Chapter 10

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-Cato POV-
This story is in editing. I will be updating the new chapter with in the next few days.
"So what happened?" I ask Clove as we wait for the person to call our names for our personal session.
"Oh well, I snapped at her, she yelled at me, I throw a knife it cuts her a little bit. She stares then tackles me and I just fight back. One thing leads to another and we are all bloody." She says all too quickly and quietly.
"Oh. Ok." I mumble.
"District 2 male."
"Here I go." I kiss Clove on the cheek real quick then I walk through the doors.
I see the swords and grab a big one. I touch the tip. Nice and sharp. I walk up to the dummies and quickly take off all the heads. Every single one. I go over to the last one and snap off it's head with my own hands. That seems good. I am told I am dismissed and meet my mentors on the other side of the door. I wait for Clove to finish.
-Clove POV-
I walk into the big room. I see a bunch of different kinds of weapons. I was amazed. I walk up to the knifes and grabbed a handful. I walked over to the target and through two at a time. Hitting the middle with both. The game makers nodded with approval. I grabbed another knife and did a back spin and hit the target right in the middle. I learned how to throw knifes with my best friend, Hannah. I miss her so much. I remember the day we both hit the target and we screamed of happiness.
I walk out of the training room without being dismissed. I was just lost in my thoughts. I see Cato and plant my lips on his. I feel like we are back in district two when we kiss. It makes me feel at home.
When I get dressed in my interview dress I feel odd. We don't wear dresses at home. People see you as an easy target then. It makes you look small. Vulnerable. Even Brooke,district two's craziest girl, doesn't wear dresses. At least not all the time. My dress is beautiful though. A lovely shade of orange on the bottom. On the top of my dress is a dark shade of orange. It reminds me of tissue paper. If this were shorter Brooke would have loved it. With no straps and all. Cato is wearing all black. He looks so hot. I get that feeling that I always get when I see him.
"Hey babe!" Cato kisses my head.
"Hey!" I respond.
"Okay you two, remember your angels. Make sure to look at Ceaser and the camera sometimes. Enjoy it." Cettle cheers. "And have fun!"
When Glimmer and Marvel are finished their interviews it's my turn. I walk out on stage smiling. It's mostly a sweet smile with a lit bit of evil in it. I sit down across from Ceaser waiting for the first question.
"So Clove," Ceaser booms," how do you feel about going to the games as a fourteen?"
"Well Ceaser, I think I will pull a Finnick Odair." I giggle sweetly.
The crowd gasps. They all look so silly. Green, blue, purple, and many other colors are dyed onto the people's skin. Many have a lot of tattoos and piercings.
"Well what a confident girl." Ceaser puts my hand in the air. We turn to the crowd and I give an evil smirk.
"Well Clove, did you see Finnick yet while you have been here?"
"I sure have." I reply.
"Clove, tell me, how will you pull a Finnick Odair."
"Oh well my favorite weapon of course. I can't tell though." I flash a look to the camera to show my dangerous side.
"Oh well. That's all the time we have for our district two tribute,Clove!" Ceaser shouts. I walk off the stage to find Enobaria.
"How did I do?" I inquire.
"You did a lot more sweet then dangerous but that was good. You can really surprise the Capitol. It will get you sponsors." Enobaria replies. I knew she would say something bad. I walk over to the screen to watch Cato.
-Cato POV-
I love my outfit. I feel completely confident as I walk out to Ceaser. Everyone cheers for me and shouts my name. The glory is amazing. I never thought I would love it. I shake Ceaser's hand and we take a seat. The crowd dials down and Ceaser starts with the questions, "Cato, I bet you have the ladies all over you at home."
"Oh you would not believe how many times I turn girls down everyday." I chuckle.
The audience of clowns laughs at the comment. A man whistles which makes me have to hold back a laugh.
"Oh so is there someone special at home?" Ceaser raises his eyebrows.
"Of course. She is the only sane girl in district two. All the others are air heads." I chose cocky and strong as my angle," The special someone has a friend who is normal but still has that crazy girl in her."
"Well woman are crazy. So, Cato, your weapon of choice?"
"Oh I've heard they are hard to use."
"Only for the weaklings."
"Haha! I love the spirit!" Ceaser's non-strong capitol accent booms," Sadly it's time to leave. Say goodbye to Cato!"
I walk off stage and hug Clove. We talk to Glimmer and Marvel while watching the other interviews. When Peeta gets on stage we are all shocked by his announcement. He is in love with Katniss. We all gasp and see Katniss all red in the face. How is that possible! That should be us! Clove and I should get that attention. Not the "star crossed lovers" from district twelve. This is not going to end well.
"Come on guys lets go congratulate them on taking the next step." Glimmer gets up and we all follow her to twelve. Before we could do anything Katniss grabs Peeta and pins him up against the wall. "Ah!" Glimmer shrieks.
"Let's not disturb their moment." Clove drags me away.
We hear a loud crash and see that Peeta is on the floor in a pile of shattered glass. Their mentor,I think he is sober, is trying to get Katniss to stop. I was about to go help Katniss pummel Peeta but Brutus pulls me away. He leads us to the elevators and all four of us step in.
"That was something." Enobaria sneers.
"Sure was." I laugh.
We are served the usuall giant meal by the avoxes. I couldn't even imagine having my tongue cut out. I guess all the Capitol citizens don't have the perfect life.

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