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"San! Wake up!" I heard someone yell before I felt pressure being put on my whole body.

I slightly opened my eyes, only to see my best friend laying on top of me.

"Minsun? What are you doing here?" I asked her, trying to push her off of me so I could sit up.

"It's Christmas Eve!" She said happily, smiling brightly at me. 

"So?" I asked, finally getting her to move off of my body.

"Choi San! You have to have at least a little bit of Christmas spirit! Don't you remember our tradition on every Christmas Eve?" She asked and that's when it hit me.

Every Christmas Eve since we were thirteen, Minsun and I would go out to the mall to have fun and then at night we would sit on the couch in front of her fire place drinking hot chocolate, exchanging gifts, and saying everything we loved about each other. 

"Oh yeah. Sorry, this year has been wild." I apologized to her, unplugging my phone and quickly checking it.

"Oooo, did Wooyoung text you?" She asked, being nosy again.

"Yes, he did. He wants to hang out today. But I can just tell him about our tradition and tha-" She cut me off when she took my phone out of my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"No. San, you're going to go hang out with Wooyoung today." She insisted.


"No buts. I don't care. We can still do our tradition at night, but I want you to go hang out with the boy that you like." 

"Wait, what?" I asked, turning towards her.

"What? It's obvious that you like him. I saw it written all over your face last week when I saw you guys at school together." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, making my way over to my closet.

"I'm not gay, Minsun. You are the second person to try and tell me that I'm gay and have feelings for men. If I felt that way about Wooyoung, let alone any man at all, I'm sure I would know by now." I told her.

"Who was the first person to tell you?" She asked, her voice growing sad. 

"That's not important right now." I said, looking away from her.

"No, tell me. It's important." She demanded, still trying to look me in the eyes.

"It's really not and I don't really want to talk about it rig-" 

I felt Minsun grab ahold of my wrist, "Tell me!"

"Fuck off!" I snapped at her, pulling my wrist away from her grip.

Minsun pulled her hands close to her chest and her eyes teared up a bit.

"Fine. Next time I just won't ask you about your problems and leave you to deal with them by yourself if that's really how you feel." She told me softly, grabbing her purse and walking out of the room. 

"Minsun? Where are you-" 

"I'm leaving, Jongho. Tell your cousin to come see me if he ever figures out his life." She told him, walking past and slamming the front door behind her. 

I let out a sigh and buried my face in my hands.

"Everything okay, San?" Jongho asked and I shook my head in response, laying down on my bed. 

"I messed up everything." 

"What happened?" He asked and I felt a few tears run down my cheeks. 

"We got into a fight and I snapped at her. I can't believe I could ever be so mean to her. I need a hug." I said as I continued to cry, Jongho just watching me cry as I laid on my bed.

"Go call your friend and ask for a hug. Whatever his name is." He told me, walking out of my room and I threw a pillow at him before he was completely out of the door way.

"YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH, JONGHO!" I yelled at him, getting up and slamming my bedroom door shut, making sure to lock it afterwards so he wouldn't be able to walk back in and punch me in the face.

I picked up my phone, still in tears as I dialed Seonghwa's number, only for him not to pick up.

"God dammit!" I cried out, not knowing who else to call. And that's when I remembered. 

"San? What's wrong?" I heard Wooyoung's voice ask as he heard me crying over the phone.

"I-I need you, Wooyoung. I don't want to be alone right now and I have no one else to call a-a-and-"

"Shh, don't worry, San. I'm on my way right now." Wooyoung said before hanging up.

Only a few minutes later did I happen to hear a knock on the door. That was when I messaged him, saying the door was already unlocked and to come up to my room.

A few seconds later, Wooyoung was in my room and sitting next to me, holding me in his arms. 

"It's gonna be okay, San. Breathe deep breaths, okay?" He told me and I nodded, still crying as I managed to inhale deeply and exhale a few seconds later until I calmed down a bit.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" He asked and I shook my head, wiping my tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand. 

"Minsun and I got into a huge fight. I ended up snapping at her and then she left. She isn't one to hold grudges, so usually she would be back by now to apologize and would bring cookies with her, but that didn't end up happening this time." I said softly, already feelings tears rim my eyelids again just by mentioning the incident.

"Aw, don't cry, San-i. It pains me when you cry." He said sadly, bringing a hand up to my cheeks to caress them softly. 

"I miss her, Wooyoung. I miss her a lot and she hasn't even been gone for 2 hours, yet. I don't know what I would do without her." I said, more tears slipping from my eyes, Wooyoung quickly swiping them away with his hand.

"What was the fight about? Only if you mind telling me." He asked and I looked up into his eyes.

"She said I was gay. And I refused to believe it because she is the second person to call me gay. She asked who the other person who called me gay was and I told her it didn't matter, and that's when the fight happened." I admitted and the brightness in his eyes faded a bit.

"You know, San, it's not a bad thing to be gay. Now I'm not saying you are, I just want you to know that it's okay to be gay. Some people think that it is wrong because of their religion, but in the end, you love who you love and that will never change who you are or make you a bad person." Wooyoung told me sweetly and I managed a smile.

That was when something inside me switched and I leaned forward, kissing him on the lips. 


Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! Sorry it's been a few weeks, I have been super busy and I got sick (yes, again, but I'm finally getting better). I also had my Christmas concert, which, I got the solo! My mom even bought me a flower, uwu. Anyway, I am officially on Christmas break and am trying to update all of my ATEEZ stories as much as I can! I will next publish the prologue and chapter 1 of Homophobic || SeongSang, so if you haven't checked it out yet, please feel free to do so! I love you all and Happy Holidays! I hope you all have a great holiday(s), no matter what you are celebrating! 


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