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Ahmed and his mom were watching iqrah channel and his phone rang like it's been doing for few minutes now.
"Ammy,won't you pick your call?" Mrs Ibrahim asked knowing fully well who the caller is.
"I don't want to talk right now"
"Oko mi,I still don't understand your anger o. Please explain it to me. Is it a crime now for a woman to be wealthy?"
"Maami,it isn't that. She lied to me"
"Lied to you? Did you ever ask her anything regarding her job? That she didn't tell you she owns the school doesn't mean she lied. Have you considered if she was waiting for the right moment?"
Ahmed thought for a while "truly I didn't ask her but she should have deemed it fit to tell me"
Oh,really! Man ego,did you deem it fit to tell her about Yasmin?"
"Mom! What are you getting at? Who's your child exactly? Me or she?"
"Both of you ni . I'm just saying that if she could forgive' your not telling her about Yasmin,then what stops you?"
"Alright!" Ahmed responded exasperatedly. Just then the phone rang
"As salaamu'alaykum, I've been calling you for days now Ahmed!"
"So?" His mom eyed him annoyingly but he shrugged her off.
"What do you mean,so. Do you know how bothered I am?"
"You should have thought of that.before hiding things from me"
"That I didn't tell you doesn't mean I hid anything from you"
"Okay. Are you done defending yourself!?"
" I'm not defending myself! Ok fine! I'm sorry!"
"Say that three times"
"That you're sorry. You either say it or hang up"
"Subhanallahi! You're so egocentric. Fine! Brother Ahmed Ibrahim,I'm sorry,I'm sorry and I'm sorry! Happy now?!"
"Did you snap?! Cos last time I checked you should be apologizing remorsefully" Ahmed said with a tinge of amusement
"Yeah right. So where are you?
"In my father's house. You wanna come over?"
" So I'm forgiven?!"
"Do you want me to reconsider? You're petals. Please come with the kids. I miss them"
"And me?"
"Who missed a stubborn woman? Not me"
"Uhn! Take that back. Else you won't see nada"
"Fine. I miss you"
"Yippee! We'll be right there!"

Ahmed laughed and his mother teased him
"Feeling better now?"
"Yes ummi. I don't know,she brings this calmness to my heart no matter my mood. She makes me happy though she's stubborn. She's my...... what's the word now? Ehm...... My SOOTHE" he snapped his finger.
"I'm so proud of you son. You've moved on and you're happier than you were with Yasmin. Baarakallahu feeh"
"Aameen ummi. Jazaakumullahu khairan ma"

Ni'mah and the kids spent time at the Ibrahim's. Mr and Mrs Ibrahim were captivated by the composure of the kids as well as their knowledge and intelligence. Ni'mah brought them freshly made natural watermelon juice with milk and her baked coconut bread which they relished.
"Ahmed, have you ever seen her off niqob?" Mr Ibrahim asked his son when Mrs Ibrahim and Ni'mah left for the kitchen while the kids played outside
"No sir. Why?"
"Aren't you curious? Plus you can check her out before the aqd you know?"
"I do abi.but I don't want to. In as much as I'm curious to see her,I'm more concerned about her good heart. She's beautiful at heart daddy. Though ummi and Rahmah say that she's beautiful"
"What has Rahmah done now?" Rahmah asked while coming in.
"Welcome sweety. As salaamu'alaykum,your brother here says you've seen Ni'mah off niqob"
"Thanks Daddy,wa alaykumusalam sir. Na'am and off hijab Kuma. Egbon mi,are you hungry for the description ni?" Rahmah asked with a known smirk
"Keep quiet jare. Naughty girl" Ahmed responded throwing a throw pillows at her. She dodged it and made her way to the kitchen as well filled with laughter.
"What's funny Rahmah?" Mrs Ibrahim asked.
They exchanged taslim
"It's sis Ni'mah o"
"Ehn ehn now, see just go and unveil for my hungry brother so that one will rest in peace"
"He's scared of the unknown." Ni'mah said.

Ahmed about to walk into the kitchen decided against it and just stood watching the three women and felt so happy and only wished it'd always be like this. While lost in his thought,Ni'mah raised her niqob just then and he was able to get a glimpse but turned and walked so far away from her. She most definitely will be beautiful at least with the spotless skin he was able to view.

"We're leaving" Ni'mah announced to Ahmed
"Which cream do you use?"
"What!?" Ni'mah asked suprised
"Just tell me,okay? And no question"
"Fine. It's Nature's beauty and all are natural. It's a friend of mine. Umm Sumayyah"
" Can I have her number?"
"+234 703 937 4301"
Ahmed saved the number and this just made Ni'mah smile.
"You're such a weirdo. You know?"
"Thanks,na you know. Get the kids and let me drop you"

"When do you intend letting your colleagues know you own the school?"
" Soon,I guess. I'm sure Meenah is gonna skin me alive"
" Who's Meenah?"
"My flowery friend"
"She calls me her flower which she needs to tend to to bloom"
"I agree with her on that. You might be so stubborn in the head but you're as fragile as a flower in the heart"
"You don't know that" she rolled.her eyes
"Of course I do SOOTHE"
"SOOTHE? First petals now soothe,what next balm?"
Ahmed laughed so hard almost waking up the kids.
"So when are we seeing your dad?"
"I thought he said he has given my hand?"
"I want it done properly Ni'mah where everything will be well spelt out. I don't want to commit zina in disguise"
" Yeah I know. I was just teasing" "would you call to ask him?"
"Ok fine but let me find a spot to park"
Ahmed spoke to Mr Isiaq and the weekend was agreed on.
"But why Ahmed? Why this weekend? Don't I get to shop and all?"
"It's just aqd miss shopper. You can do all you want when it's the walimah plus don't you have your friends'contact? I believe they are trust worthy and me I've got More and Destiny at hand,so?"
"You're right but then I'm not ready to marry you just yet" Ni'mah teased
"Henhen balm,is it when I grow old abi?"
"Balm ke! No Mr aboniki"
They continued their  bantering.
"Please,could you two allow us to sleep. Fix your aqd and let's rest but mommy please take us to Grandpa's place because I can't bear this sight on daily basis"
Ni'mah turned to stare at her son and Ahmed just had to bite his inner cheek to keep from laughing and eventually feigned a cough.

Ni'mah's phone rang just then.

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