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"Hi mom." Wooyoung said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as his little brother had just dragged him inside.

He saw his mom get up from the couch and take a few steps closer to him, her chocolate eyes starting to tear up.

She then walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him comfortingly. This was the first time he had received a hug from his mother since his dad had left when he was younger.

"I'm so sorry, Wooyoung. I never meant to neglect you and your brother. It's been a really hard time for all of us since your dad left, but it really took a toll on me the most. I'm sorry that you guys don't have a dad figure in your life anymore." She apologized and Wooyoung hugged her back.

"It's been so hard without him. So hard. Sometimes I wish that he never left, but then again, I know it's better for us that he is gone. This is the way things are now and I just have to accept it."

Wooyoung's mom nodded and pulled away, caressing his cheeks and moving his bangs out of his eyes.

"You are so handsome, my son. I'm so sorry. I love you. I really do, Wooyoung. I promise I will be here for you from now on. How about we sit and have a chat about what's been going on with you?" She asked and he nodded, turning to look back at Yeosang.

"I'm gonna chat with my mom. You can go back to Seonghwa's place." Wooyoung told him and he nodded, saying goodbye before he left, closing the door behind him.

"So, what's been up with you recently? I want to know everything." His mom said happily, patting his knee as he was sitting next to her on the couch.

"I met someone. I really love them, eomma." Wooyoung told her and she smiled.

"Oh really? Who is this girl?" She asked and he let out a sad sigh.

"Eomma..." He trailed off and she tilted her head to the side a bit.

"It's not a she..." Wooyoung whispered and she smiled.

"That's totally fine, sweetie! So, who is the guy?" She asked, wanting all the details.

"Well, I think I fucked up." Wooyoung told her and her smile faded into a frown.

"Awe, why do you say that?"

"Eomma, please don't hate me if I tell you this..." Wooyoung begged and her gaze softened.

"I could never!" She promised and he sniffed before taking a deep breath.

"I was raped. I still am getting raped at times. There hasn't been any recent incidents, but it used to happen all the time. That's why you would see me beaten up all the time when I came home late at night or early in the morning. I had a boyfriend, but I found out he was only using me. He knew that you didn't know I was gay and threatened to send you a video of us having sex if I told anyone about the raping." Wooyoung confessed and his mom burst into tears.

"Wooyoung, oh my god. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this alone. I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I know I couldn't have possibly stopped this from happening, but I can't help but cry and feel bad for you. I am going to tell the police tomorrow, okay?"

"Eomma, please don't! He will release the sex tape onto the internet and everyone will see it!" Wooyoung begged, starting to sob at this point.

"It'll be okay, Woo. It'll be okay. If we don't tell the police, who knows what will happen to you. Now please, tell me about the boy you met recently, okay? Is he a sweetie pie?" She asked softly and he nodded.

"He really is, Eomma. He loves me. I can tell. He is always there for me. When you kicked me out, he let me stay with him. But he also has family problems, so we had to leave and stay at a friends place."

"Awe, that was sweet of him to do. Did you guys do anything yet? How long have you been together?" She questioned him and Wooyoung nodded slightly.

"We have been dating for a week. I've known him for a while, though. We had our first time earlier today, actually. And before you ask, yes, we used protection." Wooyoung reassured her and she let out a relieving sigh.

"Thank god. So, why do you think you fucked everything up?" She asked curiously and his eyes filled with sadness.

"I had a nightmare that he was just like my ex boyfriend who raped me after we fell asleep after we did it. I accused him of being like my ex, Junsu, and told him that I hated him. I just feel so broken inside. I don't know what to do. He probably hates me."

"No, Woo. If he truly loves you, he will wait for you to come back. Better yet, he'll go after you and fight for you. Because that's what a true lover does for the person they care about."

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly and she sent him a smile.

"I'm sure."


"Seonghwa! I'm home!" Yeosang shouted out as he was walking up the stairs.

"Shh, I just got him to fall asleep." He told his boyfriend, Yeosang's eyes switching over to San who was fast asleep on the couch.

"He must be so heartbroken." Yeosang said and Seonghwa nodded in reply.

"He really is. He couldn't stop crying. I tried giving him some banana milk and a snack to calm him down, but he refused to drink or eat anything."

"Dang. Wooyoung really does hold some power of his heart, doesn't he." Yeosang sighed and Seonghwa agreed.

"The last time I saw San this sad was..."

"Was when?" Yeosang asked as his boyfriend trailed off.

"Was when his parents died."

I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! I love you all! Stay safe and WASH YOUR HANDS!!


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