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"Ya Rabbi,I beg you to help me make the right choice. When everyone deserted me,you've been there for me. When no one believes me,your words have given me confidence. You're my creator,my protector,my perfect guide and guard. Ya Rabbi help me out....." Ni'mah cried out raising her hands like as been a norm for her since Ahmed barged into her life. She stayed in that position for minutes unknown to her that Sa'ad was watching. He couldn't bear the sight of his mom's tears. He turned around, headed to his room to make his pleas to Allah since He alone can ease her plight.
"It's been five years now. Men have come since I relocated here for my hand in marriage but non of them have been "it" like he is. They either wanted me but not my kids,or opining I take one or two but not the three of them. Men! Some even wanted to marry me without their wives' consents, why'd I want to be hidden? Mtcheww!such boys in men's clothing! But Ahmed,hmmm!age has nothing to do with maturity. Even with Sobur,I never felt this way. Sobur!your kids are sure thriving without you! What do you think can work against you with him?using age seems not to be working. Hmmmmm! Should I just tell him? And then what?..." Ni'mah kept pondering. After a thorough mental sieve,she gave up and decided to call him.

"Hey dude,let me have the info ASAP" Ahmed said while walking into AZ's apartment.
"Subhanallahi! Amy! What's the Deen's position on entering another's house? So much for the knowledge acquired in madrasah!"
" I'm sorry,should I just go back out and seek your permission thrice?"
" Yeah sure,and then you'll have to go away since I won't grant you entry" AZ replied with a smirk
"You're joking right?"
"Take the chill pill dude.haba! This niqobi got you real bad! You sure might have a rethink"AZ scoffed handling him the envelope.
Ahmed grabbed it out of his hands and tore it without caution, AZ looked on amazed.
He studied it studiously and his mouth was agape and eyes wide opened with a frown.
"AZ, who's AbdurRaheem Isiaq Owonifaari?" "Amy, seriously you're smarter than that except if this bae love don format your brain"  " He's your niqobi's father"
"Yeah I know idiot but why does his name ring a bell?"
"Check the news leaflet with you" Ahmed did and he looked more confused.
"If Ni'mah's father is so stinkingly rich, what's she doing teaching in a school where she's paid peanut?"
" Exactly my thought too. Though I did further findings, and found out that she was a rebel at school though it started when her mother died. Her brothers and father tried all they could but she never budged. The father decided to remarry thinking having a mother figure might change her,that too didn't do the repair,so he decided to marry her off to a man suggested by her step mother whom I believe is the father of her kids. She kept her calm but it seems something terrible happened that severed her closeness with her father,step mother and her husband. Just maybe that's why she's here" AZ explained. "I also got to know that there's an unknown caller who calls her and maybe that person has something on her during her jahiliyyah days and when the call becomes persistent, she's up and gone and she keeps changing her number and the idiot still keeps calling"
Something snapped in Ahmed " of course! I remember she received a call that frightened the living daylight out of her that first day I gave them a ride! But who's this person and what does he want?"
"That's for your niqobi to answer but dude there's something I'm expecting to scare you"
"the age difference,"
"Age is nothing. I already know she's 6years older than I am but does that make her less of the woman I love. AZ,you don't understand,I love everything about her except her mouth sometimes when she begins spilling shi..." The vibration of his phone cut him off,he looked on its screen,he smiled so wide and picked but quickly hardened his expression,at least one has to prove hard to get.
"Yes, who's this?"
"Uhn, As salaamu'alaykum,I'm sorry.....y,oh sorry it's Ni'mah" Ni'mah felt pained since he probably deleted her number.
"Ni'mah,Ni'mah who" Ahmed knew he was going too far but then one can try. AZ gave him an inquisitive stare but he only shrugged and smiled.
"Ni'mah Is....." Umm Sa'ad, the niqobi whose children you've taken interest in" I almost slipped!
Ahmed having noticed the slip,smiled and let it go.
"Yes ma,how may I help you ma? How're the kids ma?"
"Ehm! They're fine but...t what...s the...e ma for?" She asked almost in tears thinking he already lost interest.
"Last time I checked ma, you're 6years older than me and have 3kids to care for" he answered.
Look,I'm sorry. It's just complicated! I haven't trusted any man with me or my kids until you and ..."
"And what?"
" Nothing. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It's fine if you want your space. Just be fine" then she cut the call. Ahmed was very angry but  kept his cool
"So? You're acting up when I know all you want to do is jump up for joy that she even called"
" Yeah, I'm happy but I need her to prove that I'm at least worth it" he smiled. He hasn't been this happy in his life to have heard that she trusts him with herself especially and those wonderful kids is the best gift.
" Guy,your eye go soon open when she pack relocate again"
"AZ,don't joke with me like that again,abeg. I can't lose my missing rib now that I've found her" he thought real hard after this and suddenly picked his phone, dialed a number " hello sir, Abu Ahmed,I need to be in Abuja ASAP, please can I get a seat in any of your airline? Yes..s I'll definitely pay dad. No.o not business. Okay fine,I found a girl that I love and I need to secure her hand in marriage before she changes her mind,her father is in Abuja. N..o,AZ will go with me. Yes sir,thank you sir"
"Dude which AZ dey go ABJ with you?". "you of course and we're leaving for the airport right about now"
"You no get rope? See,this man you're going to meet is a powerful man o. You didn't even secure a visit with him"
"Except if you're done working with me na een you no go follow me. He's a man after all,and my father in law to be In Shaa Allah. Let's go" AZ had no option. "No company pays handsomely like yours idiot" he hissed throwing a remote control at him which he caught mid air.
"Love you bro"
"is me your niqobi?" AZ replied walking into his room to get dressed.
"Hello,yes,are you still with the money? Yes,please confirm how much Ibrahim Airline charges for a flight to Abuja and make a transfer for two,yes thank you Kay"

Just as he hung up,a message notice came up,he checked and saw a message from Ni'mah
       "Just when I thought it felt nice to give a man a try after all,you'd to just be like a typical man. We'll be fine with or without you! I hate you but.then thanks for your time and gifts,may you be rewarded with goodness"
He looked at it and felt unhappy but then had to smile. This lady is so awesomely crazy. I love halal craziness. Let's pull legs, so he replied " you hate me? Okay. It changes nothing. I wish you well" He only hopes this won't be a costly attempt.

He decided to make another call while waiting for AZ" hello Rahmah. Wa'alaykumusalam sweetie mi. See,I didn't call for your talk,o...Kay. fine! I'm sorry. I need you to go to this address" he read out the address to her. " Just stay with her,ehm....tell her you heard she's good with tajweed,it isn't a lie lil sis,I'm telling you truly she's. Yes and just start one with her,... I'll pay,don't worry.ehn! You want to charge me for helping with her! Subhanallahi girl! Fine,how much? 20what! It's 10 I'll pay. Haba!a transfer before you go! Are you really my sister anymore. Fine! I'll send it now but don't go spilling when you get there o. I don't want her to know I sent you. Ok bye... I'll send it now" he hung up and wondered who taught his Lil sis money making gibberish.
"Let's go before I change my mind" AZ said

What will the visit reveal about Ni'mah? Will Ahmed still want her after this visit?

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