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Violetta's P.O.V

"Angie!" I scream as Dad opens the door. I run and hug her as she smiles.

"It's so good to see you Violetta." She says with a smile.

"So when you called me...." I begin. "I was at the airport and since I found out in France, I wanted to come and surprise you" She says.

"Well it was certainly a surprise" I say with a laugh.

"It's great to see you again, Angeles" Dad says quietly. "You too,German" Angie says."What has it been, two years?" She says.

Dad nods and smiles at Angie."Well I had better get to my hotel."Angie says turning to the door.

"Wait, Angie can stay with us right Dad?" I ask."But she already has a hotel" Dad says.

"But she is family" I plead and Dad eventually gives in.

"Would you like to stay here?" Dad asks Angie and she nods.

"Thanks German" She says politely.

"We have to go see the others!" I say.

"Calm down Violetta, I am sure that they don't want to see me" Angie says.

"Of course they do!" I say.

"Ok then" She says with a smile.

"Just let me get changed first and we can go to Art Rebel" I say and I go up the stairs.

German's P.O.V

"So how have you been?" I ask trying to make small talk.

"Great, being a songwriter is the dream job and Paris is so beautiful" I say. "I am sure that Violetta will love it just as much as I do".

Jade then walks in with an angry look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She ask Angie.

"I came from France for a visit" Angie says.

"Well you visited so why don't you go back there?" Jade says rudely.

"Jade!" I say shocked." Angie is family and she can stay for as long as she wants OK?"

"Whatever." Jade says as she rolls her eyes.

"Now I need to go work,will you two be OK?" I ask while looking at both of them

"Sure my love, just go work and I will keep Angie company" Jade says with a smile.

"That's what I like to hear" I say as I walk into my office.

Angie's P.O.V

"Now listen, Angela..." Jade begins.

"It's Angeles or Angie" I correct her.

"Whatever, German is my husband and you can't just come back and try to steal him from me" Jade says.

"I came for Violetta and Federico" I say.

"Now you want to steal my children?" Jade says angrily.

"Fede and I are not your children!" Violetta says as she walks down the stairs.

"Vilu don't" I say.

"Angie is family so lay off her, OK Jade?" Violeta says.

"Fine" Jade says and then walks into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry about her, ready to go?" Violetta says and I nod.


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