Chapter 18

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In this chapter I am giving credits to Suzanne Collins for the words of Claudius Templesmith,Clove,and Katniss.
-Cato POV-
"Cato!" Clove screams next to me,"Elm!"
"Clove." I try to wake her but it's not working.
"No!Cato! Don't leave me! I need you."
"Baby please. Wake up."
Clove jerks awake,"You're here. You're alive."
"I am. I will always be with you." I whisper stroking her hair soothingly.
We are making our way to the stream. We need to fill our water bottles today. I am still full from our meal yesterday. My stomach has been use to such a small amount of food. I dip my canteen into the water and bubbles come to the surface telling me that water is going into my cup.
"We are the perfect match." Clove giggles,"I love you so much and you love me so much."
"And I'm strong and your strong." I add,"You know what we need?"
"Armor." She says.
I pick Clove up and extend my arms so she is above my head. She bursts into laughter. She keeps telling me to stop.
"Put me down!" She screeches.
I eventually put her down. We lean up against a tree while our water purifies. We talk for a while. I suddenly remember her screaming this morning. I wonder who Elm is.
"Hey baby." I approach the subject slowly because it might be hard to talk about.
"Yeah." She looks up at me innocently.
"Who's Elm?"
She freezes.
"You don't need to answer me if you don't want to." I sigh.
"No I will. Well, during my dream,my mother's baby was born. Her name was Elm. My parents broke into our house which was in the Victor's Village. They were killing her." She sniffles.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be a touchy subject."
"It's okay. You didn't know." She smiles.
I lean down to kiss her forehead. She moves her head so that I kiss her lips. I laugh at her actions. She laughs too and leans her head on my shoulder. Her breathing slows and becomes more steady. She drifts to sleep. I put her head in my lap and I lean farther against to the tree. I start the think about how many are left. There are Katniss,Peeta, district five girl,Thresh, Clove, and I. That's six. Eighteen dead. Eighteen innocent children.
They already did the interviews with family and friends two tributes ago. They should have done a feast by now. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.
I am awoken when I feel a parachute land on my head.
"Ow." I rub my head.
"So what is this?" Clove says suddenly awake.
"I don't know. It just landed. You can open it." I offer the container to her.
She takes it then opens it. Inside is a picture of a baby girl. Clove picks up the picture and I take the note.
Your beautiful sister.
Her name is Elm.
-E and B
"She's so cute. and chubby." I say.
"What does the note say?" Clove whispers.
"It says that your beautiful sister's name is Elm."
Clove lets out a sob and jumps into my arms.
"We need to get her out of there." She says into my shirt,"It's not safe for her."
"We will. She can live in our house in the Victors Village." I say soothingly.
"Our house?"
"You our my fiancé." I chuckle.
"Oh yeah. I forgot." Clove says.
"Oh thanks." I say sarcastically,"Love you too."
"I love you." She giggles, tears still coming down her face though,"I love you too Elm."
Out of the blue trumpets sound. That means an announcement is about to be made.
"Attention tributes I would like to invite you to a feast at the cornucopia." Claudius announces.
"We have to go. It gives us a chance to kill Girl On Fire. No doubt she needs something for Peeta's leg." Clove shoots up.
"Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you need something desperately."
Armor, then we will be unstoppable, I think.
"Each of you will find that something in a backpack marked with your district number,at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you,this will be your last chance," says Claudius.
"Armor. This is our chance to get our armor." I say.
"Let's move camp closer to the cornucopia. Now. Up, up, up! We need to leave!" Clove sounds like a little child.
We walk to the cornucopia carrying all our stuff. Well Clove has the stuff and I have Clove. We are almost there right as the sun is slipping out of view. I put Clove down when we reach a clearing at the edge of the field where the cornucopia is.
"We need a plan." I say.
"We do." Clove agrees.
"I think...I should get Katniss." Clove suggests.
"No way. I want her." I argue.
"I promise I'll give them a good show." She pleads.
By them she means the Capitol people,"Uhg, fine."
She shrieks in happiness.
"Hey. What am I going to do while your beating the shit out of Katniss?" I wonder.
"You look out for Thresh. If he tries to get me you come with your sword and do your thing." She laughs.
"Okay. See you in the morning." I yawn.
"Good night sleepy head."
-Clove POV-
"Cato," I shake him,"we need to get ready."
"Okay." Cato's raspy voice replies.
"Hurry up!" I whine.
"I'm coming. I'm coming." He waves me away.
I roll my eyes and stand behind a tree ready to run after Katniss. I see a girl come out of the cornucopia. It's the girl from five. Cato gets up but I tell him to sit back down.
"Why?" He whines.
"Let her go. She isn't the threat right now."
"But I wa-" I cut him off by shushing him.
"Sh. If Thresh comes, come help me." I run off to get Katniss.
I throw a knife but she deflects it with her bow. She faces me and sends an arrow towards my chest. I turn in time so that it hits my left arm. I don't even wince in pain. I'm mostly immune to this stuff because of my parents. It does slow me down because I need to pull it out. It looks alright,not too bad. She keeps moving and rage fills inside of me. She grabs the pack and starts to run but I send my knife flying and it hits her forehead. She staggers backwards and she sends an arrow flying. Because the blood gushing from over her eye blinds her, the arrow misses. I slam into her knocking her on her back. I pin her shoulders to the ground using my knees.
"Where's your boyfriend district twelve? Still hanging on?" I mock.
"He's out there now. Hunting Cato." She then yells,"Peeta!"
I punch her right in the windpipe cutting off her voice. I whip my head side to side to make sure she isn't telling the truth.
"Liar,he's nearly dead. Cato knows where he cut him. You've probably strapped him up in a tree while you attempt to keep his heart going. What's in that pretty backpack?" I hiss,"Medicine for Peeta? Too bad he will never get it." I say the last four words slowly.
I open my jacket showing her my knives. She looks really scared now. I choose a small one with a curved blade,"I promised Cato if he let me have you I'd give the audience a good show."
She struggles to get away underneath me but I just make my lock on her harder.
"Oh just forget it district twelve. We're going to kill you just like we killed your pathetic little ally,"I say putting enfaces on the pathetic,"what was her name again? Rue. Well first Rue,then you and I think we'll just let nature takes it's course on Lover Boy. How does that sound?" I taunt," now where to start?"
I wipe blood from her wound with my jacket. I survey her face by tilting it from side to side. She tries to bite my hand but I grab her hair and pull her head back to the ground.
"I think..."I tilt her head one last time,"I think we'll start with your mouth."
She clamps her mouth shut and I trace the outline of her mouth with the blade of my knife,"I don't think you'll have much use for your lips anymore. Want to blow Lover Boy one last kiss?" She spits at me a mixture of saliva and blood. I wipe it away and make a small gash on her lip. Then I hear rustling to the right of me.
I turn my head to see Thresh running towards me. I don't hesitate even though I'm frightened, I throw my knife at Thresh's throat. As usual it hits its target. He falls to the ground struggling to catch his breath. Since the knife was small it will be a slow and painful death.
"Well now I have to use a new knife." I sigh to make it look like I'm sad.
I find a knife like the one I threw at Thresh and begin to cut her lips. She won't budge yet.
"Oh. How rude of me!" I put my hand to my chest,"Would you like to say goodbye to your little sister, Prim I think her name was."
I hear the gurgling of Thresh choking on his own blood stop. Boom. He's dead.
"Well go on. Say bye to little Prim. I'll get up so it's better but if you even move I will kill like I killed him." I point to Thresh's dead body.
"Prim,Gale,I'm sorry. I love you both. Gale take care of them. Make sure you tuck in your tail little duck." She lets a tear slip from her eye. I don't want to kill her but I promised Cato.
I suck it up and get on top of her again,"Are you done?"
"Yeah. Get on with it would you?" She mutters.
"Gladly." I begin to cut her top lip now. When I'm done,I begin to engrave Prim and Gale on her cheeks and Peeta on her forehead.
She begins to cry quite loudly.
"Shut up now!" I yell and grab her hair,pull her head up then slam it down on the ground. She whimpers in pain then cries silently instead.
I cut her arms and legs. The gashes are deep and long. Her tears are flowing a lot now even though before she wouldn't even show any pain. She starts to sob but I let her. It is her end now anyway.
"Bye bye, Girl On Fire." I whisper pulling my arm back.
"I love you Prim!" She screeches as I bring my knife down into her throat. The canon booms. I did it. I actually killed her. I get up from the corpse and grab our bag that says district two on it.
"Cato! I need some help here." I yell.
Cato merges out from the trees.
"Hello." I kiss his check,"would you grab eleven's please. It's quite heavy."
"I sure will. You did great. You got two kills quickly."
"Thank you. I kinda feel bad for twelve. Did you hear what she scram before I killed her"? I feel bad for her.
"Yeah. It was kinda...sentimental." He responds.
"Yeah. There are two more people to take out and then we can go home." I sigh,"We're so close."
"Let's try to find five now. Peeta will be dead soon." He laughs.
"We should look in the bags first." I suggest.
"Okay." Cato opens up our bag revealing shiny silver armor.
"Woo Hoo! We're unstoppable!" I cheer.
"Hell yeah we are!" Cato cheers with me.
"Now for eleven." I say in a posh accent.
I open the bag and inside is a gallon of water and a sword.
"Well someone was thirsty!" Cato jokes.
"For you good sir." I joke bowing my head giving Cato the sword.
"Thank you Madam." He laughs taking the sword from my hands.
"Come on. Let's look for five." I grab Cato's hand and we start our journey to kill one more tribute.

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