Chapter 8: Past Flame

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Mina walks with Tzuyu to her first class as she notices that Jungkook is trailing behind them. She says, "Are you just going to ignore him? He's been bothering you for so long, I think he's sincere." Tzuyu sighs and says, "Mina, I love you but you really are too innocent. He's just doing that so he can get me in his bed." Mina raises an eyebrow as Tzuyu says, "I know guys like him, they want to seem sincere and nice so they can gain your trust. It's how they mess with girls like us, so I'm choosing to avoid it and if the situation ever comes up. You should avoid them too."

Mina just nods as they head into their classroom. The usual talking and chattering is silenced as Jimin enters the room. People are still scared of him and he just ignores them. He glances at Mina as he flashes an apologetic smile and she's quick to look away and ignore him. This causes Jimin to frown as he thinks why she's ignoring him. "Maybe... she likes me?" Jimin's baseless imagination soars as he smirks in confidence.

The teacher walks in and Jimin sits down quietly. He gives a short lecture then catches everyone's attention, "Ok, I am going to assign your partners for the first semester project. It's a simple 1,000 word research essay and I expect you to turn in a draft next week. As for your partners...."

Jimin listens to every single pair mentioned and as every time his name isn't called he gets hopeful as Mina's name wasn't called yet.

"Chou Tzuyu with..." Jungkook's heart skips a beat as he expects his name to be called.

"Kim Mingyu." He suddenly feels a sense of disappointment and slumps his head down. "Myoui Mina and..." It's now Jimin's turn to expect his name as he's been waiting all class for this.

"Jeon Jungkook." He glances at Jungkook who just lays his head down and suddenly perks his head up. Jungkook says, "Wait, if I'm with Mina. Then your partner is...."

The teacher finishes, "Which means that Jimin is with Roseanne. Now, use the rest of the class period to plan with your teammate."

The class turns into groups of whispers and mumbles as Mina approaches Jungkook as he's her partner. She asks, "What's the buzz about?" Jungkook replies, "Jimin got partnered with his ex." Mina looks at him questionably and says, "Doesn't he have a lot of exes?" Jungkook shakes his head and says, "This is different, he didn't break up with her. She broke up with him after some big incident which no one talks about." Mina asks, "S-so, does he still like her?" Jungkook just shrugs as he wonders the same.

Mina glances at the two as she sits next to Jungkook.

Jimin says blankly, "Rose." She replies, "Jimin." The awkward tension between them intensifies as they just sit across each other. She breaks the silence, "I'll just do all the work, I can't trust you to contribute and you might bring our grade down." Jimin replies, "No, I'll help." Rose sighs and says, "You can help by moving out of my way. Plus, isn't this better for the both of us? I'll do all the work and you do nothing while we get a good grade. I don't mind at all and I'm sure you won't." He says, "But I want to help."

Rose says frustrated, "Why? Why do you care about school all of a sudden?" Jimin replies, "It's not about school, it's my image. What will Mina.... What will people think when they see me freeloading?" Rose scoffs and says, "Why do you suddenly care about your image? Park Jimin never cared about anything or anyone, that's how I remembered it." He stays quiet as she stands and says, "I'll just put your name on it. Don't worry."

Jimin sighs as she leaves and he's left alone sitting on his desk.

Mina then watches Rose walk away then directs her attention to her partner. She notices that Jungkook's been staring at Tzuyu for a while and shifts her gaze towards them.

Mingyu chuckles, "So you're from Taiwan?" Tzuyu nods back with a shy smile as he says, "Wow, I've been there a few times but I've never seen anyone like you." Tzuyu blushes and says, "What do you mean?" He replies, "It's just.... Your resemblance to Yoda is so... uncanny." Instead of her face turning red in flattery, she burns in anger as she stands and says, "Yah!"

Mingyu just laughs as she playfully hits him, "You don't speak to a girl like that!" He smirks and says, "How should I speak to a girl then? Say you're beautiful and that I'm attracted to you." Tzuyu stops her barrage of cute punches and he continues, "I don't want to be a liar though." Tzuyu huffs and just sits down in anger as he's been playing with her this whole time.

Mingyu notices that he's ignoring her and says, "Hey, I was just kidding. Stop ignoring me, we have a project to do." She continues to avoid eye contact as he tries his best to gain her attention.

Jungkook just watches in jealousy as Mina taps his shoulder but he doesn't notice. Mina says, "Do you like Tzuyu?" He suddenly turns his head and says in denial, "What? NO! What makes you think that?" Mina asks, "Then is Mingyu a bad guy?" Jungkook shakes his head and says, "He's the nicest guy I've ever met." She asks confused, "Then why do you keep staring at them?"

Jungkook says, "Why does she accept him so easily but can't listen to my apology?" Mina shrugs her shoulder and says, "You should stop trying though, she's misunderstanding the situation and it's making her despise you more."

He sighs and says, "Are you going practice today?" Jimin interrupts, "Practice?" The two turn shocked as his sudden appearance surprises him. Jungkook says, "You scared the shit out of me! Why are you here and where's your partner?" He says, "She left me. I'm bored so I went over here." Mina says, "I'm... I'm going to go." She leaves as Jungkook asks, "What was that about?"

Mina joins Tzuyu and Mingyu's table as her friend introduces her to the tall man. Mina just smiles shyly as he smiles brightly at her.

The three soon go to lunch together and sit at their table. Mingyu has plenty of friends but he's spending the day with his new partner and Mina. They sit down and hear whispers. Mina says, "What are they talking about now?" Mingyu says, "Just ignore them, it's probably cuz I'm sitting at a different table." Tzuyu says sarcastically, "Wow... So you're popular." Mingyu smiles and says, "I'm glad you're interested."

She glares back at him as Mina says, "I feel like a third wheel." As Mina eats a spoonful of rice, a sudden burning feeling covers her back. Mina squeals in surprise as another voice says, "SHIT MY PASTA!"

Mina turns her head to see Rose looking at her apologetically. Before Mina could say anything, Rose says, "I'm so sorry! I was distracted and.... Nevermind. Let me help you, I have a spare uniform in my locker. We're about the same size." Mina says, "No, it's ok. I'll just clean up." Rose shakes her head and says, "I won't let you. I lost my pasta, I don't want to lose a potential friend. Let's go, my locker isn't too far from here."

Jimin stands in front of the two as he glares at Rose. She replies with a cold, "What are you looking at?" He accuses her, "You did this on purpose." Rose scoffs and says, "Why would I do that? Are you saying I'm a bully? I don't even know her" Jimin says, "You're picking on her because I...  Because... Because? Why would you do that? You tell me!" Rose rolls her eyes as she continues to drag Mina to her locker.

They go to the bathroom as Rose keeps apologizing even though Mina accepted her apology every time. Mina chuckles and says, "Surprisingly, this isn't the first time I was smothered in pasta." Rose just laughs along and says, "Again, I'm sorry. If you need any help whatsoever, let me know. I owe you one." Before Mina could reject her offer, she just smiles and leaves.

Mina thinks to herself, "What a sweat heart."

{I hope no one misunderstands this chapter because Rose is a good character.}

- author guy

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