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The weeks so far have been a roller coaster ride for Ni'mah and Ahmed alike.
"How did I get so lucky? What have I done to deserve this awesomeness? I thought 'this' only happen in fairy tales" she mused.
"So when's the aqeed ummi?"
"Sa'ad! Do you want to scare me to death?!" Exclaimed Ni'mah as she held her hands so tight close to her chest.
Concerned,Sa'ad had to use his hand to pat her on the back "I'm really sorry ummi. I didn't mean to scare you"
"It's fine now sweetie. So now you can't wait to get me married off,ba?" Ni'mah smiled " but you've never been this eager to before,so,what changed?"
"What do you mean me?"
"Ummi,none of those other men ever caught your fancy but uncle Ahmed did instantly"
"Ehn ehn,tell me something that I don't know Mr. Love philosophy"
"Ummiiiii,sincerely I know that none of those men met your standard cos they refused to accept us along and any man who can handle Misty especially is your bulls eye catch"
"Ya Allah,Alhamdulillahu. I never knew I had a smartie for a son. You're right love. How'd I live happily in a marriage where I've to be separated from the three of you. None of them did truly but Ahmed,I still can't place my hand on what makes him stand out"
"Okay but I know he's religious,has a very good character. Ummi if you see how people hover around him,old,young,poor,rich,abled,disabled. He's a very superb akhlaq ummi"
"Who has a superb akh..l..a..q? Bro.Sa'ad?"
"Masturah, it's uncle Ahmed"
"What about him? Is he here? He promised to come for class today"
" No Misty he isn't"
Just then the ding ding sound of the doorbell announced Ahmed's arrival. Ni'mah quickly used her qimar, socks and niqob. Masturah wore her hijab while Sa'ad got the door.
"As salaamu'alaykum" Ahmed greeted excitedly.
"Wa'alaykumusalam" chorused the three.
"Mummy and bro Sa'ad said that you've good akh....l...a..q"
Ahmed laughed at her struggled pronunciation "Really? Walilahilhamd. It takes a good eye and heart to see and appreciate a good person."Ahmad replied.
Ni'mah excused herself to make lunch. Masturah entertained Ahmed with cupine juice.
"What juice is this?" Ahmed inquired
"It's cupine" Ni'mah responded coming out of the kitchen with a napkin wiping over her wet hands.
" Guess the fruits it's made from" Ni'mah dared
"Let's see..... Cucumber and pine apple" he said unsure
"You sure are a smartie,ain't you? So if it's orange and apple,what will it be. I'm making that now but can't find a name for it, so any help?" Ni'mah asked
"Hmmmmm how about orapple?"
Masturah made an awful expression"that sounds like Oracle. Who'd want to drink that?"
"Good for me then. I'll gulp it all down" this made everyone laugh.
Lunch was served- Amala"yam flour pudding" with ewedu "jute" and beef sauce topped with 'orapple'
"Do you make your juice fresh?" Ahmed asked Sa'ad since Ni'mah and the girls had to go to the bedroom to eat.
"Yes we do. Ummi prefers 'freshness and nutrients'"
"I love  her more already" Ahmed whispered.
"I heard that"
"Just shut up and eat brainy"

Maghrib time arrived and it was time to go home and he felt reluctant like he's been feeling as usual. Just then Ni'mah came out,rubbing her chest continuously with one hand while holding onto her stomach with the other.
"Hey,petals what's wrong?"
"Ummi,is it your attack? Subhanallahi,I just remembered you've not eaten since morning. Masturah get the black seed oil" Sakeenah said
"What attack?!" Ahmed asked so scared of the sight.
"She's an ulcer patient" Sa'ad responded guiding their mom to sit on the couch.
She was given the black seed oil while Ahmed looked away. He felt so helpless. He couldn't hold her or do anything.
"Sa'ad,please call umm Royyan to help send the black seed oil that I sent her. This is almost exhausted" Ni'mah begged
Sa'ad made to go into the room for his mom's phone.
"Who's umm Royyan?" Ahmed asked.
"She's ummi friend and sells prophetic medicines,jalabia as well"
"Oh, let's call her here so that I can have her number for future purposes"
"Ok sir. This is it 08063614713."
Ahmed dialled the number and placed the order.
The men headed to the mosque while Ni'mah and the girls prayed at home and were fast asleep when they arrived.
Ahmed stayed for few minutes revising the hifz class with Sa'ad.
" Hey brainy,I've got to go. There's work tomorrow. Please tell your mom to see me in the office tomorrow although I sure will call and text as many times as possible In Sha Allah. Do take care of her,please?" Ahmed asked.
The concern on his face brought tears to Sa'ad's eyes. "You don't have to ask sir. She's all we've got"
"Hey strong man, what's with the tears?"
"Uncle Ahmed no one has ever cared for our mom like you do not even our father"
Ahmed hugged him and assured him of his support all the time,then went home.

"Hey petals, how're you?"
"Wa'alaykumusalam to you"
"Oh! I'm sorry Ni'mah, As salaamu'alaykum"
"Wa'alaykumusalam,so what were you saying? I'm fine,you?
"Did you sleep well and have you eaten?"
"Yes and yes Mr. Toothie smile"
"Which Kain name be that?"
"The Kain weyfit your 'unattractive smile'"
"Does someone like my smile?"
"In your dream"
"You sure can burst bubble. So when will you be in my office?"
"Could you just employ me already. Ahmed! I've been coming to your office virtually everyday."
"So? We've things to sort out."
"Talk to your mom first then we'll do that"
"Ok. Fine. But just come,okay? I need you to help me think an issue through. I trust your sense of judgement."
"Okay. My regards to Ajar"
"Okay. See ya!"

Ni'mah arrived Ahmed's office,chatted Ajar up but noticed the other's timidness but discarded it and walked towards Ahmed's door
"Hey,Mr toothie..s ....m...I..."
The sight before her didn't make her go further. She left the door ajar and ran like her life depended on it.
"I guess it's high time I took that trip" she cried to herself.
Hmmm! Umm Royyan got you covered folks.just call her up

What did Ni'mah see? Is she gonna up and go like it's the norm? Or would Ahmed catch her in time?

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