Chapter 7: The Parks

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Jimin smiles on his way home as the scene of him and Mina replays in his head. He waves at the guard as he opens the gate and Jimin is quick to notice that only his dad's car is there. He sighs as he tries sneaking to his room but notices one of the butlers waiting for him.

Jimin bows and greets him and he says, "Your father is waiting for you in his study." Jimin just smiles and bows then makes his way to his dad's office. Jimin stands in front of him with his head bowed low. Mr. Park asks, "How's school?"

He replies, "Same old, same old." His dad scoffs and says, "If getting into a fight is the same old then I'm worried." Jimin stays quiet as his dad continues, "Do you think I'm an idiot? First, you covered up your friends' fight, then you continue to attack another student, and you pick a fight at a local convenient store."

He perks his head up as his dad sighs and rubs his eyebrow. Mr. Park says, "I just need you to graduate high school and I can get you into a good college then you'll take over the company. What more can I do for you?" He replies, "You can leave me alone."

His dad chuckles and says, "I let you drink, smoke, host parties at our mansion, and bring home any girl you want. I just need you to do something as simple as passing high school." Jimin looks up rebelliously and says, "I don't want to do any of that. Can I just live my life as I want to? Even if it means I have to struggle." His dad says, "And do what? Dance? Think realistically, now go and clean up." Jimin yells, "NO! I won't! YOU PLANNED OUT MY LIFE JUST SO YOU WON'T BE EMBARRASSED I'M YOUR SON!"

His dad sighs and says, "Yeah, I did plan your life. It's for your own good, you think dancing will get you anywhere? I'm looking over your future. Why can't you be like your sister?" Jimin bites his lip as tears form in his eyes. Mr. Park says, "She's a year younger but you're in the same grade. She surrounds herself with great people, such as Namjoon and Jeongyeon. You know she just got a boyfriend? The heir to Kang Corp."

He looks at his son and says, "And here you are, picking fights. Surrounding yourself with delinquents and sleeping with peasant girls." Jimin stomps his foot and says, "Don't talk about her like that! We didn't do anything!" Mr. Park raises his eyebrow as he glances at the lipstick stains on his neck. Jimin looks at him in anger and his dad says, "It doesn't matter what's true or not. What would other people think when you walk into a girl's apartment, that you're reading the bible?" Jimin raises his voice, "I still don't get why you have people watch over me! I'm about to graduate high school!"

His father says, "Because I don't trust you. You're my first born son and I can't trust you. You're a delinquent and a disappointment. If you don't change now, I don't know what I'll do with you." Jimin stays quiet and his dad says, "Now go clean up, your mother is coming with Jihyo and Daniel and we have a dinner..."

After a long dinner of his mom embarrassing Jihyo in front of her boyfriend and his dad making it obvious that he likes Jihyo more, Jimin makes his way to his room. A knock on his door causes him to toss his blanket and open it. Jihyo stands there alone and Jimin asks, "Where's your boyfriend?"

Jihyo says, "Helping mom with the dishes." He nods and lets her in so she sits on his bed. Jimin asks, "What happened to Yoongi? Last time I saw you, you two were still a thing." She replies, "He's... he's gone." Jimin nods and says, "I like this one too." Jihyo just bows her head and asks, "How's dad?" Jimin replies, "Exactly the same. Still hates me."

She reassures him, "He doesn't hate you... It's just tough love." Jimin complains, "Why does he like you more? It's not my fault you're so nerdy and good at doing things!" Jihyo jokes, "Well, you should try studying." Jimin throws a pillow and says, "Studying is for the weak, my brain remembers all the useful information it needs." Jihyo chuckles and says, "I'm moving out the house."

Jimin looks at her defensively and says, "Don't tell me it's with Daniel." Jihyo stays quiet as Jimin sighs and falls on his bed. Jihyo asks, "You're not mad?" Jimin mumbles as he places a pillow on his face, "Just do what you want as long as you don't get pregnant, trust me on that one. Is this why you came in here?" Jihyo just nods and he says, "Well, I'm not against it but I'm not for it." Jihyo thanks him and says, "Don't worry, dad will get around soon."


Mina lies on her bed as the scene of Jimin replays in her mind over and over again. Frustrated, she goes out to get a glass of milk. Mina notices that Taehyung is there watching tv. She joins him on the couch as he says, "Can't sleep?" She nods and he says, "Do you need brother-in-law advice?" She nods again as he asks, "So what is it about today? Sister problem? School problems? Guy problems?"

Mina says quietly, "Guy problems..." Taehyung takes a sip from his beer and says, "Ahh, was the one that Sana was talking about. The one you hid from her." She nods and Taehyung says, "So what's the problem? I bet your sisters will approve of him cuz you chose him." Mina says, "That's the problem. We aren't dating and I don't even like him." He asks, "Are you sure you don't like him?" Mina nods hesitantly and says, "It was just an on the moment thing. He's not even a decent guy, he's an asshole and a bully."

Taehyung says, "Ahh, so you're the bad boy type." Mina waves her arms and says, "NO! I'm more of a genuine person type! There was a guy like that at our school but he left. And for Jimin, it's different. When we're alone, he's perfect but at school he's the opposite." Taehyung chuckles and Sana says behind her, "So his name is Jimin?"

Mina turns frantically and says, "When did you get there?" Momo says, "We were always here. You're just blind." She whines, "HEYYY!!!! This was supposed to be between Taehyung and I." Sana says, "Mina, if you like him. You like him as long as you're happy." Momo nods and says, "We'll let you do anything you want as long as you're happy and safe. We trust you." Taehyung nods and says, "I'm dropping you to school tomorrow. Wake up early because I have to be somewhere."

Mina just nods as she smiles brightly.

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