Episode Thirteen

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"Has this girl forgotten so soon that she left my house menstruating and she did for two consecutive months! What does she have up her sleeve? She came back right when I've my woman! Something isn't right!" Ahmed kept pacing in his office and musing.
The door opened a crack " knock! Knock! May I ?"
" Come in AZ"
"So what was with the tailing yesterday? I'd your woman in my car and you drove behind. I still don't get why you couldn't take her home?"
"Oh boy! Stop feigning ignorance abeg."
"Sincerely I want know"
"Fine! I just felt like holding her in my arms if nothing else,to smell her hair and you know"
"You! Ammy! This woman don get you. Anyways I like her,for you though. If she makes you happy then she it is but if she dares hurt you...."
"AZ,even if she does,don't you go near her!"
"My bad! Take the chill pill akhiy" AZ raising his hands in surrender.
"So,how far with the site team?"
"Oh I forgot. I need the number of our reliable building materials supplier cos they said they need to get some materials, what's her name again?" AZ replied
"Okay...here it is ..08039578403 Umm Aisha Shogunro"
AZ saved the number and made to go
"AZ, what do you think of Yasmin's re appearance?"
AZ looked Ahmed in the eyes "truthfully akhi,I don't trust that babe o. You just need to be vigilant. Na your pocket that girl dey after. If I may ask,what did Ni'mah accuse you of lying about?"
"Yasmine went to her house with a supposed son whom she claims is mine."
" This girl mean business o. Wait, how did she get to locate Nini's house?"
"That's what I don't know and that kinda feels creepy"
"Let's just hope she won't pull a harder one than the son,baba baby" AZ responded jokingly
"Yeah,right" Ahmed scoffed dismissing him with a lift of the hand.
"As salaamu'alaykum, how're you doing?"
"Wa'alaykumusalam. I'm very well,you?"
"Walilahilhamd. Ni'mah I actually called to talk about yesterday
I'd have called before now,I just needed you to have a clear mind"
"I'm so sorry and I appreciate your thoughtfulness and I'm so sorry accusing you like I did. I just don't know what comes over me with y..out"
"With me? Could you be clearer?"
"Fine. I've been one who's usually cool when so angry but with you the hurt gets so deep and all I want to do is fight, kick or bite or scream my voice out and it's so annoying" she finished with a sigh.
" So I get under your skin then?"
"What's that?"
"Do I give you butterflies too?" Ahmed asked jokingly
"Butterfly ko, grasshopper ni"
"Don't worry in three days time,you can bite,kick and scratch all you want but mind my handsome face,you hear"
"You call that face handsome? Ehn! Abeg rethink"
"Awwwwh! You just hurt my ego!"
" Quit the drama. Can we talk things out like? Is there anything you'd want to know before the D-Day?"
"Yeah. There are lots actually but I'll wait till D-Day but I'd want you to please trust me. I understand that you've gone through a lot,being hurt by loved ones here and there and it might have made you develope a trust problem but hey it's Ahmed,we talk every single thing out-no going to bed with any form of grudge. Bite, kick,scream all you like but I have a sensitive ear,hope you understand milady?" Ahmed teased
"Yes sire" Ni'mah responded already in tears
She couldn't fathom how she came about being so lucky to have this man in boy's body.
"Jhor o,is this how you cry every time? Even Misty is more matured than this"
"Ehn! Ehn! It's just that you make me feel like I worth more than I am. It's strange,you know?"
"You're worth more than what meets the eyes. With you,I can fight and be sure no trace of bitterness is left behind. You've a sincere forgiving heart
You've this rare thing of handling issues separately and letting bygones go. Even though I know I've to go through rigorous drill when we fight but how we make up gives my heart a soothing soothe"
"Wo,ogbeni,don't comman use all your pick up lines today. Which one you go use on the D-night and after that?"
"River never runs dry,so don't worry it will forever be afloat In Sha Allah."
"Could you at least promise me one thing?"
"That when you get bored of me and you know my age things, you'd rather marry upon me than divorce me and you'd still be good to me"
"Allah knows the future and what we'd never know but on the scale of 1-10, I promise 5 except for being good to you, that's 10. Anything else?"
" For now, none. I need to make a list of the questions I need to ask you"
"A list! Nini,kilode. Shey na exam I wan write,abi na wife I wan marry?"
"Application to marry wife ni o" She answered laughing.
"Talk to you later then,weirdo"
"I heard that"  The call ended and Ni'mah went ahead to draft her questions.
Since she'd the house to herself having sent the  kids to her dad's for the holiday,she decided to tidy up but was confused since she hasn't discussed the moving in or out with Ahmed. She needed to check his house to preepare rooms for her girls and her prince. She only hopes they'd go back with her dad after the nikkah to afford her quality time with Ahmed and sort things out
While composing her questions,she received a message on her phone: DON'T YOU GO AHEAD WITH THE WEDDING,ELSE...." She felt threatened and almost wanted to delete it but decided to let Ahmed know since they've agreed never to keep things from each other.

Ahmed,relaxing in his office by taking a nap was awoken by the beep of his phone and a message pop : DON'T YOU GO AHEAD WITH THE WEDDING,ELSE.....

Just then Ni'mah's call alerted him. "Ahmed,a number sent a message to me threatening with the nikkah"
"Hey! Soothe,take a.deep breath,okay? It's fine.i got the same message. I need you to trust me. Take whatever you can to pass the night and come over to my place. I understand that,I'll call Rahmah to come pass the night too. Okay. I'll be expecting you"

"Rahmah,please pack some night things and come spend the night in my house because Ni'mah is coming over"
" So now,I'm to act as a.deterrent to your devouring her,abi?"
"Can you just shush for onece and do what you're told sisi?!"
"Is a beggar any chooser brother moi?"
" Subhanallahi! Please ma. Just come over"
"What's my gain?"
"Please,who taught you business gibberish?"
" So,egbon mi,you've forgotten so soon that I'm studying Business Administration?"
"Ya Allah! Okay I've heard. Just go home first. You know where the key is. I'll meet you at home and please don't damage that girl's ears with your chirping"
"Emi ni.eye n baka, abi?". "says who? You're a wonderful orator. As salaamu'alaykum"
Ahmed ended the call and dialled AZ's number who came in instantly

"AZ,please I need you to help track this number
This same message was sent to Ni'mah"
AZ looked at Ahmed and gave out the breath he was holding. "Ammy, look at this number very well,does it look familiar?"
Ahmed did and something snapped.
"This was the number you traced to Ni'mah's unknown caller right?" AZ nodded
"What does this person want and now he or she knows my own number?"
"Let's find out, shall we?"
Ahmed nodded and just wished this event going so down won't disrupt his nikkah and chance with Ni'mah.

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