Chapter 10: Drama

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Mina groans as she feels sore from dance practice. Hoseok has been ruthless because they have a small performance in front of the school. She groans as she stretches on her bed, tempted to go back to sleep. Mina shares a room with Sana because the two wanted Momo to have her own room. Momo is the breadwinner after all.

Momo knocks on her door and says, "Mina! You're going to be late." Mina groans silently and pretends to sleep. Momo says, "I'll kill you if I find out you're awake." She stays quiet as Momo says, "Don't test me Mina! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD!" Mina quickly stands up and opens the door. She glances at Momo who's looking both angry and cute.

Mina sits down at the dinner table and notices that Taehyung is sitting with them. Sana says, "Taehyung is dropping you so hurry up." She quickly gets ready as she makes her way to Taehyung's car. The first few moments were awkward but Mina brings a past topic. She asks, "How do you know Tzuyu?"

Taehyung says, "My family is close with hers." Mina says confused, "But, you said you had no family and Tzuyu's family is filthy rich." He nods as Mina looks at him even more confused.

He sighs and glances at Mina. Taehyung says, "You know that I love Sana with all my heart." She nods and he continues, "How I'll stick with her through thick and thin. How I'll journey all around the world just to be with her." Mina nods again feeling even more confused. Taehyung says, "You know that Sana loves me right? How she fell in love with Kim Taehyung. The guy who works part time at a local department store. The guy who has a barely functioning car and a shitty apartment. The guy who shares the same struggles as her."

Mina stays quiet and he says, "I'm not that guy. I'm Kim Taehyung. Kim Taevante. The guy who owns the department store. The guy who has several million dollar cars in his garage. The guy who has a mansion which size is unimaginable. The guy who never struggled in his life." She asks, "What are you saying? I don't get it."

Taehyung says, "The life you think I've been living is fake. I live no struggles and this car and image is just a facade. A facade I made up because Sana fell in love with the Taehyung that can barely afford a fancy date." Mina mumbles, "So you lied to us... We know nothing about you..." He says, "Mina, out of the three. You're the smartest, I need you to understand why I'm keeping this from them. You have to keep this a secret."

She mumbles, "Why? You saw how we lived, you see how hard Momo unnie works. You see how much we have to do to get even the smallest of things. If you really as rich as you say you are, why don't you just help us out?" He says, "Mina. I-" Mina turns to him, "If you really love Sana, you would get her out of this mess we've been in our whole lives. Stop playing with us Taehyung, stop playing with Sana. She sympathizes for you and I can't count the number of times she told me how she pitied you. Sana thinks you live in a crappy apartment by yourself, alone. She visited you countless of times because she felt bad that you struggled alone."

He bites his lip and says, "Sana will look at me differently if she found out I was hiding this from her." Mina says, "Yeah, she will cuz I definitely see you differently. Drop me off here." Taehyung stops the car several blocks from her school and she leaves without a word. He rakes his hair back in frustration.


Tzuyu walks to school and Mingyu joins her. He walks next to her as she ignores his existence. Mingyu says, "Chewy, are you ignoring me?" She turns her head to glare at him and he says, "You like it? I made it up yesterday and its perfect. Chewy~" Tzuyu says, "Stop calling me that." Mingyu smiles victoriously and says, "So you aren't ignoring me!"

She breaks a smile and turns her head. The two are a few blocks away from the school as the awkward atmosphere engulfs the two. Mingyu quickly notices and says, "Tzuyu, do you feel uncomfortable around me?" She looks at him surprised and shakes her head, "It's not that... it's just weird because I never had a brother and with you around, it feels different."

He stops his tracks as Tzuyu stops too. She looks at him confused as he says, "Don't do that Tzuyu." She raises an eyebrow and he says, "I don't want to be your older brother." Tzuyu feels offended and says, "Wow ok, you didn't have to be harsh about it." Mingyu picks his head up with a serious look on his face. At this moment, Tzuyu recognized that behind the asshole who messed with her for several days was a handsome man.

She gulps as a slight blush forms on her face. Mingyu closes the distance between them leaving his face just a few inches. Mingyu says, "I don't tease you because I want to be an older brother. I tease you because I like you." Tzuyu replies, "Huh?" He chuckles and says, "I didn't think I'd confess this early but I couldn't risk getting family zoned. Tzuyu, I like you and I have liked you ever since I met you."

Tzuyu just stands there completely speechless and shocked. Mingyu cups her cheek and says, "I don't know if you feel the same but... let me like you, please." He nears her face as both of their eyes are closed. Their lips connect as Tzuyu accepts his advances and they share a kiss early in the morning just a few blocks from school.

On the other side of the street, a pair of eyes watches the two. That same man holds two Iced Americano with the purpose of handing one over to his crush. Now he's the only one crushed... Jungkook drops both of them on the ground as tears unknowingly form in his eyes. He knew he had to make a move on Tzuyu before Mingyu did. Jungkook knew that if he just stood there doing nothing, Tzuyu would never notice him. Jungkook knew that he messed up the first day he met her and that a friendly tease went too far. He sighs in anger, frustration, and sadness as regrets filled his heart. Regrets of doing nothing. Now it's too late, Tzuyu is with Mingyu.


Mina walks to her locker completely pissed as Taehyung ruined her already bad morning. Her body is sore, she's tired, and pissed. Nothing could make this day worst.

As she shuts her locker frustrated, the last person she wanted to see was next to her. Jimin smirks at her as she just ignores him and walks away. The smirk is quickly wiped from his face as he turns to her confused. He starts to feel embarrassed as everyone just witnessed a girl flat out ignore him. He chases after Mina and says, "Wait up! Mina, let's talk."

She turns her heels and he stares at her in fear. She's not yelling or furrowing her eyebrows. Mina stares at him coldly with a demeanor that could intimidate anyone. Jimin hesitates to say the pick up lines he's been thinking of all morning. Mina waits impatiently, "What's so important that you had to stop me and talk in the middle of the hallway." He says nothing as a deadly aura surrounds Mina causing him to forget everything he planned to say.

Mina walks away as he exclaims again, "Wait-"

Another person interrupts him, "Leave the girl alone Jimin, she doesn't want to speak to you."

{Who is it?}
- author guy

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