Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV 

I woke up the next morning, feeling groggy. I lay in  my bed for a little while before I decide to get up. I recalled all the memories from the previous night and a blush dawned my cheeks. 

Soon an overly excited Jimin came in, eyebrows raised, as if expecting something. "Give me the details sis, I want all the tea." He exclaimed like a real drama queen. I caught on to what he was saying. 

"Well he was a complete gentleman, opening doors for me and such. He was so sweet and I feel like I had a real connection with him. After the art museum. we went to a noodle bar-oh! And we told each other about our past, seems like we are awfully alike." I continued, not noticing the cheeky grin on his face. 

"It's like the badboy/Mr Smoker turned into such a sap." I finished.

"Well, since t's Saturday, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, why don't we go shopping a the mall?" I ask to which he nodded.


At the mall, we strolled from shop to shop buying clothes and all kinds of stuff we will probably never use. We then decided to go to the food court, and grab some lunch. 

We both decided to eat at Burger KIng, since we were both craving it. When the waitress came over to take our order, she kept giving Jimin not so subtle winks and even attempted to give him her number.

"Sorry honey, but i'm gay as fuck!" he said, getting fed up with her flirting. She mumbled a quick sorry before leaving. I laughed so hard, tears were pooling at my eyes. She then came back with our food, head bowed down in shame.

After finishing our food, we stayed there decidig to chat a bit. Loud obnoxious laughter made it impossible to do so. I turned to where the laughter was coming from, and saw


He was laughing heartily with a girl, even though I have only known him for a short while, I felt a pang in my chest. I understand why, the girl was no doubt beautiful, with clear skin, and long, black hair like silk, with the  most beautiful eyes. Jimin must have noticed because he followed my gaze and gave me a sympathetic smile and tried cheering me up.

I just don't understand what i'm feeling right now, soon we left the mall,  me trying to get my mind off Jungkook. 

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