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SOOTHE -Episode one

Ahmad Ibrahim drove down his street like he usually does and voilà at that same stop is the same woman with her three kids awaiting a cab.

Obviously like it's a routine for her and her kids,they are chatting away and laughing as well as giving hugs and kisses freely. The eldest of the children,a boy shouldn't be more than 10years and his little sisters shouldn't be more than 5 and 3.

When he sees them in that mood,he compares it with his own solitary life- he is single yet again after being heartbroken,with an authoritative mother who thinks to help her only son think his life through is her ultimate goal, though remembering his mother usually brings smiles to his face, her beautiful face indented with dimple and her gap-tooth and eye balls so big when she decides to make it be especially when she wills her desires to be done. Her current anthem has been " Ahmad,se o di igba ti eyin mi ba ti te,ko to mu iyawo wa to ma bi omo fun mi pon,abi? Or e fe ma run le? Ahmad,is it until my back has weakened and unable to strap a baby before you'll bring a wife who'll bear me children? Or you want to grow so old?" ,most times he pretends like he didn't hear while other times,he hugs her and pecks her and goes "ummu Ahmad,pray for Ahmad to find a woman who will be the coolness of his eyes".

His father,Mr Ibrahim is a very patient man,full of wisdom and advise and so collected in comparison to his mom

Rahmah,his little sis,is like a right hand man. She knows him better than anyone and can so pester better than anyone,always wanting to hook him up with sis lagbaja and tamedun all in the name of  " egbon mi,go and marry since I wouldn't want to leave you lonely when I find my better half,you know you can't do without me" with the usual wink and beautiful smirk she has on when she makes her signature remark. He on his part,just sometimes ignores her or gives her a hug and other times "o ni placard,ko ko " wife wanted" kon carry am paste for my forehead? Yeyenatu sombori"

His thought was interrupted when he saw the woman with the three kids about to mount a bike and his protective alarm rang like never before. He hates with passion a woman on jilbaab not to talk of a niqabi on bike!

He drove gently towards her and the kids and alighted to go to her, "As salaamu'alaykum ma,if you don't mind ma,may I convey you and your kids to your destination seeing that your kids attend Mawwada schools?

She had to blink twice and went mentally " like seriously,did I tell this strange man that I'm incapable,mtcheww"

Deep in thought on what to do,she took in his appearance: tall,handsome, with beards well combed,nisful sak and thought I hope he's a sunni like he looks!

Then her youngest daughter Masturah broke into her thought "ummi,would you quit staring? Don't you always tell us to lower our gaze?" With eyes wide opened,she had to do a mental spank and " honey,I wasn't staring. I just wanted to be sure we'd be in safe hands plus shouldn't you apologize to mummy for being rude?"
"I'm sorry ummi"

" isn't Allah our protector again mummy? Why worry about our safety when we've already said "Bismillahi tawàkaltu alallahi law awla wa quwatta ila billah" while leaving home?"

With a little laugh,she bent,pat her 5yr old daughter on the head and a hug "sweetie,truly Allah's protection is ultimate but then,we've to tie our camels"

Masturah astonished "ummi,camels? Do we have camels?"

"Misty baby,it's a hadith of the Rasul,I'll teach you another time,okay? Ummi,can we just go? Are we going with the Abu whom we've kept waiting for some minutes or taking the bike,I'm sure going to be late !"

Ni'mah so preoccupied had to apologize " I'm so sorry sir,shall we? Oops,and wa'alaykumusalam"

Ahmad mentally"it's about time,yes we shall".

What next? Still on chapter one! So short right?

Chapter one continues when I can steal time. You like?


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