Chapter 13

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-Cato POV-
When Clove snapped at Glimmer,she totally freaked. Glimmer tackled Clove and they started to fight. Clove raised a knife and stabbed Glimmer's arm. Glimmer screamed in pain. I ran over and pried Clove off of her. Marvel holds Glimmer tight. I put my hands on Clove's shoulders,"Was that necessary?"
"What stabbing her in the arm? Well no. But she pissed me off." Is her reply.
"Okay Clove. Your going to bed." I push her into the tent and into a sleeping bag.
She groans but falls asleep anyway. I walk out of the tent to see Glimmer and Marvel making out.
"Uhg. Get a room." I mumble.
Glimmer blushes and Marvel just laughs. They go into a separate tent and all I hear is the rustling of the tent. I roll my eyes and eat some beef strips. I look at Peeta who is staring at the sky. The anthem starts to play and I look up at the sky. Zero today. Not good. Not good at all. The people will get bored and the game makers will have to do something. They won't attack the careers though. They need us to keep the games "fun."
"Loverboy, you have first watch." I inform him.
He gives a nod and grips his dagger. I crawl into bed next to Clove. I give her a slight kiss on the forehead and drift off to sleep.
The next morning Glimmer isn't feeling to well. The cut that she got is infected. She lays in the tent with an empty crate to throw up in. A sponsor gift comes down and I sigh in relief as I open it. It's medicine for Glimmer. The note says-
Dear Careers,
Make Glimmer drink it all.
She will feel much better.
Cashmere and Gloss
I ran to Glimmer. She drank all of it in one gulp. The color immediately returned to her face. I informed her that we were going tribute hunting. She agreed to go. We arrive at the lake to fill our canteens. We went this ways because we saw smoke coming from this direction. The smoke is gone now. I look to my right after hearing a splash. I see Katniss with a relieved expression on her face.
I grin,"Come on! Look it's Katniss!"
"Let's get her!" Glimmer yells.
Clove is the first in pursuit. I follow right behind her. The rest struggle to catch up. Clove and I are the ones who haves a reason for wanting her dead. The rest just want one less tribute. When we finally reach her,she is twenty feet above ground.
"How have you been?" She calls down.
"Good. Yourself?" I go along with it. The Capitol would love this.
"A little warm for my taste. The weather is better up here. Why don't you come on up?" She responds.
"I think I will."
I begin up the tree. I grab a branch but fall. I hit the ground with a loud thud. I can't believe I thought it would hold me. I weigh triple the amount Katniss weighs. Glimmer pulls out an arrow and loads it in her bow. She points it towards Katniss then releases the arrow. Katniss moves over in time dodging the arrow.
Katniss catches the arrow and waves it above her head. Glimmer has a hard time not showing her embarrassment.
"I'll do it myself." I grab the bow out of Glimmer's hand.
Bow not being my strong spot,when I let go, it misses Katniss by at least three feet.
"Why don't you throw the sword?" Katniss calls down.
"Huh?" Marvel looks dumbfounded.
"Let's just wait her out. She has to come down sooner or later." Peeta buts in.
"Fine. Someone make a fire!" I order. I scurry off in a fit of rage. I slash almost every tree I see. I hear rustling and turn around ready to kill.
I sigh"Oh good. It's just you."
"Yup. Just me." Clove chuckles.
"I'm so pissed!" I scream.
"I know babe. Me too." Clove says soothingly.
I grab her hand making our way back to camp. The owls hoot and a fire is crackling. I sit down on a log. When Clove is about to sit down Glimmer seats there. Clove mumbles slut to herself and I chuckle. Clove sits on a nearby log throwing her small knifes at a lizard. It has two in it's back but still won't die. I stick my sword into the fire. When it becomes red and yellow I spit on it to make a burning sound. We all laugh.
"Oh please." Glimmer says rapping her arm around me. I move over to sit next to Clove. Next thing I know I am in a sleeping bag slowly drifting to sleep.
I feel something above my eye. Then the same feeling in my legs and arms. My eyes shoot open to see a nest of tracker jackers falling to the ground. I pull my arm out from Glimmer. Why is she on there? I have no time to ask. I wake Clove up. She sits up just as the nest hits the ground. The killer wasps attack and we all scream out of pain. Clove and I dart for the water. Marvel and Glimmer behind us. I notice Sally running the opposite way. Odd. I don't have time to call after her when Glimmer falls. I am in to much shock to help her.
"Cato! Marvel! Clove! Please help! Help!" She calls.
Clove grabs my arm to make me run again. We continue running until we hit the water. As I splash in a canon goes off. Followed by another. Glimmer's and someone else's. We will find out tonight when the anthem plays. Marvel is leaning against a tree sobbing. He screams"I never got to tell her! I love you Glimmer! Forever and always!"
I feel so bad. I see Clove put her head down to shield her face. I see a silent tear drop from her eye. I lift up her chin so she looks at me. I wipe away the tear. I hear the noise of a parachute and shoot up. A small container falls to the ground. I open it to reveal a bottle of cream.
For the stings. Pull out the stingers.
-B,E,C, and G
Brutus, Enobaria, Cashmere, and Gloss. Cashmere and Gloss are Marvel's mentors. They are really nice. Brother and sister. Won back to back games. They are great at the same weapons. Cashmere,the sister, is much younger than you think. The Games wear you out. But,being from district one,luxury, she looks better than she should.
I pull all my stingers out. I winced the first few times but I have felt worse pain. I rub the cream all over my stings. I hand it to Clove next. She sighs when it relieves some pain. She hands it to Marvel who's tears are stopping now. Next we hand it to...wait! Where's Loverboy?
"Where.Is.Loverboy?" I speak between clenched teeth.
"Oh my gosh! How did he get away!" Clove screams throwing a knife into a tree.
"Well, I was crying. Clove was too. Cato,you were worrying about the cream so." Marvel speaks up.
I can't believe this. He went to find Katniss. Great. "Let's go. Now!" I shout.
We head in the direction where Glimmer's body still lays. Why hasn't the hovercraft lifted it yet. Katniss probably just left. Perfect. Who do we go for first?

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