Chapter 15: Mission

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2 days later....

Jungkook and Tzuyu have grown close as she's been lonely without Mingyu to keep her company. She answers another phone call from her boyfriend, "Hey baby~" Mingyu replies, "Eww, too cheesy." Tzuyu scoffs and says, "You like it, stop denying it." Mingyu asks, "So how's school? I'm sorry I can't be with you or drop you home." She replies, "It's ok, I wish you were here. Jungkook drops me home so you don't have to worry about my safety."

Mingyu asks feeling uneasy, "Jungkook drops you home? I thought you don't like him?" She replies, "We made up, he's been keeping me company." He replies, "Oh... ok." She smirks and says, "Mingyu, are you jealous?" He replies, "Yes." Tzuyu says cutely, "Don't be jealous~ I'm yours and nothing will change that." He says, "Aww, love you." Tzuyu just chuckles and bids good bye.

She walks to school and notice that Mina's been missing for a few days. She asks Jungkook, "Have you seen Mina? She's been gone lately." He shrugs his shoulders and says, "She doesn't show up to dance practice and Hoseok excuses her. Maybe, she has something going on."

Jimin walks behind them quietly as for some reason, he's worried. He starts to set a goal for the day, find out what happened to Mina.

Jimin thinks for a bit and has a number of people he can ask. First, he decided to ask the one he's most comfortable with. He approaches Rose at her locker. Jimin says, "Hey, Chaeyoung." She jumps in surprise and growls, "Stop calling me Chaeyoung, we aren't close anymore."

He pouts and she eyes him, "What do you want?" Jimin replies, "Why do you always think I want something from you? I just came to say hi!" Rose greets, "Then, hello and good bye." She walks away and Jimin calls her, "WAIT! This time... I needed to ask something." She chuckles and he asks, "Have you heard from Mina?"

Rose looks at him with a different facial expression and it confused Jimin. He asks, "Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?" She says quietly, "You really like her don't you." Jimin blushes and clears his throat, "I-I was just asking if you've seen her." Rose giggles and flashes a genuine smile. Jimin looks at her even more confused and she says, "It must feel good doesn't it. I'm jealous." He stays quiet trying to understand what she's saying.

Rose continues, "It must feel great having someone worried about you. So worried that you approach your ex to ask about your whereabouts. Jimin, you must really like Mina because last time I saw you like this, was when... When I ran away finding out I was pregnant." Jimin rakes his hair back at a realization. He's trapped in a one sided love.

Rose answers him, "I haven't heard from her in forever. Good luck, Park Jimin." She leaves and he stands in awe. He exhales and inhales trying to stay focused. He then approaches his second possible lead.

Jimin knocks on the door of the guidance counselor/dance club advisor. Hoseok opens the door with a big smile and says, "Come inside, Jimin." He asks the older, "You know my name? I've never met you before." Hoseok laughs and says, "Of course I do, I memorized all the names of the students and the class rumors go around quickly. And I have to say Park Jimin, I'm disappointed. I never got to talk to you about this before but you don't practice safe sex? What happened if you caught an STD? Here have this."

Hoseok hands him a condom and he quickly puts it away blushing. Jimin stutters, "T-that's not why I'm here.... and why are these condoms extra small?" Hoseok takes them back and says, "Oh you looked like... never mind here." He hands regular sized one and Jimin says, "Oh yeah, I had a question." Hoseok raises an eyebrow and Jimin asks, "Have you heard from a student named Myoui Mina? She's in the dance club and I heard you were dating her sister." Hoseok chokes on air and says, "We're not dating... She's too busy to date... She works too much and has to care of her sister and when we do go out, something always comes up. Momo is just too busy, it's not my fault she didn't accept me."

Jimin clears his throat to get back to the original subject and Hoseok says, "Oh yeah right, Mina has been having personal issues lately. It's understandable that she doesn't show up to practice but I'm still confused on why she doesn't show up to school. I tried reaching her or her sisters but they haven't been responding."

Hoseok hands him more packs of condoms and Jimin proceeds to thank him. He then sighs as he still doesn't know where Mina is so he has to ask the last person he wanted to talk to, her girlfriend.

Jimin approaches Chaeyoung who sits by herself on the roof of the school. She's different. Chaeyoung dyed her hair black and has a few new visible tattoos. She's listening to music with her headphones on and reading a book. Jimin taps her shoulder and she looks at him confused. After putting a bookmark and removing her headphones, she asks, "Can I help you?" Jimin asks quietly, "D-do you know where Mina is?" Chaeyoung's heart breaks when she hears her name. After spending days trying to forget about her, Jimin comes out of nowhere to ruin her hardwork.

Chaeyoung says quietly, "No..." Jimin's eyes widened as out of all the people he asked today, he thought Chaeyoung would know for sure. He just never asked her first because he wanted to find Mina without confronting her girlfriend. Jimin asks, "B-but-" She says, "Listen shorty, stop asking me about my... about my girlfriend. It's rude." He whispers, "But I'm taller than you..."

She puts her headphones on and proceeds to read her book.

Jimin curses in his head as he hasn't made any progress. After school, he ends up in the same convenience store where he usually finds Mina. He looks around to see no one there except one guy who's frantically shopping. The guy bumps into Jimin and curses, "SHIT. My bad ma'am, I'm in a hurry."

Jimin feels hurt once again as his masculinity was just insulted for the third time that day. He helps the guy pick up the several food he bought and soon recognizes his face. Jimin says, "Y-you're Mina's siters' boyfriend." The guy flashes a box smile and says, "Do I know you?" Jimin says, "No but I know Mina." He replies barely paying attention to Jimin, "Ahh, yes Mina. I know her." Jimin asks, "Do you know where she is?"

Taehyung suddenly gets a phone call and answers it before answering Jimin's question, "Hello babe~"

"Sorry, this is not the time to be flirting...."

"Yes I got the food...."


"Sorry... for yelling.... love you."

He hangs up the phone and sighs, "Sorry, duty calls. Nice to meet you, whatever your name was. It's probably Jim. Good bye Jim!"

Jimin shakes off the weird feeling and suddenly remembers what the guy just said. Jimin mumbles, "The hospital?"

He makes his way to the nearest hospital which was exactly 30 minutes away. He tells the person at the front desk, "I'm here to see a Myoui." She replies, "Ahh Myoui Sana. What's your relation?" He replies, "I'm a friend." The woman nods and proceeds to give him the room number.

Jimin visits the room as he starts to get nervous. This is the first time he's ever seen Mina's family and he's not even close to her.

He knocks on the hospital room and hears, "IT'S OPEN!" He enters and sees Taehyung giving this girl a foot rub while reading her a book at the same time. Sana looks at Jimin confused and says, "Sir, I think you got the wrong room." Taehyung glances at him and tells her, "Him, oh it's Mina's friend. I think his name is Jim." Sana raises an eyebrow, "Mina's friend? Jim? As in Jimin?" A sly smirk is put on her face as she recognizes his pair of shoes from the past incident. She replies, "Ahhh, Mina's friend. Come in, she should be home from school soon."

Jimin says, "That's the thing... she hasn't been to school and I'm wondering if you knew where she was?" Sana's eyes widened as she accidentally kicks Taehyung's face, "WHAT?"

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