Chapter 18: Acceptance

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His dad takes a seat as Jimin stands in front of him scared. Jimin speaks up first, "Listen dad, I really like this girl and if you try to break us up, I won't let you. I don't want to go against you but I will if I have to."

His dad stays quiet and says, "Jimin, do you promise to graduate high school and go to the college I recommend." Jimin replies quickly, "I will if you let me stay with Mina." His dad chuckles and says, "So you're going to back on your word to never listen to me for this girl?" Jimin says, "Yes."

Mr. Park says, "I like her. She has a better plan for her future than you and she knows how to survive. She has experience with the outside world and that's crucial. Her sister is also dating the heir for Kim Technologies which is great for the family. I do prefer more high classed woman but if you choose her, I won't go against you." Jimin looks at him shocked and says, "Really? You called her a peasant and said that I should cut all my ties from her."

He sighs and says, "Listen Jimin, in this industry, when you don't marry someone of your class, people will talk behind your back. I experienced it with your mother and we barely survived. I didn't want you to suffer from rumors and gossips. Not only do you have to withstand the rumors, trash talking, and glares but it's always harder on the woman's side."

Jimin's mom excuses herself which leaves Mina alone with Jihyo. Jihyo continues to glare at her and says, "So what do you like about Jimin? His money? His class? His house?" Mina is taken about by her accusation but understands where she's coming from. Mina thinks to herself, "I bet he's had experience with several gold diggers."

Mina says, "He stands up for me and helps me when I don't expect it. From perverts at a convenient store to family issues, no matter how much I didn't want him to be there. Jimin was always there." Jihyo feels touched but tries to keep her intimidating look.

Jihyo says, "How is he in school?" Mina chuckles, "He's an asshole. His grades aren't any better than his attitude." Jihyo breaks into a small laughter and says, "Good to see that you see the real him." Mina just smiles back at her as Jimin comes down from his dad's office. He looks at Jihyo and says, "Mina, let's go before my dad changes his mind." She replies happily, "He doesn't hate me????"

Jimin says, "He probably likes you more than me and let's keep it like that."


Tzuyu feels devastated. She's been trying to call Mingyu for hours but he never answers. It was also hard for her to ignore Jungkook's calls and texts. It was triangle she was trapped in and she couldn't make up her mind. Shuhua kept knocking on her older sisters' door as she can hear her sobs from across the hallway. Tzuyu never opened it as she was scared and embarrassed.

She covers herself in her blanket deep in thought. "Do I love Mingyu? Of course I do, he's always playing around and teasing, his handsome smile, his playful attitude and the fact that he cares without showing it." Suddenly, a realization came to her head. She's not thinking about Mingyu, she's thinking about Jungkook. She's never loved Mingyu, it's just she was reminded of Jungkook through his actions and words that she tricked herself into liking him. Her heart was never with Mingyu, it was with Jungkook.

Tzuyu feels the tears rolling down her cheek as a giant crash is heard. She jumps out her bed in shock as she sees Shuhua with one of the butlers. Shuhua thanks the butler for the help and walks to Tzuyu's bedside.

The older says, "Did you really have a butler use a battering ram on my door?" Shuhua hugs her and says, "Tell me what's wrong." After telling her younger sister everything, Tzuyu calms down as saying everything out loud helped her a lot. Her tears stop rolling and she realized what she had to do.

Shuhua sighs and says, "It's a shame that both of them are perfect. But by the sounds of it, you must like Jungkook. So... you won't mind if I start hitting on Mingyu?" Tzuyu playfully pushes her and says, "You're just a baby and no guys for you until I die. Plus, the family dinners will be awkward." Shuhua just giggles uncontrollably as Tzuyu laughs along with her.

The next day...

Tzuyu waits for Mingyu in front of his locker and he shows up. He looks at her coldly and she says, "Mingyu, I have an answer. Can we speak privately?" He just nods as they make it to the roof top. Tzuyu says, "Sorry Mingyu but I can't accept your love. I just can't reciprocate your love and I feel bad if I don't tell you this. I don't want to lead you on and I think that you'll definitely find a better person later."

Mingyu just stays quiet then embraces her in a hug. He whispers, "It's ok Tzuyu. I can't say my feelings for you have left but... if you ever need me. I'll be here." She just hugs him back as she says, "I'm sorry."

Jungkook notices the two coming back from the rooftop. As he approaches Tzuyu to confront her about the miss calls, Mingyu puts his arm around Jungook's shoulder and drags him away.

As they reach an empty hallway. Mingyu pushes Jungkook against a wall and they're both ready to fight. Mingyu grabs his collar and warns him, "If you do anything bad to Tzuyu, I will find you and kill you. And don't forget, if Tzuyu ever leaves you. I'll be waiting to take her back." Jungkook looks at him shocked and stands there stunned as Mingyu walks away. He then sees Tzuyu rushing to him and raises an eyebrow in confusion. Tzuyu hugs him tightly as he says, "What happened? But I'm not complaining."

Tzuyu cups his face and he starts to burn in anger, "WHY DID YOU IGNORE MY CA-" She kisses him in the middle of the hallway as Jungkook's anger dissolves. Tzuyu whispers in his ear, "Jungkook, I think I like you." He's taken aback again and answers, "Tzuyu, I like you too but... what happened to Mingyu." She blushes and says, "Something happened and I had a realization, I never fell in love with Mingyu. The only reason I was attracted to him was because he reminded me of you and I like you."

Jungkook hugs her tightly and says, "I'm sorry Tzuyu. I should've made my move when I found out I liked you. It would've saved you from all those tears." She just chuckles and says, "At least, we're together now. It's all that matters."

A voice clears her throat in the hallway. Tzuyu and Jungkook break away as they see Momo smirking at them. Before either of them could mutter a word, she says, "Detention for skipping classes and making out in the hallway without a hall pass."

She walks away and Tzuyu and Jungkook just laugh it off.

{2 more chapters left!}

- author guy

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