Episode Ten

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" ummu Ahmed,she's here and I'd plead that you be nice to her,please?"

"I'll try my best Ahmed but it doesn't mean that my view can't be aired after all" his mom responded nonchalantly.

"I'll be heading to the mosque now"

"okay"  Ahmed's mom thought it was time!

She walked into their living room,met a very small woman sitting on the sofa,looking so clean and well composed "As salamu'alaykum young lady"

"wa'alaykumusalam ma"

"Where's your mother?"

Ni'mah taken aback,blinked twice. "My mother?"
"Yes the woman who wants to marry a child she can give birth to" Ni'mah understanding better just gave a 'oh' sound.

"You can imagine o,Ahmed sees a young girl like you and he refused to fall in love with and it's an old woman my own son has eventually fallen in love with"
"kare omo Mi,please stand up and I'm sorry o,shebi I can see you without niqob and hijab,abi?

" yes ma but....."
" don't worry,no male is indoor" Ni'mah hesitated but just so to satisfy the curious woman's inquisitiveness went Bismillahi and took off the niqob and hijab.

" Subhanallahi! You this niqobite and qimarite,na wa o.Rahmah better starts covering too. See beauty! Baarakallahu fee. I just wished I'd someone like you as a daughter in-law unlike one wrinkled hag"

" but ma that's the woman you called my mother "

"I'm sorry, ma binu o jare" 
" So tell me about yourself"

Ni'mah was about to start talking when a knock was heard and Ahmed's teslim. Ni'mah quickly wore her hijab with Ahmed's mom's help.

Ahmed's mom shouted.
"What took you so long mom?"

" mtcheww! Ma bi Mi! Where's the old mama you call a wife because me I'd prefer this fine lady in front of me to your old hag" Ahmed taken aback stared confusedly and looked to Ni'mah who only laughed.

"So you've seen her off hijab?"
"Yes o,I've and I'm pleased faqot! I just can't describe her to you" she responded angrily.
"Mom,would you still want to know me?" Ni'mah asked

"yes o jare oko Mi"

Ni'mah cleared her throat properly and went " my name is Ni....mah"
"what did I hear you say your name is?"

"Yes mom she is the Ni'mah, your " old hag""

"please tell me it's a trick but Ammy didn't you say she's 9years older and has 3kids? How come,with this fine figure and beauty?"

"So,does that mean she's been approved?"

"Ehmmmm may....be"

Ahmed quickly went to his mom and hugged her so tightly with a tear drop finding its way down his cheeks.

" Wait Ammy,I still do have my fear".

"It's understandably since you love me" Ahmed responded.

"I really appreciate your understanding ma. Only Allah is perfect and free from blemishes ma but I promise I'd try my best to be a good daughter to you since I don't want a mother in law but a mother. I hope Allah gives us cause not to regret. I'd want to plead that even when I err since I'd, see me as your child and correct me like you would Ammy and sister Rahmah,please ma?"

" In shaa Allah oko Mi. I'd try but please forgive me for the insult and troubles which I've put you through.
I was just fearful for my son. I like you already since we share some similarities" she winked.

"Like what ma?".
" You've dimple and gap tooth like I do and I heard you're a good cook too. A child that takes after her mother" Everyone laughed at this.

At that moment,Mr Ibrahim came in. He met them laughing and was surprised to see his wife happy with the duo. "Alhamdulillahi. Which wand did you people use on my wife to change her mind so quickly"

"no wand o darling,I think I've been judging what I haven't seen"
" So when's the nikkah?" Mr. Ibrahim asked.
" like right now!" Ahmed responded
" hmmm! Sharp shooter! You've taken after your father"

"My dear Ni'mah,when can we come for your hand?"
"Actually my dad stays in the north,Abuja to be precise"

"Really?" "Who's your father?" Mr. Ibrahim asked. Ni'mah hesitated but Ahmed encouraged her with a nod of his head. " He's Mr. AbdurRaheem Isiaq Owonifaari".

" tell me you're joking" Mr.and Mrs Ibrahim answered in unison. A nod from her confirmed their doubt
" then if that's the case,why are you a teacher in a school when you can decide not to raise a finger to work?" Mr Ibrahim responded.

"Ex....cept....you're the Ni'mah Owo Isiaq,the proprietress of Mawaddah schools?" Mrs Ibrahim responded unsure.

Ni'mah looked to Ahmed whose gaze was fixed on her and hoping she'd deny. She didn't want him to find out this way. She was hoping she'd tell him when she's sure of his mother's acceptance but then it's never too late.

"Ye...s" she responded in a small voice.
"What!" Ahmed responded and just walked out instantly.
Ni'mah stayed for few minutes but she suddenly didn't feel welcomed and just excused herself. Mrs Ibrahim was reluctant to let her go but she did. Ni'mah checked round but couldn't find Ahmed. She called several times but he refused to pick and she thought just maybe this is it and walked out so sad.

Will this little leaked out secret put a stop to these two?

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