Chapter 15

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-Clove POV-
When the boys come back a sponsor gift lands gently on the ground like a feather. I pick it up and open it. Four pink cupcakes. I pick up the not that reads-
It's a girl.
I drop the note and sit down. My head can't process this. She wanted a boy. She wanted a boy. She did not want a girl at all. She said they are useless. Yet I do everything for her. She does nothing. I cook,do laundry, and wash dishes. I do all that on top of training my ass off and studying just as hard. She is a girl for Earth's sake! She doesn't care. When that child is born I am taking her in. She needs a safe home. Not a place where her parents will beat her for everything she does wrong. One single flaw could get her beat. I won't let it happen. I have to win. For her. I hope they come up with a name soon. My name is not a common name in District 2. It's very short and plain. Thomas is a name that originated in the old country,America.
"Clove? Are you okay? What does this mean?" Marvel inquires.
"Her mom is pregnant. With a girl." Cato says short not looking at anyone but me.
-Cato POV-
Marvel doesn't understand how horrible this is. Clove has to feed another mouth. When she becomes a victor, it won't be hard.
Titus is working really hard with the bombs. I don't want him to die so I give him a break.
"Hey Titus, come sit down and eat." I call to Titus.
Titus looks so happy when I tell him this. He walks casually to me but I can tell he wanted to run. I throw him a cooked fish and some water. He gulps down the water and gobbles up the fish. He is done pretty soon and is laying on a sleeping bag.
"Hey. Show us how to get from here to there." Clove instructs pointing to the outside of the bombs.
Titus gets up and shows us where to step and where not to step. We all try it and he guides us through it step by step.
"There you go." Titus smiles.
"Thanks,Titus." Marvel thanks.
"You welcome.Um...are you going to kill me now?" His question shocked me.
The others look at me. I don't think I will kill him. He's much too useful.
"No. We aren't going to kill you." I pause for effect, "Yet."
His eyes widen because he knows I'm not kidding. I laugh with the other careers and we take a seat. Clove looks at the cupcakes that a sponsor gave us.
"Can I have one?" I ask.
"There is one for all of us. So take one. You too Titus." Clove remarks.
We all reach for the same cupcake. We burst into laughter as all the boys move their hands for a different one letting Clove take that one. I unwrap the cupcake. I sink my teeth into it. The creamy icing has a sweet strawberry flavor which compliments the flavorful vanilla cake. I take another bite enjoying the desert. The others are eating theirs too. You can tell it's made by a Capitol bakery. Even in district 2,the cupcakes don't have such wonderful flavor. I finish my cupcake and put the wrappers inside the parachute. The others follow suit as we take the rest of the day off.
-Clove POV-
I feel like going tribute hunting today. One less tribute makes a huge difference in our chances.
"Hey guys,let's go tribute hunting." I yell.
The boys don't say anything. They grab their weapons and we head out. We don't dare go to the field. That's where Thresh is. I may be a career but that boy is terrifying. He is gigantic. He has weapons which make him even stronger. He could kill me with his bare hands as fast as I could kill him with a knife. I hear a branch snap and I put up my hands telling the guys who are following behind me to stop. The buys come to halt. I see him. The district eight boy is there.
"Hey Titus." I whisper.
"Yes mam." He responds.
I have to keep back a laugh,"You kill anyone yet?"
"No mam."
"Want this one?" I ask.
Titus' face lights up. He shakes his head violently and I whisper now and he takes off after the boy. Eight tries to run but Titus knocks him down. He takes his spear and puts it right into his chest. I am surprised by his actions. He is just a little scrawny kid. I didn't think he would want to kill so badly. The canon sounds.
He comes back grinning from ear to ear. We make out way back to the cornucopia happy with a death. There hasn't been one in a while. We all take a seat and eat some food. I sit on Cato's lap as we laugh. All of a sudden,a really serious topic comes up.
"Hey guys."Titus says quietly,"How did Glimmer and Sally die exactly?"
Marvel's body tenses up.
"Too many stings." Marvel says with gritted teeth.
Titus is so stupid why would he ask such a dumb question. As I get up to get a few crackers I kick Titus in the gut. He rolls over in pain as I kick his sides over and over. I get on top of him and punch his face. He punches me in the throat and I stand up and gag. When I regain my breath I kick him in the head and he just lays on the ground for a while. I eat my crackers in Cato and I's tent. I couldn't help but beat the shit out of Titus. He asked a stupid question that he already knew the answer to. Now he got the consequence. Cato walks into the tent and takes a seat next to me eating an apple.
"What was that episode for?" He asked with a serious expression on his face.
"He asked a stupid question that he already knew the answer to. I beat him up before Marvel could kill him." I respond nonchalantly.
"Well he is in a lot of pain and is laying in a bucket of ice a sponsor sent down." Cato gestures to the outside of the tent.
"Titus has I sponsor." I scoff.
"Yeah. The note was signed from Wiress and Beetee."
I really like Beetee's games. He had an amazing way of winning. Six tributes at one time. He didn't even use an actual weapon. He used some wire that electrocuted the six tributes killing them painfully but fairly quickly. His intentions weren't to give the Capitol a show. It was to win and go home. I wish my intentions were just that. Being from a career district that's not what I want to do. They made me think being in the Hunger Games is an honor. They made me think if you give the Capitol a good show you will get out. That's not how it goes. Anyone can get out of theses games and that will be me. Even if it means killing Cato.
-Cato POV-
I guide Clove out of the tent and into the light of day. She sees Titus and giggles. I think it's funny that he got beat up by my little Clover. It's not funny that's he is in this shape though. He looks over to us and he starts to cry. I stop in my tracks and so does Clove as he sobs. He sobs for a girl named Tikely.
"Tikely! I need you. Please! Please." He pleads.
"See what you did,Clove." I mutter.
She puts her head down and walks off into the woods. I don't follow her because I know she wants to be alone. Instead I take a seat next to Titus as he falls asleep in his ice. The poor kid. I can't believe he is going through all this. That only brings me to think about the district eleven girl. Poor Rue. She is so small and doesn't deserve to die. Who knows maybe she is next. I can't think about this anymore so I decide to look for Clove. I start towards the direction she went in. As I make my way farther into the woods I hear an ear piercing screech. I look around franticly drawing out my sword.
"Cato!" A voice yells yet it sounds like a whisper.
"Clove!" I scream darting towards the direction the noise came from. I can't loose her now.
I run as fast as my legs will take me. I dodge trees,jump over logs,and just keep looking around for Clove. When I see her she is surrounded by mutts. They look like foxes but they are much too built to be a fox. The red beasts keep going closer to Clove. When I am close enough I dig my sword straight into the back of a mutt. It falls to the ground with a small whimper. Some turn towards me while the rest of the pack keep their eyes on Clove. A mutt pounces at me and knocks me down. I try to move my arm but the fox has it's legs on my arms while another one is on my stomach. The one on my stomach falls on top of me and sit up sending the fox on me back to the ground. The massive thing stands in its hind legs making it as tall as Thresh. Clove runs up behind it and tackles it. When the fox gets on top of Clove,I run up behind it ready to kill it when a beeping sound starts. A tree nearby splits into two parts and all the foxes hop in. When the tree closes I hug Clove protectively.
"What were those?" She asks in dismay.
"I don't know. I've never seen them before." I respond.
"We should head back to camp now. It's getting late." Clove says.
I nod and take her hand. We are much to tired to say anything so we walk back to the cornucopia in silence. When we reach our destination, Marvel tries to ask questions but we ignore him. We get into our tent and lay down hoping those mutts don't come back tomorrow.
I am adding a Marvel POV next chapter. Yippee!

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