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The three friends sat in silence on the couch in Minsun's living room, not exchanging any words with one another.

As soon as they arrived, Minsun brought both San and Wooyoung into the living room so they could chat about what just happened.

"Wooyoung-" San tried.

"I'm not talking to you." Wooyoung said, turning away from him, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Wooyoung don't be that way. We are just trying to help you." Minsun reassured and he finally let out a sigh, turning back towards them.

"I'm not ready, though." He said, tears filling his eyes.

"It's okay, Wooyoung. Nothing is wrong with telling us. You can trust us." San said but Wooyoung shook his head.

"I don't know if I can trust you or not, San."

Minsun looked over at both of them and got up off of the couch.

"I'm gonna let you two talk for a few minutes. I will be back with some ice cream." She told them, leaving the house for a few minutes.

"Why do you say that?" San asked, curious.

"You literally kissed me!"

"Well I'm sorry that I have feelings for you!" San shouted back and Wooyoung was still.

"I can't do this right now." Wooyoung objected, trying to get up to leave, but San grabbed his arm and pulled him back down on the couch.

"No. Minsun told us to figure things out. So that's what we are going to do. Now, tell me what happened. I want to know why you called me a bastard earlier."

"It's Junsu..." Wooyoung finally admitted and San nodded, listening to everything that he was saying.

"I always had a bad feeling about him."

"He was my boyfriend a few years ago. But he used me for a sex tape." Tears started to stream down Wooyoung's cheeks and all San wanted to do was wipe them away and pester him with love kisses.

"It was my first time. I was a virgin up until then. After we had sex, he told me the truth about what just happened. He said if I told anyone about what was happening that he would release the tape. I have been getting raped and abused by people ever since then. Now it is mostly him, but he-"

Wooyoung stopped talking for a minute, choking on some tears.

"H-he used to pay people to hit me and bring me to him whenever he wanted sex. He would then drug me and fuck me senseless." Wooyoung finally admitted, getting all of that off of his chest.

He literally felt this giant weight he lifted off of his shoulders, but a bit of it was still there because he knew it wasn't over just yet.

"Oh my god. Wooyoung...why didn't you tell me?" San asked, reaching up to place a hand on his shoulder, only for Wooyoung to move away quickly.

"I thought you were just like them. You literally kissed me and I told you not to."

"Actually, you didn't tell me anything. You never informed me about what was happening or what did happen. So I just showed you how I felt. What's so wrong with showing you how I feel?" San objected, rendering Wooyoung speechless.

"I wasn't ready to tell anyone. He said if I were to tell anyone about what happened, and I mean anyone, that he would release the tape." Wooyoung explained and San shrugged.

"He wouldn't really do that, would he?" San asked and Wooyoung let out a sigh.

"You don't know how Junsu is and how he does things. He doesn't care about other people. At all."

"How can he be such an ass?" San wondered and Wooyoung shrugged.

Wooyoung then reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, but soon realized that he had left it at Junsu's house.

"Shit.." Wooyoung mumbled under his breath and San looked over at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked and Wooyoung birdied his face in his hands.

"I left my phone at Junsu's house..."

"Damn. If I ever see him, I'm gonna beat his ass." San said and Wooyoung shook his head.

"I don't recommend doing that. He has guys that will come and beat you, but worse than what you did to him."

"How does this kid have money to pay them?" San asked.

"His parents are rich." Wooyoung explained briefly and San nodded along.

A knock could soon be heard on the door and San got up to answer it.

"I'll get it." He said, making his way towards the door.

Wooyoung laid down on the couch, extending his legs to fill the spot where San was previously sitting. He then put his arm over his eyes and tried to get some more sleep.

That was, until he heard the door open and yelling. He quickly got up and ran down the stairs to see what was going on, only to see San and another male fighting it out in Minsun's front yard.

Wooyoung ran after San and pulled him off of the other male. But when he did, he noticed something about the other male.


"W-what are you doing here?" Wooyoung asked, stuttering a bit.

"You left your phone at my house, so I came to return it. But then this bastard over here tackled me after I told him that you left your phone at my house." Junsu explained.

"How did you know I was here?" Wooyoung asked and Junsu scoffed.

"You're best friends with the girl that lives here. So, after I found out that you weren't home yet, I decided to check here next."

"Just...give me my phone." Wooyoung demanded, holding out his hand.

"Now now, baby. That's not how we do things around here, remember?" Junsu teased him.

"Just give Wooyoung his god damn phone back already!" San yelled, trying to lunge at the younger, Wooyoung managing to hold him back.

"Why should I listen to you?" Junsu asked and San thought for a minute.

"Because Wooyoung is my boyfriend." He lied, wrapping his arm around him and pulling him closer, Wooyoung eyeing him.

"Just go along with it." San whispered into his ear, earning a slight nod from the younger.

"No he isn't. He is mine. Also, I've never seen you guys together. You're clearly lying to me." Junsu said, pointing at them.

"Bet, bitch."

San said, and then leaned in, pressing his lips onto Wooyoung's. And for the first time in forever, Wooyoung actually felt happy and like a spark was there.

Did he have a crush on San?

Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed it! Just finished drivers ed, so now I kind of (not really) have more time to think of ideas and write. It's not that I don't want to update for you guys, because I really want to write, it's just that the desire for me to write has been gone for a long time and I am waiting for it to come back, but it won't come back on it's own. I am trying to figure it out, so please bear with me for the time being. I love you all!


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