12. The big day, Part 2

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Brynn's P.O.V

Steve told me that I had to crawl through a vent because I was the smallest there. I took my wedding dress off and put on some clothes. I walked out the dressing room and climbed into the vent with a flashlight. I started to crawl over to the rings. I grabbed them and started to crawl back. I got up and handed them to Steve. "Man...Here you go..." I said. Steve grabbed them from me and started to run. "Thank you Brynn! Now get ready! We''ll start when you're ready!" He yelled.

I nodded and walked in the dressing room. I got changed back into my wedding dress. My hair and make-up still looked okay. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." I said. I turned around and saw my dad. "Are you ready?" he asked. I smiled and nodded, I got up and followed my father. "Don't be nervous." he said. I nodded. Ponyboy looked at me and smiled. "You look awesome Brynn." he said. I nodded. "Alright." Pony said then started to talk into a Two-way radio. "She's ready." he said.

Sodapop's P.O.V

Everyone settled down. I started to get nervous. I already forgot what Brynn looked like and I want to see her. Steve looked at me. "Hey it's okay." He whispered to me. I nodded. Everyone started to walk down the aisle. Then came Brynn. She looks so beautiful. I gasped when I looked at her. She smiled at me. She got down the aisle and she stood in front of me.

It was time to share our vows. "I vow to take your hand when it's too dark, and the dog out when it's too early. I just want your company, that's it. Just your company and your support—your undying support. Oh, and for you to forswear all others besides me—just all those things. Oh—and, your whole life—everything in your whole life—So that's all I want. Just that. Think you can handle that?" I said. Brynn giggled and everything laughed in the room. Brynn started to speak "I vow to support you, push you, inspire you, and, above all, love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live. I take you to be my spouse. I promise to choose you every day, to love you in word and deed, to do the hard work of making now into always." She smiled at me.

"Do you, Brynn Perez, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forth as long as you both shall live?" he asked. "I do." she said. "Do you, Sodapop Curtis, take this woman to b your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forth as long as you both shall live?" he asked. "I do." I said. "Really? Even though in like, 10, 15 years she could possibly let herself go and then, like everything could be nauseating for you?" he asked. "Are you nuts?" I asked. "I'm just kidding. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." he said. We both kissed each other and everyone clapped and cheered.

We walked and continued on with the wedding. We sat at our table and it was time for the speeches/toasts. First it's Micheal. "As I look at my daughter, the bride, I can't help but reflect on all the years I was lucky enough to watch her grow and become the beautiful woman she is today. She captured my heart on the day she was born, and I became more and more in awe of her as the years passed by. She's my little girl, my princess and my ray of sunlight, and no matter what her age, she'll always be those things to me. But today as I watch her marry a wonderful man, I'm filled with pride and am confident that she and Sodapop are about to embark on a wonderful journey filled with the love and happiness that can only come as man and wife. May the two of you always treat each other with love, compassion and kindness.I ask you to join me to today in congratulating the bride and groom and wishing them all the best for a long and happy life together." He said while everyone claps. It was my turn to make a toast. "If I were to lose everything I had worked for in life all at once...As long as I still had you, I would feel as if I were the richest man in the world. But Brynn I love you with my whole heart it's 100% not no 99.9999% I love you so much and I am so glad that I have met you at that coffee shop and tried and tried with you. If I had gave up we wouldn't be right here right now." I said. Brynn is going to do a toast. "Guests, family and friends; I am delighted that you found the time to join Sodapop and me today as we celebrate our love. Being surrounded by you all has made such a difference to us and we have been overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. But this man made my memory come back, The doctor thought I would never get my memory back EVER but when Sodapop did it I knew he was the guy for me. Thank you." She said while smiling. Now Steve's turn. "Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we are all here to honor Brynn and Sodapop. As the groom's best friend, I feel honored to be standing next to him on such an important day in his life. We have gone through so together in life, and I cannot imagine being anywhere but here on this special occasion.Discuss one to two memories for a few minutes.Sodapop, you have such a love of life, and I am so happy that you have found a wife to share that love with for the rest of your days. Tonight, we celebrate the union of our two wonderful friends, Brynn and Sodapop. Let us raise a glass in high hopes of happiness for many years to come and Yes I am the Best Man. Many of you would beg to differ, but shut up – I know your secrets." he said. Everyone started to laugh at that.

Brynn's P.O.V

It was time to cut the cake so Sodapop and I walked over to the cake. "I don't want to be one of those cringey people that cut the cake together." I said. Sodapop nodded. "You can cut it then." he said. I nodded and started to cut it. He smeared some frosting on my face. I gasped and giggled. "Sodapop!" I said. He smiled at me and I grabbed some frosting and smeared it on his face. "Alright guys enough." my dad said. We stopped and smiled at each other.

It was the end of the night. We cleaned up and headed outside. "Hey Sodapop and Brynn." I heard Carter say. We turned around and saw my dad and Carter. "Make sure to be safe out there on your honeymoon." My dad said. I hugged him. "Make sure to visit sometimes." I said. He nodded and I let him go. Soda and I walked to our car and got in. "Alright on our way to Myrtle Beach." Soda said. I nodded and closed my eyes then fell asleep.

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