Dates and Hanging pt. 2

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When I woke up on Saturday, I decided to get ready for my date. I put on a pink and purple floral sundress. I also added my leather jacket with my symbol on it.  

When Aaron picked me up, we rode on a scoter he had. When we got their I saw the lake. The lake was gorgeous and there was a picnic. We sat in the middle of broken columns. 

"You know this was where Mal and Ben had their first date." Aaron informed me. 

"This place is cool. So beautiful." 

"Just like you." I turned away blushing. That was so cheesy but I loved it.

"I want to get to know you Kitty." We sat down and he pulled the food out of the picnic basket. We ate while we talked.

"What do you want to know."

"Why were you named Kitty?" 

"When the Cheshire cat adopted me, he called me a kitten. He decided that would be my name."

"Its cute. Any hobbies?" He thinks my name is cute?!

"I like to do art. Drawing is something that I've been able to do since I was little."

"Ever had a boyfriend?" 

"Not really. No one dates really on the isle. I did like a guy when I was little though. That crush went away though." Nope. I still like you. 

"Oh. Wanna go for a swim?"

"Can't. Dyed my hair so I have to wait a few days. And... I want to ask you some questions."

"What do you wanna know?"

"Favorite.... color?"

"I actually don't know. Maybe blue and orange."

"Okay. Hobbies?"

"I like to play hockey and archery. I also like to bake."

"That's really cool. I can't do that kind of stuff. Last question. Ever had a girlfriend?"

"No. I liked a girl but she disappeared." I sat up straighter.

"Disappeared? What happened?" Was he talking about me?

"When I was young, I played with her in Auradon. She was kind of like royalty. Disappeared one day and no one has seen her since." He WAS talking about me.

"Do they have any ideas about what happened?" 

"They think someone took her. Like what happened with Ray's mother." I scoffed. "What was that about?" Aaron was upset. 

"Nothing. I just don't think someone took her."

"Why is that?"

"Who would take her? Were in Auradon. She probably left. Who wants to learn royalty in case their sibling dies." I muttered the last sentence, thinking Aaron wouldn't hear me. He ended up hearing me though.

"How did you... Bella?!" I haven't had a slip up in a really long time. Last one was with Chester and that was my first.

"Who's Bella?" I tried to quickly recover.

"Your adopted. You left, ran away to the isle. The king and queen were worried sick! They had to lie and say your were at a princess camp to make sure no one worried." He was beyond angry. I got up and was about to leave.

"You don't know what happened. You don't know what I was going through." He got up and ran in front of me. 

"Then tell me! Nothing was worse than worse than you being gone. I loved you and you left without anything as much as a goodbye." Tear brimmed our eyes. We were both crying and I just fell to the floor. He sat down in front on of me and looked at me with so much sadness. 

I told him everything that happened and why I did what I did. When I was done I wasn't crying anymore. He looked at me with understanding. 

"You can't tell my parents. Please Aaron." 

"They have a right to know. But it is up to you to tell them."

"Thank you for understanding." 

"I don't understand it that well but you did you thought was right. Your story makes sense." He is so amazing.

"You said you loved me. Was that true?" I need to know. 

"It was true. I did and maybe I still do. It's just... everything is hard to process." I smiled at what he said. 

"I did to. You were my crush. Maybe I still do but were finding ourselves. We have to figure things out." He smiled. 

"You were always so smart. Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend." 

We spent the rest of the date enjoying the food we had and just talking. When we all returned from our dates, we immediately discussed what happened on our dates. They were shocked with what happened at my date. 

Coolest part from all of our dates. We all ended up getting boyfriends.

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