Girl Meets First Day (1)

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I have decided that from now on, I will start calling chapters "Girl Meets...." because  I think that it will sound cool. So just a  heads up.


Violetta's P.O.V

 I am SO excited! I got up super early, had a shower, got dressed and went to the breakfast hall. I am glad that I came early so that I don't have to worry about where to sit. I sit on an empty table and eat my croissant. I see hear my phone ringing so I pick up.

"Hello?" I ask since I don't recognise the number.

"Violetta?" A voice asks me and I instantly recognise it.

"Leon." I say quietly and I try and find something to say."New number?"

"Yeah, I broke mine" Leon says.

"Why are you calling me?" I ask a little harsher than intended.

"Francesca told me that it was your first day so I wanted to wish you good luck" Leon says.

"Well thank you" I say. "Is that all?"

"Vilu, come on" Leon says. "Why haven't you spoken to me since you left?"

"What happened...isn't relevant now" I say." I am in France and I have moved on so you need to accept that,Leon"

"You...have moved on?" Leon asks.

"With my life yes" I reply."So it's probably best if you don't call me".

I then hang up and go back to eating my breakfast. Suddenly somebody startles me by sitting next to me.

"Violetta!"Alex says and I smile."I didn't think that I would catch you here"

"Well I'm an early bird I guess" I say and he chuckles.

"I see that" Alex says." So I was wondering if you....?"

"Nope, this is not happening" Gery says as she pushes Alex out of the way and sits between us.

"Can you leave us alone?" Alex asks and Gery folds her arms.

"No Alex! I am not letting you date my roommate!" Gery says.

"Gery could you maybe...?" I begin but she interrupts me.

"Nope" Gery says." Bye Alex".

"Fine Gery, see you some other time Violetta" Alex says and walks away.

"Why did you do that?" I ask and give Gery a little shove.

"My brother isn't the type to get serious" Gery begins." He is a player and you seem a bit sensitive..."

"I'm not sensitive!" I say defensively.

"Fine, whatever just watch out for him" Gery says."Should we get going?"

"Sure" I say and we leave.

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