"I hope your right." Clove sneers.
As Peeta gets the last bit of dirt off I push him again, "I hope so too."
Peeta flashes me a look and stands up. I roll my eyes and started to walk again.The day faded away and the night animals came out. Owl hoots replaced the sweet melodies of the songbirds. It reminded me of home. When Clove would meet at me at midnight in our clearing in the woods.
I smile when I see Clove coming to me. When I hear her sniffles and see her puffy red eyes, my smile disappears.
"Clove." I whisper.
She doesn't respond. She just falls into my arms. That's when I see a bruise forming on her cheek and a big burn on her arm. I pull away,"What happened?"
"She...she told...she told me that.. that she hated you." She says between sobs.,"she said never talk to you." I knew who she was, her wretched mother.
I didn't know how to respond.
"So I told her off. I said I will never stop talking to you. I said that she was a figure just taking up space in this house. That she means nothing to me." Her sobbing coming to a halt.
"Clove I-" I attempt but Clove interrupts me.
"No! I'm not done." She snaps," I then lunged at her and she fell. She slapped me so hard it still stings." Her sobbing coming back," I hit her back but I'm only twelve so it didn't do too much. My father took a hot spoon and put it on my arm. I screamed so loud."
"Oh my, Clove. I'm so sorry. Where was you brother?" I ask,"Normally he intervenes."
"He was at Trenton's house."
"Come on. My mom will fix you up." I grab her shaking hand and lead her to my house.
"I am so sorry Clove."
I am snapped out of my daydream when I smell smoke. The smoke of a fire made by a tribute. Marvel seems to smell it too because he speeds up his pace. As we reach the fire we see Clara,district eight girl.
She was muttering words I couldn't understand.
"Can I have her?" Glimmer asked.
"Sure." I reply. The careers see me as their "leader". Odd, but I like it.
"Um...can I use the sword?" Glimmer stutters. She knows I love my swords. I sigh and hand it to her. She squeals and we follow her to the girl. Clara looks up at us and screams. It's so high pitched I stumble backwards into Sally.
"Sorry Sally."
She nods and puts her head down. She didn't kill many at the cornucopia today. She hasn't even spoken any words. She just communicates by nods. When Glimmer is done we move on.
"Wait," Clove stops in her tracks," where is the canon?"
"Glimmer! You didn't kill her!" Marvel shouts.
"Yes I did!" Glimmer protested.
"Glimmer did you hear a canon?" Clove snaps.
"I think not!" I yell.
Glimmer keeps defending herself. There was no canon.
"Glim, there was no canon!" Sally finally speaks.
"I heard nothing. I'll go check and see if she's dead. Okay?" Peeta buts in.
"Go Loverboy." I shoo him off.
Glimmer swears she is dead. We all just keep rolling our eyes. Soon enough a canon goes off. Peeta comes back with a bloody dagger,"She's dead now. Can we move on?"
"Good. Come on guys." Marvel starts ahead.
We decided to set up camp after a while. We ate a good amount of food then Clove pulls me aside. No one says anything about it. When we are far away Clove kisses me. I kiss her back. Hard. It hasn't been very long since I kissed her but I yearned for it. I pick her up off the ground and she swung her legs around my waist. When we came up for air, Clove whispers,"I love you so much Cato."
"I love you too."
-Clove POV-
I pull Cato aside because I need some alone time with him. I have his hand in mine. We don't talk at all. When I think it's safe I smash my lips on his. He lifts me up and I rap my legs around his waist. When I realize I need air I put my lips to his ear and say the most truthful thing,"I love you."
"I love you too."
We walk back to camp silently. When we get back a fire is burning and the others have their sleeping bags out. I sit on a log and look in my backpack. I notice some string and a sewing pin. I smile and take my jacket off. I start sewing pockets into my jacket. Sally looks at me with a quizzical expression.
"For my knifes." I explain. She gives a slight nod and lays down.
When I am done sewing I put my knifes in the pockets. Perfect. It works just like my old jackets. My eyelids feel heavier and heavier as I slip into my sleeping to start my first night in the games.
Katniss is running away from us. I pull out a knife and throw it at her leg. She falls to the ground. I run over to finish her off. As I pull out my knife I fell a horrible pain in my shoulder. I whip my head around and see Peeta holding a dagger.
"You won't Loverboy." I hiss.
"Don't underestimate me." With that a dagger is pierced through my stomach. The last thing I see is Cato's face with a tear coming out of his right eye mauling Peeta's body into peaces.
I wake up to Cato shaking me gently,"Clove baby,come on. We're leaving now."
"Where to?" I yawn.
"The cornucopia. Let's go. We don't want too much gone."
I get up and walk with the others to the cornucopia. Everything is as we left it. Some weapons gone but not much. There are still a lot of backpacks and no food crates were moved. Too heavy to tag along with you. When I see a water canteen my mouth goes dry. I didn't have anything to drink yesterday. I grab the canteen and put it to my mouth. Luckily it's filled. I chug all the water in a matter of seconds.
"Wow Clove. Thirsty much." Glimmer jokes.
"Well I haven't had anything to drink in a while." I snap.
That's the thing about the district one tributes, they are taught to enjoy it when the rest of us careers are taught to win it.

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