2. She Doesn't Recognize Me?

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"So how was the date?" Pony asked. "It was great, I had a really good time, I learned a lot about her too." I said. Pony smiled at me. "Well just in case, Dally did meet a women that's a babysitter at Buck's so he set up a date with you and her." Pony said. "Well--- Alright I'll try." I said sadly. Pony nodded and can tell I was upset about the date. "Well it's tonight so get ready." Pony said. I nodded and got up to change my clothes.

I got to the diner and sat down with the girl. She was a blondie also. I started to tell her stuff about me. "Oh my god, You are so lucky you have 2 brothers! I'm an only child and a babysitter, I never get to have fun!" she said like she was excited. "Is that right?" I said. "Well, I'd like to do something extra fun tonight." She said while winking at me. I stared at her for a while. "So, what are you thinking?" She asked. I thought to myself, What am I thinking? I started to have a flashback about Brynn and her beautiful face. Oh my god, I can't do this. "I'm sorry I can't do this." I said sadly. "Wow." She said. "I'm sorry." "Well since it's my last night in town...can I pretend you didn't just say that and still have sex with me anyway?" She asked. "What? No!" I said while getting up. I was about to leave until she said. "Wait, can you at least point me in the direction of someone who can?" She asked me. I saw Curly Shepard sitting over at the counter flirting with a waitress. "Uh, that guy over there could help you out." I said while pointing at him. She looked at him and shrugged. I walked out.

The next day, It was raining. I headed out and got to the coffee shop. Mia looked at me "Hey you, goodbye, We're closed today. Go away." I looked at her confused, and pointed to another waitress. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Don't move. I have to talk to you." She said sternly. "Okay" I said. I saw Brynn walk in and walk to the booth she sat at yesterday. I got up and walked towards her. "Hi." I said. She looked at me "Hi." She said while looking down at her book. I sat in the down on the other side of the table. She stared at me. "Okay pervert I think you should leave." She said while looking around. "What? What are you talking about we talked yesterday?" I said confused. "Yesterday? I've never met you." She said while getting up. "Dylan I need help!" She yelled. The guy from the back got a knife and walked towards Brynn. "Coming Brynn!" "Dylan put that down! Let me handle it." Mia said to him. "You follow me." Mia said to me while grabbing my arm, leading me outside. "Wait a...What's going on?" I asked. "I was just kidding around with you!" I yelled to Brynn.

"What is happening here? Is she insane or something?" I asked. "Brynn, is a very special person. Very different from other people." Mia explained. "What? Okay." I said really confused. "Well, about a few months ago, Brynn was in a terrible accident. Her and her father went to go get a cake, Well when her dad was playing with the radio he looked up and saw a dog in the middle of the road he was about to hit so he hit the breaks and spun the car in a 360, He hit a tree. Her father broke an arm, but Brynn suffered a serious head injury. She lost her short-term memory." Mia explained. "So she can't remember anything?" I asked. "No, no, no, she has all her long-term memory. That's a different part of the brain. Her whole life, up to the accident, she remembers." Mia stated. "She just can't retain any new information, It's like her mind gets wiped clean every night she sleeps." "Hold on. This sounds like I would tell someone so they would stop bugging me. Am I that someone?" I said. "I wish I was making this up! She has no memory she ever met you!" She said. "What about the cake thing?" "She says that everyday, because each morning she wakes up thinking it's October 13th of last year. She comes for breakfast because that's what she did on Sundays and October 13th was a Sunday. She has no idea it's more than a year later." She said. "But she reads the newspaper?" I said. "It's a special paper her father puts on their porch. It's from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed. Brynn does the same thing everyday."

Brynn's P.O.V

"Hey dad, I'm home!" I yelled while walking inside my house. I walked to the kitchen. "Hi dad!" I said. He turned round and looked at me. "Oh hi honey." He said. I saw that he had a cake in his hands. "You got one without me?" I said sadly. "The lady at the store gave it to me, As a birthday gift!" He said. "I didn't want to hurt her feelings." I nodded and grabbed the cake. "I think she likes you!" I said. "Yeah, what's there not to like?" He said jokingly. "Well what about our tradition?" I asked. "Well, I have another idea. I baked a cake today and it looks horrible, Do you want to bake the cake for me?" he asked. I tilted my head a little and smiled. "Yeah sure!" I said. "Make me nice for my birthday." he said while smiling. "Oh I will!" I said excited while hugging him. "And promise me that we can pick out a cake for Christmas, okay?" I said. "Sounds good!" "Okay, good." I turned around. "Oh, You should watch The Twilight Zone while I'm baking the cake!" I said. My dad looked down and said. "Good idea."

Micheal's P.O.V (Brynn's Father)

I saw my son Carter sitting on the counter looking around. "What are we eating tonight, Carter?" I asked. "Pasta, Pop." I nodded and went to a cabinet to grab the tape of The Twilight Zone to watch once again. Carter rolled his eyes.

We sat on the couch. I was playing with some playing cards and Carter was sitting upside down on the couch. Brynn walked in. "Hey guys!" I turned on The Twilight really quick. "Hey honey." I said. "How's the cake coming?" "Ohh you'll see!" She said excited. "Oh what's happening?" She asked. I explained to her what was happening in the show. "Oh I bet the guy is going to die!" Brynn yelled. "Well I bet the people are going to turn into monsters and try and turn the guy into one too, Loser does the dishes!" Carter yelled while sitting up right. "Oh, you are on!" Brynn said while shaking hands with Carter. We watched it and Carter was right with his 'Prediction.' "Wow Carter you're good!" Brynn said amazed. Carter smiled and shrugged. Brynn got up and walked to the kitchen.

I threw the deck of playing cards at Carter. "Ow dad!" He said like he was hurt. "You're an idiot." I said. "That hurt!" He wined.

Brynn's P.O.V

We sung happy birthday to my dad. We finished and he blew out the candles. I hugged him "And you don't look a day over 25!" I said. "Yeah, right!" he said. I got my birthday gift for him. "Okay open your present dad!" I said excited. "Let's see what we got here." he said while looking at Carter. He opened the present. "Oh a movie." he said. "Hey! When I'm done doing the dishes, do you guys want to watch it?" I asked. "Sure-" They both said. After I got done with the dishes, We sat down and watched the movie.

A little while later we finished the movie. "I can't believe that happened in the movie! Did you guys see that coming?" I asked. "Nope, Not a clue." They both said. I hugged my dad. "Hey birthday dad." I hugged Carter after. "Love you sis." He said. "Sweet dreams Brynn." My dad said. "Good night." I said while walking upstairs. I got in my bed and fell asleep.

Carter's P.O.V

So every night when Brynn falls asleep we have to make everything how it was like the day before. We throw away a cake and get a new one. We have to wash her clothes and put them back the same. We have to tape her present back. We have to put more newspaper on the porch. We put the shampoo the same it was and we buy more supplies for the cake she's going to make. We have to do this, Every single night.

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