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•DEC 22, 2019•
•10:18 pm•

It's been a long time so yeah, i just want to apologize from changing some parts, moments, and words in this story, im fixing every single detail so please excuse me for that, im sorry also but i (will) change(d) the characters also, hehe :>>.

I added some chapters because i focused much on Scarlet Aalior and Xyra Garciana and their leads, so i wanna make some moments of others so check out and wait me until i publish those added chapters.

So that's this short announcement, lol. Haha, i just wanna say thankyou for reading this treasure of mine <3.

And also.

I just wanna say, i want to creat a season 2 of this. But im not yet sure, but please wait for the announcement if i will make season 2 :>>

Comment if you want SEASON 2 :>>

Luvyu all💖.

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