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It's been 2weeks since the receipt of Ahmed's message and it just keeps popping up in her mind especially the ....".I wish you well" it has a final tone to it and that's what hurts the most.
"I was expecting him to just apologize and maybe re propose but then who blames him" Ni'mah thought and as it's been lately, she was teary. Sa'ad hasn't been his responsive self,Sakeenah and Masturah haven't stopped asking of "uncle Ahmed" and me,same goes. Huh!"
"Ummi,call Uncle Ahmed,please? I miss my hifz class"
"But hasn't Sa'ad been taking you well? It was Sa'ad before Uncle Ahmed, remember?"
"Na'am,but I just miss him"
"You might see him when school resumes" "would you want to take a stroll?"
"I'd love it ummi" Masturah replied happily "should I tell Sakeenah and bro Sa'ad"
Few minutes later,the three were walking to their mom: Sa'ad and Sakeenah looking like they were dragged and Misty all cheery.
"So,ummi,where are we going?" Sa'ad asked  without interest
"For a picnic in the park"
"Really?!"the three chorused "Alhamdulillahi,at least the boredom will be washed off"
Ni'mah pretended not to hear her son. It's unlike him to complain,guess he's caught the Ahmed love virus.
"Let's quickly pack the picnic bag and Masturah,go get the prayer mats just incase we'd have to pray"
"Okay ummi"

Ahmed is in his living room with a khaki shorts and a polo fitted small shirt. He couldn't get the words of Ni'mah's father out of his head and the wonderful man he's.
He remembered how amazed he was when ushered into the Isiaq's mansion. The house is so magnificent,beautifully decorated with flowers and beautiful plants and ornamental trees. Everything in the house seems to be electronically connected and monitored and speaks money. As beautiful as his father's house is,the Isiaq's is one of a kind. They were warmly received by a receptionist in the lobby (who's a receptionist in a house?),served with their wants and told to await Mr Isiaq presence.
"Asalamu'alaykum young handsome men" came the boom of a voice

AZ and Ahmed have never heard such hoarse,commanding yet friendly voice before coming from a well built man who obviously doesn't joke with his daily exercise and good amount of fruits and veggies. This man looks so healthy with a beautiful skin,if one can say that.
"Wa'alaykumusalam sir" they both responded. On further scrutiny,Ahmed realized he's got a full beard_all white yet shiny and he's on nisful saki(a Sunni in law, Alhamdulillahi). He couldn't help but smile
"So,if I won't interrupt you my young men,to what do I owe this visit?"
Ahmed told him about his visit and all he deemed fit to tell him. Suddenly,the strong man started crying. They both were perplexed and just looked on
"I'm sorry young men. I've been praying to one day hear about my lil girl. I wish to behold her beautiful face and fold her in a warm hug. It's disheartening that she's out there on her own with three kids to raise and that idiot just made things worse". "Do you think she hates me? But wait,why won't she? I forced her to marry that wolf in sheep's clothing with the help of my two timing ex wife"
" Ehmm! Sir, actually, she's never told me anything about you but knowing her,I doubt if she is the type who can hate. She definitely would find reasons to forgive' you. She doesn't know I was coming here because she doesn't even know that I found you out"
"Why's that?"
"I proposed to her but she's being stubborn and I really love her- the fact that she uses the qimar and face veil...."
" Subhanallahi! You don't mean that. Ya Allah,walilahilhamd. I used to beg her to use a cap not to talk of a hijab" he quickly made a sajdah shukrah to show his grattitude.
Ahmed and AZ just watched.
" Ahmed Ibrahim,right? I've heard alot about you from the technological world and having you as a son in law would be a pride but I'm sorry that I can't help you"
"But si..r, why? Please you're my hope"
"Calm down young man. You've my word that I'd give my daughter's hand over to you over and over again but I can't marry her off for the second time without her consent
She's to decide this by herself. That's the only way I can correct the wrong and hurt I caused her. Hope you understand?"
"If you're sincere,don't worry my Nini knows a sincere one when she sees it. She's stubborn agreed but has a beautiful heart like her mother,Abike omo boji o jire. Give her time"
"I'm but I'm scared of losing her"
" It isn't about you losing her but about you leaving her"
" I don't understand sir"
" Has she told you about a certain phone call? Her marriage and how she left? The role I played and her step mom? Her times before accepting the Deen?"
" No sir"
" Then let her trust you enough to tell you and then we'd see if you'd stay and still want her afterwards"
"Okay sir"
They talked about business and politics for the rest of the time until it was time to catch their flight back. Mr. Isiaq drove them to the airport himself in his Lamborghini ride and it was chatty all the way,Ni'mah sure takes after this man,Ahmed thought. Mr Ahmed gave them a 100,000cash as gift which Ahmed turned down.
" What kind of son in law turns down a gift from his father in law? Shey o fe kin gba omo mi l'owo e ni_ would you want me to take back my daughter?"
This man sure knows my mumu button,Ahmed thought and he collected the cash gift. They were both hugged by the huge man at once.

The conversation has been occupying his thought since the day he arrived plus not seeing her and the kids just worsens it since schools are on vacation.

Like that wasn't enough, he's been hearing brothers talking about her _a niqobi_Umm Sa'ad who has refused to unveil when men show interest in her. Some are thinking maybe she's a facial defect and it's been scaring him as well.
"Rahmah!".   "Na'am".   "Please come"
"What's it now. I really want to sleep before Azr so I can say my adhkar"
" Did you say that you saw Ni'mah'face and no defect whatsoever"
"See brother moi,how many times will I tell you that her face has nothing ugly on it. Fine,let me describe her to you. She's...."
"Just shut up. I don't need description"
" See,just marry her and let somebody rest. Ah.ah. Ni'mah this Ni'mah that so tey I become bodyguard tho e.favour me Sha" she said with a wink.
"Yeyenatu somebori. Let's go for a stroll"

Ni'mah was chewing the bread and sauce she made while the kids made do with the snaildodo and ayadrink. She looked to her right and she'd to do a.double take and blink severally. When she was so sure of the figure she was seeing,she stood up so quickly and began running until she mental spanked herself and began walking. Her act alerted her kids who saw whom their mom was rushing to.
"Uncle Ahmed!" Misty screamed.

Ahmed lost in thought,quickly turned knowing that voice anywhere and saw Misty running towards him. He closed up the gaps in few strides and enveloped her in a hug, hugged Sa'ad and did the bro handshake and just ruffled Sakeenah's head "hey princess"
"Asalamu'alaykum,we all miss you even mummy. She was always looking at her phone" Misty ranted oblivious of her mom's reaction.
"Is that so? Did someone miss me" he asked Misty while looking at Ni'mah who quickly averted her gaze.
"Hey honey moi,got the drink" Rahmah hugged her brother before taking in the sight in front of her
Ni'mah felt pained,so he's married to Rahmah. Who wouldn't want a beautiful young,intelligent girl like her.
Ahmed hugged his sister and looked to Ni'mah only to see a tear streak on her niqab. Why the tears?
" Aunty Rahmah,so you're Uncle Ahmed's wife" Misty asked
"Who wants to marry a ugly pumpkin? Don't you agree Misty?"
"Uncle Ahmed isn't ugly o"
"Thanks Misty" Ahmed scooped her up and pointed at Rahmahs head to poke her as he speaks " This ugly urchin here is my little thorn in the flesh sister"
Ni'mah looked up instantly and heaved a sigh of relief and felt happy at that information. Her sigh didn't go un noticed by Ahmed who just smirked " so she thinks I'm married! Crazy girl" he thought.
"You can join us at our space. We're having a picnic"
"Rahmah,please go with them I need to talk to Ni'mah" Ahmed said.
While they walked away,Ahmed led Ni'mah close to a tree though in an open space where every eye can see.
"So you thinking I'm married can make you shed a tear. Thought I didn't meet your expectations?" Ahmed asked.
"I'm sorry if that's how you see it. I'm just concerned about what your family,friends and people would say"
"Are we going to be married to people or us?"
"You st...ill. was..nt to Mar...ry me?"She stuttered
"Why has that changed?"
" You didn't get in touch for two good weeks Ahmed. Two weeks!"
"Repeat that" she's wondering why he's all smiley
"My name"
She just rolled her eyes.
"What's this I hear that you've refused to unveil for supposed sawj?"
"You men too! I've had like 5of them whom I've no interest in just imagine me unveiling for each and everyone of them. I'll unveil when I have someone I click with. I heard they say I might have a facial defect abi? Abeg tell them my nose is to the right,mouth to the left,ugly ba?"
He couldn't help but laugh heartily.
Just then Ni'mah's phone rang and the expression just made him know it's the unknown caller. He grabbed the phone from her and flipped it open and listened " do you think you can get away from me? I still have the picture. Remember even your husband couldn't stand you after seeing it. Don't dare get married else I'll pull it on you"
" Now listen idiot. Quit scaring my woman. The weakling you called her husband who's an ex might have believed the scam you pulled but I dare you to try it after this. Don't you dare call this number again else you'll push me to trail you and when I get hold of you mister, it's no threat you will rot in jail! If you're man enough,show your face and face me like a man"
"Who're you" the caller asked in a shaky voice.
"I'm her husband who'd fight you with every drop of his blood if you disturbed his woman again "
"I'm sorry,please tell Ni'mah that I am"
"Wait...you distorted your voice. You're a woman,right?" The call went dead.
Ni'mah though shaken but was for one grateful for this boy in a man's body.
"Can we just get married already?" Ni'mah asked.
"I've been waiting for your consent"
" But I need to tell you everything about me before I do,okay"
"Fine but that would be tomorrow. You'd come to my office, okay,then we can talk but right now you need to go home and rest and I'm sure that idiot won't bother you again"
Ahmed rounded up the kids and his sis and they all strolled home.

What's Ni'mah going to spill?

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