Ch. 19

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Previously ...

I sit at a desk, and Dr. Hunt looks at me, firmly.

I frown, and bite my lip.

"Your test came back positive", He says, frowning harder.

"What are you saying?", I ask, blinking wildly.

"Riley ..."

"Doctor," I whisper, letting a tear fall, "What do you mean?"

"Riley, your pregnant."

Later That Night ...

Mom knocks gently, before walking in my room.

"What do you want?", I ask, sniffing, and holding a stuffed animal close to my chest.

"How have you been doing, Ri?", Mom asks, stepping closer.

"How does it look like I've been doing?", I grumble.

"Hopefully not crying; feeling sorry for yourself", She whispers.

"Aren't you mad at me?", I say, trying not to make eye contact with her.

"Of course I'm not mad at you," She says, "I'm pretty damn dissapointed in you, but no, we all make mistakes. Were human."

"Ugghh", I mumble, "And now there's a tiny human growing inside of me".

"And that human will make mistakes as well", She says, "A many as you did".

"She probably won't get herself pregnant," I say, smiling.

"What makes you so sure it's a girl?"

"I dunno", I say, "Just a feeling".

"Well, I'm glad your not thinking abortion," Mom smiles.

"Hell no!", I screech, "Never. If God wanted my baby dead-he resulted me in miscarriage."

"Aww ... that's true," Mom says.

"Can you really afford another baby?", I say, "Because there's no way I can pay for everything."

"Well, I mean I was pregnant, so I would've had to figure it out, but you'll have to get a job ... so will Parker, if he can", Mom says, seriously.

"Did you plan to have your baby?", I asked.

"My miscarriage baby?", Mom asks, and continues when I nodd, "I didn't, no. It was unplanned, but also a miracle. How about you?".

"Umm ... very unplanned. Obviously. We had sex one time, and I got pregnant."

"I'm surprised Parker's the father," Mom says.

"Why?", I ask.

"Well, he's so sweet ... aww ... Ri, he'll be a great dad."

"Yeah, he will," I grin gently.

"How many times did you sleep with him ?, Mom ask, frowning," Had this been a normal-habe I been missing this? God ...: "

"No, mom, no," I say, "It was both of are fault, and it happened once. We didn't use protection ...".

"Well, that was irresponsible ...", Mom mumbles, "What did I teach you?".

"When your thing goes up someone's thing, make sure there's a condom covering that thing", I giggle just a little, and Mom throws a laugh in there, too.

"Right," Mom grins, "Was that the first time you did it?".

"And the last."

"Oh, phew," Mom laughs, "Never have sex again ... ever."

"Yes, well until I marry ...", I laugh.

"Do you and Park want to get married one day?", Mom asks, sitting.

"I dunno", I say, "We've talked about it, and we never knew. Were in love, but I mean, maybe now that a baby's in the picture that'll change some things."

"You told him?", Mom asked.

"No!", I said, "No, I didn't. Oh, god, I gotta go over there right now!".

"He can come here, spend the night if you want", Mom smiles.

"Really?", I ask.

"Yeah, your already pregnant", Mom lets out a shrill of laughter, "What worse can happen?".

"Okay, I'll text him!", I say, right now. "

"Okay," Mom says, grinning wickedly, "But when your finished ...".


"Tell me about the sex."

"Ohh, gross Mom!"

And then we lay there, laughing, and smiling, and crying tears of happiness.

And I think "Lord, what in the heck would I do without my Mom?".

And I don't want to think about that. Not right now. Not ever

My baby: A Teen Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now