5. Realization, But is it really?

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I was talking with Two-Bit, Dally, and Steve at the Dx. "Do you know if Curly hooked up with that girl?" I asked. "I'm not sure but I did see him with a girl." Two-Bit said. "Really?" I sighed. "Let me ask you guys something, If you made a promise with a girl's dad that you would not see her anymore would you consider that a binding promise?" I asked. "Absolutely." Dally said. "Yeah?" "But then again, there are always ways around such things." Dally said. "Like?" I asked. "For example- If I promised a women's father I would not see her, I would simply shut my eyes and pretend he doesn't existed. Don't go to the coffee shop, Maybe try and get her attention while she's on the way there or back." Dally said. "That's a really cool way to do it." I said.

The next day I pulled over the side of the road and got out some jumper cables. "Well he told me not to go to the coffee shop. I'm not going there. I'm not doing anything wrong." I said to myself. I saw her car coming and slowly approached the car while she slowed down. "Sorry to bother you. I'm stuck here." I said. She smiled at me. "Oh no, Car trouble?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah, Mind giving me a jump?" I asked. She nodded and got out her car. I got the her car hooked up. "I'm glad you stopped, not much people would have stopped like this." I said. I thought of an idea. I hooked up the cables to my car and pretended to get electrocuted. I pretended to yell and she screamed. I smiled and pointed at her. "Ha I can't believe you fell for that!" I said. She had this sad expression on her face. "Well, my grandfather died trying to jump-start a car." She said. I frowned. "Oh I-I'm sorry, I-I was just joking around..." "I can't believe you...Fell for that!" She said while laughing. "Oh my god, That was really good. I'm Sodapop." I said while smiling. "I'm Brynn." she said while shaking my hand.

The next day I put up traffic cones in the same area and held up a stop sign. I put on a construction outfit. I saw her car approach. I walked over to her car. "Hi sorry for the delay. Should be a few minutes." I said. "No problem, No worries." She said. "Where are you coming from? Breakfast?" I questioned. "Yeah." "How was it?" I asked. "I had waffles and they were delicious!" she said. "Well I like making little waffle houses out of waffles." I said. "You do?" She asked. "Yeah that's my thing." I said. "What's your name?" "Brynn." She said. "Hi, I'm Sodapop!" I said.

A little weeks later I came up with a cool plan. I brought Steve with me and I explained what was happening. I saw her car. "Okay this is her. Start beating me up. Make it look good." I said. Steve threw me too the ground and started kicking me. "Give me your wallet!" he yelled. He started to punch me as hard as he could. "Help me!" I yelled. "Not so hard Steve..." I said to him. I saw Brynn walk up to us I said. "Hey, Hey Help me, Please!" Brynn swung a metal bat at Steve, He fell to the ground. "Yeah that's right. Take that! and that! and that!" She started to beat him with the bat. "You got him! That's good. Enough-" I said. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Yes, Yes." I said. "Okay, I'll be right back. Come here!" She yelled at Steve while chasing after him with the bat. "No! I think he had enough! I'm sorry!" I yelled while getting up. I saw her beating Steve with the bat again. "You got him!" I yelled. "Not enough!" She screamed. Moments later she ran to me. "What's your name?" She asked. "My name's Sodapop." I said. "You did good." "Hi, sorry I'm in a community-watch program." I heard Steve yelling. "Oh you crazy psycho!" "Yeah, keep running!" She yelled. "Okay, okay, he's...He's gone now." I said.

The next day I sat on the hood of the car, all tied up in ropes. I saw a car approaching. "Not her. False alarm." I said while getting up reading the newspaper. "Don't worry, I called the cops already. I'm all set." I said while looking down. I heard someone say. "Yeah? You all ready for this, Mr. Smarty?" I looked up and saw it was Brynn's father and brother. "Ohh, shoot." I said. "Yeah, Well when you're done playing your kidnap-victim crap on my daughter come by the house." Her dad said then drove off.

I was all done with that and I drove to her house. I got out the car. "Oh, boy." I said then walked over to her father, he was cleaning a car. Him and Carter looked at me. "There's something I want to show you." her father said. He showed me through the window of Brynn singing 'Wouldn't it be nice' by the Beach Boys. "We figured it out. She only sings on days she meets you." he said. "You're kidding me? That song?" I asked. "It's mom and dad's song." Carter said. "When her om was alive, Brynn would have me take that tape every damn time I was gone." Her dad said. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, she knew it would make me miss her mom and wanted to come home sooner." he said. "I'm seeing a new side of you, Sir. I got to tell you, It's weird." I said. Carter and Brynn's dad looked at each other then looked at me. "Let me ask you something. What's in it for you? What do you get out of this?" he asked. I shrugged. "I-I don't know." We listened to Brynn singing for a moment. "Wouldn't you want to spend an hour a day with that?" I asked. "Actually, no she sings like crap." Carter said. "Can I ask you guys something? What'll happen down the line? Someday she'll wake up and look in the mirror and noticed she aged 20 years over night." I stated. "You know something, Sodapop? I worry about that every damn day of my life." he said.

The next day I approached Brynn. "Hey sorry to bother you, but I noticed we were both eating alone and I thought I could sit with you, Maybe build a waffle building with your waffle house." I said. "Oh, that would be nice but I have a boyfriend, So I'm sorry." she said. "Oh you're making up a boyfriend to get rid of me?" I asked. "No, I'm not." She said. "What's his name then?" I asked. She stared at me. "Ringo." She said. "Is his last name Starr?" I asked. "No. Robinson." "Robinson, Okay." She looked out the window. "Oh, no." she said. "Alright, I'm sorry." I said confused. "No! This cop is writing me a ticket!." She said while getting up walking to the door. I tried pulling her back. "Oh, whoa, whoa. I wouldn't go out there!" I tried to convince her. "Wait, wait, wait!" Brynn said to the cop. I stopped and looked at Mia that was behind me. "Go on" She said. I ran out and stood close to Brynn. "No the tags don't expire for seven months." She said. "They expired May of this year!" The cop explained. "No, no, no! They expire May of next year!" she yelled. "Officer, I think there has been a misunderstanding." I said. "I don't." the cop said then gave Brynn the ticket. "This is ridiculous. I'm not paying for this! It's October! Excuse me can I borrow this?" She asked someone with a newspaper then grabbed it from him. "Look, October!" She looked at the newspaper. Mia pulled her. "Brynn let's go back inside." Mia said calmly. "What?" Brynn ran to a newspaper stand and took the newspaper out to see the date. She started to freak out. She got in her car and drove off.

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