7. Getting her life back together, Sort of.

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The next day I bought tulips and made a tape for Brynn to watch. I got to the Perez house and I saw Brynn coming back from breakfast. She got out of her of her car and I approached her. "Excuse me? Brynn Perez?" I said. "Yes?" She questioned. "I have a delivery for you." "A delivery for me?" she asked. I nodded. She took the flowers and tape from me. "Oh wow, they're beautiful!" She said in awe. She looked at me "Who are they from?" she asked. "Oh I can't tell you that." I said. "It's a secret admirer." Micheal walked out of the house. 'Who's your friend Brynn?" he asked. She turned around and looked at him. "Oh, well, I mean, I don't know. We just met, but look. I have a secret admirer." She said. Micheal looked at the wrapped up tape. "Oh, really? What's this?" he asked. "It's a videotape." "A video tape of what?" Brynn shrugged. "I have no idea. But I have to find out." Brynn shrugged and was about to walk away, she turned around. "Oh, Happy Birthday, Dad." She said then walked inside. He thanked her then walked over to me. "That's right. Happy birthday, sir. What are you, 200 today?" I said jokingly. "That's cute. What are you doing?" Micheal asked. "I wanted to try something different. If it doesn't work, We only wasted one day." I said.

Brynn's P.O.V

I put in a tape and started to watch it. I started to read what the words said on the screen and it was a lot of news I never heard of. The words started to say 'You don't remember this because...' then it showed a newspaper of an accident...that I was in- I started to feel my head. Another thing showed up, it was the guy that gave me the tape. "Hi! I'm Sodapop Curtis! We met at this coffee shop about a year after your accident. I like you and you like me, most days. Everyday it's different, but basically this is what happens, Brynn. The part of you in this reenactment will be played by my best friend, Steve." "Hi, Sorry about your brain."

"Hi, I like that waffle house you made." "Oh so nice of you to notice! Please sit down." "I would love too."..."Anyways, I know you wish I was making all of this stuff up. I wish I was too. But the good news is so many people out there care about you: Your dad and Carter and a couple of your friends here at the coffee shop who have a message for you." Mia was on the screen now. "Brynn, as you know, your mother and I were best friends. That's why I promised I would always help look after you. Sometimes life isn't very fair...but we still have you. Oh, and if you're wondering about this guy who's making this tape...he's okay..." she said. Dylan came up next. "Hey Brynn, since you lost your memory, I became the mayor of Tulsa! No, just kidding. I'm too smart." I started to giggle. Sodapop came up on the screen again. "So whenever you're ready, we'd love to talk to you and answer any questions you have and you're the best Brynn. Bye!" the tape ended and I looked down at the ground. "How many times have I watched this?" I asked. "This is the first time." my dad said.

Sodapop's P.O.V

"Okay, she cried for about an hour that's not too bad. I bet in another hour she'll be ready to see her friends, have lunch and get her life back together. We could do this everyday." I said. "We'll leave it up to her." Micheal said. I nodded and Brynn was walking towards us. A little while later the sun started to set. "I never hung out with you in the afternoon like this. In the light you look weird." I said jokingly while smiling. "Well I don't how you get me to fall for you everyday. Well why couldn't I meet you one day before the accident?" she asked. I shrugged.

The next day she watched the tape again and we gathered all her friends to have a picnic. "I can't believe you're pregnant Tina!" Brynn said excited. "And, Hannah, you're so thin!" Hannah thanked her and I walked over to Brynn and handed her some water. "You must be Brynn's friend. The one that made the tape." Hannah said. "I think he's more than my friend. You're my boyfriend right?" I smiled and nodded. "So every day you help her realize what happened and you wait patiently for her to be okay with it, Then you get her to fall in love with you again?" her friend asked. "Yep." I said.

The next night Brynn was asking me some questions while recording me so she can try and know me the next day. "Ummm, Do you love me?" She asked. I stared at her for a moment and thought. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything, it's just for the video." She said. "Well, I go to the coffee shop to try and see you everyday. I make you fall in love with me...Yeah I do love you." I said while nodding. She smiled and stopped recording she put the camera to the side, She put her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her waist. She kissed me and I kissed her back. She looked up at me and smiled. "Nothing beats a first kiss." she said while smiling.

Other days we would kiss and she would say "Nothing beats a first kiss." I would just nod and smile at her. Well at night I started to research some houses that were out of state, A lot in upstate New York. I always liked the thought of living where it snows. "Hey Soda." Pony said while sitting next to me. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Looking at some houses." I said. "Are you really going to move?" Ponyboy asked. I nodded and looked at him. "I got to get out of here and explore a little Pony." I said. Ponyboy nodded then looked down. "Well let's get to bed." I said while turning off the light.

The next morning Brynn watched the tape and Micheal dropped off Brynn at my house. I walked outside. "Hey Brynn." I said. She nodded "You're name is Sodapop? Correct?" she asked. I nodded. "Uh I'll show you to my brothers." I said while leading her inside. Darry and Pony looked at her. "Hey guys, This is Brynn my girlfriend." I introduced. She nodded and waved at them. I smiled. "So this is the girl you're so crazy about?" Darry asked. Brynn looked at me and smiled a little. "Well yeah." I said. Ponyboy laughed at me.

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