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Wooyoung watched as San tried to fight the pain, but he couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the floor, clutching his abdomen.

"San!" He screamed in worry, kneeling down next to him and resting his arm underneath his head to keep it up right.

Junsu smirked and pointed the gun at Wooyoung, making the younger shudder in complete fear.

"It's the police!" A few men shouted, the voices coming from the front door.

Junsu turned around and saw the police officers pointing their guns at his face. There were 5 officers and they were all looking for him.

"Drop your weapon now and your time in jail will be decreased." They tried to convince him, but he rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked back at San, who was now throwing up blood.

"Drop your weapon now!" They police yelled more firmly, adjusting their aim as they were getting ready to shoot.

"You know, I really hate you, Wooyoung. You have the perfect little family and the perfect little life. I was so tired of you and your perfect little life that I decided that I was going to do everything in my power to destroy it. I tried so hard. You were absolutely broken for a few months and it made me so happy. You were suffering. I loved seeing you suffer."

Junsu confessed and more tears started to fall from Wooyoung's chocolate brown eyes.

Why was he suddenly being so hateful towards Wooyoung? Since when was Wooyoung's life perfect?

"My life isn't perfect, Junsu! You have no idea what I've been through! You are the reason I want to die! I think about killing myself every single day of my fucking life because of you!" Wooyoung interrupted, making the older chuckle.

"You know, you're a funny guy, Wooyoung. You're lying to me, aren't you? You have nothing to want to kill yourself over. Sure, your dad left you, but you have a wonderful boyfriend. I am the one who has been suffering. And now I'm going to go to jail and just suffer even more. So..what's the fucking point of this anymore?"

Wooyoung watched as Junsu raised his hand up to his head, the gun pointing directly at his skull.

"Don't do this, Junsu! Please. I'm begging you!" Wooyoung begged, but it was too late.

The sound of the trigger rang throughout the house, Junsu's lifeless body falling to the ground as the cops shot at him a few times.

An ambulance had finally arrived and the paramedics put San carefully onto a stretcher, loading him up in the ambulance.

Wooyoung had wanted to go with, but they wouldn't let him. He dug his phone out of his pocket almost immediately, dialing a number that was at the top of his contact list.


"Hongjoong, I need your help."


"Where is he?! Is he going to be okay?!" Wooyoung asked the secretary at the front desk worriedly and she nodded.

"He is in the ICU. His blood pressure dropped really low due to his major amount of blood loss. If you just go down the hallway on the left you can see him. You just can't go inside." The secretary told him calmly, Wooyoung running down the hallway.

He stood behind the glass with Hongjoong and watched as multiple nurses were checking on San and doing so many things to keep him alive.

"Please, don't die. You can't die. You can't!" Wooyoung shouted, Hongjoong pulling him into a hug.

"Shhh, calm down, Woo. It'll be okay." Hongjoong tried to reassure him and calm him down, but Wooyoung wasn't having any of it.

He rested his head on Hongjoong's shoulder as he felt him rubbing his back in circles gently.

"Why did it have to be me? Out of all of the people in the world, why is it me that has to suffer the most?" Wooyoung asked Hongjoong as he cried.

"But, some things are worth suffering for. Because in the end they leave you with something that brings you happiness and love." Hongjoong reassured Wooyoung, in hopes that it would make him recognize how much San meant to him.

"Hyung...what happens if I can't feel love?"

Wooyoung asked and Hongjoong felt his heart drop. Where was this coming from? This wasn't like Wooyoung at all.

"W-what? What do you mean, Wooyoung? Don't you love San?" Hongjoong asked and the younger nodded.

"I do. I feel it in my heart, Joongie. But for some reason, all I can think about is how scared I am. I don't know why I'm so scared, suddenly. My life wasn't supposed to go this way. Junsu ruined my life." Wooyoung admitted and Hongjoong let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Wooyoung. What happened to him anyway?" He asked and Wooyoung froze in his place.

Hongjoong moves his hand in front of his face, "Earth to Wooyoung??" He asked and the younger snapped out of his miniature day dream.

"Oh, sorry. It's a long story, Hongjoong. I don't know if I'm ready to tell you about what happened. It really has taken a toll on me. I don't think I'm okay. I need help, Hongjoong."

Wooyoung confessed and Hongjoong blinked a few times before he caught on to what Wooyoung had just told him.

"Are you okay, Wooyoung?" He asked and Wooyoung shook his head no.

"I'm not. I really want to stay here and be with San, but I can't help but think what will happen to me if I don't leave now. I want to see him when he wakes up. I really do. But at this point I'm not sure if I can even handle another minute of living."

"How long have you been feeling this way?" Hongjoong asked and Wooyoung let out a sigh.

"It all happened when Junsu came into my life. He was a very toxic person. I know you told me not to date him, but I couldn't help myself. I really wanted a boyfriend at the time and he was like the perfect guy in my head. But now I realize that he wasn't the perfect guy."

"Who is the perfect guy, then?" Hongjoong asked curiously and Wooyoung smiled.

"It's San."

I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! I love you all! Stay safe everyone!


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