Chapter 19: Chaegi

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It's currently lunch and Tzuyu and Jungkook sneak off to the rooftop. Jungkook asks, "How did you find this place?" She replies, "I found it yesterday." He then remembers that this is where Mingyu and Tzuyu came from before she confessed to him. He just smiles and says, "It's great, I can finally be alone with you."

They soon hear someone clear their throat and both turn. They see Chaeyoung sitting on the edge of the roof with her headphones around her neck and a book in her hand. She says, "This is my spot." Jungkook says, "Chaeyoungie~ Can we share? It's noisy in the cafeteria." She shakes her head and says, "I go here to be alone and you ruin it by being here." Tzuyu takes his hand and says, "Let's just go to the library."

Jungkook just complies and Chaeyoung goes back to reading her book. A strong gust of winds causes her to drop her book off the roof and she curses, "SHIT." She looks down to see a guy rubbing his head in pain. He glares upward to see Chaeyoung staring straight down at him. She yells, "I'M SO SORRY! WAIT DOWN THERE!"

She quickly runs down as she sees the guy holding her book. He hands it over and she bows her head feeling embarrassed. Chaeyoung says, "I'm sorry." He just stares at her blankly. Chaeyoung can't read his face. "Is he mad? Is he in love? What's with this guy?" As she bows and bid goodbye but the guy says, "Wait." She turns and he looks at her shyly, "Buy me lunch."

Chaeyoung then realizes she has to pay him back for dropping a book on his head and takes his hand, "Ok, let's go." The guy just stares at the shorter dragging him to the cafeteria as she places him on a table far from everyone. Chaeyoung smiles at him and says, "I'll be back. Wait here." Yoongi just stares at the beautiful girl as she cutely walks quickly to get them food.

She comes back and he says, "Thanks. I'm Yoongi by the way." She introduces herself, "Oh, I'm-" He interrupts her, "Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung looks at him confused and says, "Have we met before?" He stutters, "U-uh, no. It's just I-" Namjoon shows up out of nowhere and says, "He always stares at you during lunch!" Yoongi quickly turns to hit him but he's lone gone.

Chaeyoung just blushes as she feels flattered and slightly disturbed. He bows his head in shyness. Chaeyoung says, "Y-you watch me?" He just nods and she asks, "How long has that been going on?" Yoongi says, "Long enough for me to know you cut and dyed your hair and that you have three new tattoos." Chaeyoung just stares at him in awe and he says with a red face, "Sorry, I must look like a creep and a stalker. Thanks for the lunch, I'll just eat alone."

She says, "WAIT! I want to eat with you." Yoongi looks at her and says, "Really? You don't think I'm weird for watching you?" She replies, "No you're weird. But... I like weird." and he just smiles at her. He apologizes, "Sorry if I'm awkward. I'm usually good at speaking but recent developments crushed my confidence." Chaeyoung says, "You too? This year hasn't been the best for me."

He just nods and says, "I'll share my story if you share yours." Chaeyoung smiles back at him and says, "You first." Yoongi frowns and says, "I broke up with my girlfriend last year. I was fine really until I found out she was dating another guy just 2 months later. I started to doubt myself and just kept quiet the entire year."

Chaeyoung just looks at him in pity then he raises his head to meet her eyes. She says, "I made out with my brother's friend. But she rejected me because she liked a guy." Yoongi says disappointed, "She?"

Chaeyoung quickly waves her arms and says, "Uhh, I like guys too!" He then says, "Do you like me?" She turns flustered and says, "Well, I don't know you yet." Yoongi replies, "Then let's have a date. To get to know each other so I can get an answer." She just chuckles and says, "It looks like you regained your confidence, but yes. I would love to go on a date with you, maybe it's better for the both of us."

As classes end, Yoongi quickly finds Chaeyoung and brings her to a nearby restaurant. After speaking for what feels like hours, they soon to grow a liking to each other. Their attitudes complimented each other and several of their interests overlapped. It makes Yoongi ask himself, "Where were you my whole life?"

He then notices a couple he's far too familiar with. Chaeyoung notices him staring and she says, "Is that your ex?" Yoongi just nods as Chaeyoung flashes a mischievous smile, "Let's do something. Just to show her that you're over her and moved on." Yoongi then smirks and says, "Really?" Chaeyoung just nods and says, "Just tell me what to do."

The couple are soon approaching their table and he pulls Chaeyoung on to a kiss. It may seem fake but it felt too real for the two. In between the kiss, Yoongi whispers, "Now sit on my lap." Chaeyoung replies, "Nope." Yoongi breaks the kiss and stares into her big eyes, "I tried." She just giggles.

"Yoongi? Is that you?"

He turns his head to see his ex intertwining her arms with her new boyfriend. Yoongi says, "Oh hi Jihyo, didn't see you there." She smiles brightly at him and says, "You have a girlfriend." Yoongi starts to panic and says, "Yes I do in fact have a girlfriend." The guy introduces himself, "I'm Kang Daniel. Nice to meet you." Chaeyoung just glances at the two and says, "Jeon Chaeyoung."

Jihyo says, "He's my boyfriend." Yoongi starts to panic even more and says, "Well, Chaeyoung is bisexual!" Chaeyoung just holds his arm back as she feels the second hand embarrassment and Jihyo looks over to Chaeyoung. She's wearing a chic sweater and has short hair with an undercut. She has visible tattoos on her collar bone and her neck and she's short. Jihyo just bows to her then proceeds to leave with Daniel.

Yoongi exhales as he leaves and Chaeyoung eyes him, "You were nervous." He says, "I haven't spoken with her since we broke up. It was awkward." She says feeling a bit jealous, "Do you still like her?" He shakes his head and says, "Those feelings are far gone. But I did find my feelings for you."

She blushes and says, "Your duality is insane." Yoongi then asks, "So, did you figure out an answer?" Chaeyoung looks at him straight in the eyes and says, "I think I'm going to say yes. Yes Yoongi, I do like you but let's not rush anything. We literally just met today." He smiles brightly as his creepy stalking and unique charm finally paid off. {Results may vary, do not try in real life. Stalkers are weird. Only reason it worked is cuz he's Yoongi.}

Suddenly, Chaeyoung's eyes dart to the entrance of the restaurant. She shakes Yoongi's arm and says, "That's her. Mina."

He glances at Mina and she's walking in with Jimin. A face he remembers clearly. Mina passes by Chaeyoung's table and says, "Chaeyoung? Is that you? On a date?" Chaeyoung nods shyly as Jimin stands by Mina. He points at Yoongi shocked and exclaims, "YOONGI?" Yoongi stands up furiously and holds him by the collar, "You're the one that made Chaeyoung cry?"

He replies flustered, "What? NO ROSE JUST HATES ME!" Chaeyoung holds him back, "Stop, we're in public." Jimin exclaims as Yoongi is near to strangling him, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since you were dating my sister!" Yoongi shakes him a bit, "Stop bringing that up, you shorty!" Jimin replies offended, "Shorty? WHO YOU CALLING SHORTY?"

Yoongi starts to tear up and says, "JIMIN!" He yells back, "YOONGI!" Yoongi continues, "I MISS YOU!" He then hugs the other as the two hug tightly quickly embarrassing their girlfriends.

Mina backs away and so does Chaeyoung as they are really confused and embarrassed. Mina nudges Chaeyoung slightly and says, "So you're with Yoongi." Chaeyoung smiles and says, "I see things worked out with Jimin." Mina then says quietly, "Chaeng, we're still friends right? We both moved on right? Because I don't want things to be awkward between us and I really want to stay friends."

Chaeyoung extends her hand and says, "Michaeng for life?" Mina holds her hand and replies, "Michaeng for life. Now, what do we do about these two?" Yoongi and Jimin continue to hug each other in the restaurant as everyone looks at them. Yoongi asks Jimin, "So does everyone go to this restaurant?" Jimin replies, "No, Mina and I were going to eat dinner with Jihyo and Da... with Jihyo."

Yoongi says, "I met Daniel already." Jimin eyes him, "Is he still alive?" Yoongi playfully pushes him and says, "He's alive." Jimin asks him, "Are you ok?" Yoongi glances at Chaeyoung who's pretending she doesn't know him and replies, "Yeah, I'm alright."

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