Chapter 17: Surprise

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Tzuyu goes home early as Jungkook has dance practice so she's lonely. She notices that the door is already open but her sisters aren't home. She shrugs it off as it might just be the cleaners.

Tzuyu finds out it's not the cleaners as the floor is covered in roses. She says out loud, "Who the fuck blew up a bouquet in here?" A voice chuckles and Tzuyu turns around feeling delusional. She says, "I must miss Mingyu, I'm hearing things." Mingyu says, "Yeah, you're crazy." She turns around completely to see Mingyu standing with his arms open for a hug. She runs to him and says, "Mingyu? You're back?"

He chuckles as he holds her smaller frame and says, "I kind of lied about staying back, in reality. We ended early." They talk as they sway together in an innocent hug. Mingyu asks, "How was it? Did anyone bother you?" Tzuyu says, "No, I really missed you. Jungkook kept me company." Mingyu tightens his hold and says, "Ah... you're mentioning Jungkook again." She giggles and says, "Stop being jealous, I still waited for you." He chuckles as he glances at her sparkling eyes.

Tzuyu cups his face and places kisses on his jaw and lips. Mingyu says, "I missed this." Tzuyu continues to pepper him with kisses as he guides her to her bedroom. Mingyu turns the tables as he pushes Tzuyu on to the bed. Her eyes are filled with lust as Mingyu removes his shirt and so does she. She glances at his toned body in awe as he lies on top of her and places kisses on her forehead then on her nose then on her lips then on her neck...

Tzuyu let's out a soft moan as Mingyu comes back up to her lips. His hands soon drop slowly from her abs to her underwear. Tzuyu closes her eyes in bliss as he inserts his hands in her womanhood. She moans, "Ahh.." Mingyu continues to fasten his pace as Tzuyu wraps her hands around his neck.

She pulls him closer as she nears her climax. As she is pushed to the edge, she moans out loud,





Mingyu then stops the kiss and his hands as Tzuyu is still in cloud9 not realizing her mistake. Mingyu whispers, "Jungkook?" Her eyes widened as she glances at him, "Mingyu, I'm sorry. I-" He interrupts, "You what? You told me to stop being jealous but you took it too far. I'm here making love with you with all my heart and you're thinking about Jungkook?"

She bites her lips as Mingyu stands and starts dressing up. Tzuyu stands and says, "I'm sorry, it's just we were hanging out a lot. I don't love Jungkook." He turns to her and says, "Well, do you love me? I always express how much I love you and how much I need you but I've never heard you say you love me back. I have my doubts."

Tzuyu stays quiet and he says, "Tzuyu, I'll forgive you if tell me right now. No lies, from within your heart, that you love me." Tzuyu stutters, "I... I-I" She doesn't know why but the words don't come out of her mouth. She keeps telling herself that she loves Mingyu but it's all a lie. Mingyu frowns and just walks away, "Good night Tzuyu."


The next day, Tzuyu doesn't show up to school. Mina walks to her dance practice as Jungkook jogs closer. He asks, "Have you seen Tzuyu?" She says, "No, I think she's sick or something." They enter the room to see Seulgi and Jaebeom already stretching. Momo says, "You two are late."

They bowed to apologize and join the two for stretching. Seulgi tells Mina, "Dude, your sister is hardcore." Jaebeom nods and says, "Btw, how old is she?" This earns him a glare from Seulgi as Mina says, "She's like 24" Seulgi says, "Why do you need to know?" He says, "She looks our age." Jungkook then tells Mina, "Are you worried about having her as the new dance instructor?" Mina just nods as Momo calls them to a line.

After doing several warm up techniques, the lesson begins. You would think having your sister as the dance instructor will gain you some favoritism but it was the opposite for Mina. Momo was too harsh on her maybe it's because she loves her but it was tough love. Momo sighs and says, "Do it again." Mina wipes her sweat as she'd hear those words 20 more times throughout the day.

Mina flops on her butt as Seulgi hands her another bottle of water. She says, "If practice is like this everyday, I don't know if I'll survive." Seulgi just smiles and says, "It's for the best. With this intense training and practice, we'll be the best in Korea."

Jaebeom helps Seulgi up and says, "Good luck Mina, it must be intense living with a woman like that." A guy pats his shoulder and says, "Imagine dating her..." Jaebeom turns his head to see Hoseok. Momo says, "Hobi baby, where do you want to eat for dinner?" Hoseok chuckles nervously and says, "Wherever you want."

He then goes to Momo as someone catches Mina's eyes. Outside the door waits Jimin.

She walks out and hugs him. He whines, "Eww, you're sweaty." Mina just pecks his lips and says,
"You came to pick me up?" He just smiles and says, "Well, I have some news." She looks at him curiously and asks, "Good news or bad news?"

Jimin laughs nervously and says, "Depends on how you look at it but I think it's good news." Mina breaks from the hug and says, "So... spill the beans." Jimin says, "My dad wants to meet you and he invited you for dinner with my family." Mina says, "So it's good news?"

Jimin rubs his nape and says, "He might be a little hard on you because... he kind of hates me." Mina looks at him sincerely, "No, I'm sure he doesn't. Parents are usually hard on their oldest child." Jimin surprisingly blows up, "How would you know?" Mina is taken a back and tears cloud her vision.

Jimin realizes he just blew up and soon regrets raising his voice. Jimin cups her cheek and says, "Sorry. He said bad stuff before and my relationship with my dad is... complicated. I didn't mean to yell, it's just a sensitive topic for me."


Jimin helped Mina pick out a formal attire for the dinner and picks her up at her house. Luckily he went to her house one hour early so they won't be late but they were held back by Sana taking 2 million photos as if they were going to prom.

Mina enters Jimin's massive house and her eyes widened. His house is bigger than Tzuyu's.

She meets his mother and what she assumes is his sister. Jimin's mom brings him in a hug and says, "It's been a while since Jimin brought home a girl." Jihyo scoffs silently as she eyes the girl her brother brought in. Mina just chuckles and says, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Park. I'm Myoui Mina." His mother says, "Ohh, please call me Mom." Mina hesitates to call her that as she never called anyone Mom before.

She stays quiet and Jimin pulls her away, "Umm mom, where's dad?" Mrs. Park then says, "Oh, he's waiting in the dining room. Let's go, the food will get cold." Mina just smiles at his mother but also notices that his sister has been glaring at her this whole time.

She tries to ignore her and walks to the dining table. Jimin's dad sits in the middle while Jimin and Mina sit across of Mrs. Park and Jihyo. They start to eat as Jimin's mom starts the conversation. She asks, "So Mina... Where are you planning for college?" Jimin starts to grow nervous and his father's attention is gained.

Mina answers, "Well... I was planning on getting a scholarship to college through dancing." His dad says, "Dance?" He sounded angry and disappointed. But Mina replies perfectly, "It's my family's forte. My older sister got a scholarship to Korea National University of Arts but she couldn't finish high school due to financial reasons so they cancelled her scholarship."

As Jimin senses that his dad is about to say something, he prepares himself for a burst of anger. His dad says, "Korea National University of Arts? That's the best performing arts college in Korea." Mina just nods and says, "My other sister also got accepted but both of them dropped out of high school." Jimin's father then asks, "So what does your sisters do for a living?" Mina says, "Uhhh, my eldest sister works at our school. It helps with the tuition and she's the dance instructor. My other sister isn't working because she's recovering from an illness but her boyfriend is taking care of her." His dad continues to ask, "Boyfriend?"

Jimin feels embarrassed because his dad is being nosy. Mina replies, "Yeah, Kim Taehyung." His dad's eyes widened and he backs off. Jimin feels uneasy as they finish their dinner.

Jimin is called up to have a personal talk with his dad.

He curses, "Ah shit."

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