Chapter 23

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Spoiler alerts in this one for 'As Black As it Gets'. If you haven't read it already abeg, catch up please, before you come for me 'bout ruining it.

Thank you.

Jayla Santiago's POV

"You did what?!" I ask, falling about with giggles at the look on Temah's face as she tells me.

She's currently picks out ways to make it as difficult for him to cope as possible, starting with an outfit for work tomorrow.

"Don't laugh at me!" Temah responds, trying to conceal a giggle herself.

"So you're telling me, that you challenged 'Mr Master of Control' to see who can last the longest without asking for sex?" I say, laughing harder.

"Girl you know that man has to be patient for a living."

She huffs as she picks out her outfit for work.

"This one?" She asks.

"Are you trying to seduce him or are you trying to make him laugh? Next!" I exclaim.

She scoffs and tosses it to the side.

"I have self control too, ya know" Temah says.

I snort.

"Are you trying to convince yourself or me?" I ask her.

She glares at me.

"Don't look at me like that! Remember when we were in second year, of college and you literally snuck us under the gate at that concert just because the line was huge?" I ask her.

"But didn't it work?" She asks, flipping the tables on me.

I shrug.

"Igh, Igh. But my money is on Douglas for the win" I tell her and she scowls, mocking offence.

"How much money" she asks casually, holding another outfit up for the camera.

I gulp.

Now that I think about it... I'm the leader of a gang... but have I ever been smart enough to win one of Temah's bets.

I peer at it and shake my head, no.

"$100" I say and she 'glares' at me.

"Ouu rich kid Jay" she 'mocks' and I laugh.

"What about you?" You seem in higher spirits than the last time we spoke. How's your dad?" She asks.

I feel myself blush and she immediately drops the hanger that she's holding, jumping on the bed to snatch her phone up.

"What is it?!" She asks me.

I tell her everything.

From me crawling back to Luis, to him offering to get tested and me threatening Luna with her life.

She sits and watches with amazement, especially when I tell her his response to me confessing my feelings.

She listens carefully and when I'm done, a silence hangs in the air as she thinks.

She then sighs and looks at me.

"When did he get tested?" She asks me.

"New Years Eve" I say, hiding my face with a slight blush as I think of him.

There is another silence.

"I agree with him, sis" she says with a shrug.

I look into her face and give a sigh of resignation.

It's tough love time.

"Well babe you know I love you. But you definitely have some commitment issues." Temah tells me, standing up once again and picking up a new set of clothes for me to see.

I shake my head no.

"I feel like you definitely have feelings for Luis... but love? You need to re-evaluate that statement and think about whether you're in love with what he's doing for you or you're in love with what you had before you split up" she tells me.

I nod.

"You're absolutely right. I know what I need to do" I say, finding a new resolve.

She smiles at me brightly.

"I know you'll do the right thing babe" she says, and I nod to strengthen my resolve.

She holds up another outfit and I smile to myself.

This reminds me of our time in college. When I first started smoking and drinking too much.

Temah was by my side and she let me feel sorry for myself for about a week before telling me to get my shit together.

I'm thankful for friends like her.

"What do you think?" She asks me.

I nod.

"That's what I'm talking about!" I respond, gassing her up.

She grins and strikes a pose.

I laugh at her and just as I do, my doorbell rings.

"Wait just a second" I tell her, getting up.

She nods and starts to clean her clothes away while she waits for me.

I answer the door to see a tired looking postman, who looks bored of his job.

"Erm I got a letter for a Jayla Santiago?" He asks, looking at me.

I thank him curtly and take it, signing his confirmation sheet and closing the door when he leaves.

"Who was it?" Temah asks, moving to the bathroom for her skin care routine.

"I got a letter delivered personally" I tell her, sitting on my bed, Indian style.

"Well? What does it say?" She asks impatiently.

I chuckle at her.

"I have self control!" I repeat, mocking her and she gives me a mean mug, flipping me a bird.

I laugh and tear open the top of the letter, making her cringe.

"Jayla!" She whines.

"Shut up and let me read, with ya OCD ass." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and picks up her facial scrub.

I open the letter up and see 'St Jacob's Hospital' written in large bold lettering at the very top.

My heart stops.

"Temah, it's the test results" I squeak.

She drops the bottle she's holding with a 'clang', picking up her phone to give me her full attention.

I breath shakily, my heart pounding and my blood roaring in my ears.

I look at the results straight away and my heart stops in my chest.

I can feel my throat tighten and I drop the letter on my bed.

"Temah..." I whisper.

"Yes, baby?" She asks me.

"I-I'll call you back" I tell her.

She nods in understanding. 

I get up and I drop the letter on my nightstand, before returning to my bed.

I lay on it, curl up into a ball and I cry my eyes out, drained.

Hey all!

It's been a while, I'm sorry.

What do you think the results will be?

Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote.

Also! Anyone got any song suggestions for me? My list is looking way dead.

~ Xo.

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