Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

It was Tae's eighth month, I was at work, the interview went well and I was hired as their main architect, I was pretty much promoted to head architect on my first day of work. 

I was working on the design for ahouse when I was interrupted with knocks on the door, "Come in" I said, adjusting my glasses. "Ah Baekhyun what can I do for you?" I asked my assistant, "Um sir, you recieved a call from the Asan hospital, your boyfriend, Mr Kim Taehyung is having an emergency birth operation." 

With that I rushed out of my office and into the car. I soon arrived, after running every red robot and almost crashing into a shop. I walked up to the reception and asked for Tae's room number. I was then escorted to one of the ICU wards, seeing Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin.  "Is Tae and the baby okay?" I ask the nurse wearily.

"Yes sir, it's an emergency birth, the baby will be premature, but that is completely normal with male pregnancies, we will have to perform a C-section. Here, put this on and lets get your baby born." She explained, handing me scrubs.

I burst through the door, standing by his side. "Tae baby, you okay?" I ask, seeing them prep him for the operation. "I am fine Kookie, just a little scared" he answered looking at me with fear. I kissed his forehead and held his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

They began cutting his stomach open, and out came our babygirl, they handed her to me, as they stitched Tae's stomach closed. I held her close, she looked a lot like me.

I then handed her to Tae, crying tears of joy.  "What should we name her?" I ask. "What about Chae-hee" he suggested, I nodded with the biggest smile on my face.

Tae was looking at her with so much love, I clicked a quick picture saving it as my lockscreen. They transferred Tae to a resting ward for a bit more privacy.

Taehyung's POV

Just as I was set up in the ward, all of our friends came in. "My baby!" a guy screamed hugging Jungkook, which made me a bit jealous. "I don't believe you two have met yet. Tae, this is Jin, he is like a mother, protective and scary as hell and that is his boyfriend Namjoon" he said pointing to them.

I nodded and greeted them. "How are you Taetae?" Jimin asked as he played with Chae-hee who was laying in her crib. "Fine, just a bit tired" I responded. "Tae baby, would you like some soup?" Jin hyung asked, which surprised me, he must have noticed. "Since you are Jungkookie's boyfriend, that automatically makes you my son and I can't let my son go hungry." he explained, which made me smile. He was very motherly. 

I took the soup gratefully enjoyed the afternoon with our friends or should I say, family.

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